Spot Conlon ~ QB's Girl (H.S. AU)

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So I'm an athletic kid. Always have been. Which was shown when I wanted to join my school's football team.

My parents were a tad bit hesitant, but they were soon all for it. They told me, "We're not going to say any of that sentimental crap. Like, we get you're supposed to follow your dreams, yes. But really, what we're supposed to say is, 'Go out there, and kick some ass because the world needs to see the strengths everyone has.'"

The boys at my school, however, had different reactions in me joining. The quarterback, Spot Conlon, especially.

He criticized me for doing things wrong, for having the wrong form, for passing or throwing wrong, and all that. I honestly didn't see why he would do that. I had two older brothers, both football stars on their college teams. They were bound to teach me something.

"Keep your arm straight!" he would keep yelling at me. I tuned him out after the first phrase.

You'd think they were his catchphrases.

Not going to lie, though, he was pretty handsome. I think I had a thing for him back in 7th grade. I watched him scream at the other members before quickly turning away when he faced me. But not quickly enough.

"Like what you're staring at?" Spot called.

I scowled at him and flipped him off. "Shut it! If your ego is as cocky as you during the game, we ain't gonna win."

Spot seemed to frown a little, and I paid him no mind. Practice was over for the day, and I hurried to the women's locker rooms, quickly showering and throwing on my clothes. 

As soon as I walked out, Spot jogged up to me. "Hey! (Y/L/N)!"

I turned to him, keeping my pace steady. "Yeah."

"Did you...wanna be my girlfriend?" he asked shyly.

I faltered, my eyes wide. "What?" I choked out. 

Spot grew red, and rubbed the back of his neck. "Forget I said anything." he mumbled, waving his hand dismissively. "I'll see you tomorrow." He walked off.

"Spot!" I called after him. He kept walking. Sighing, I hurried home.


Spot was more withdrawn the next day. It was usually just me that could pick that up, but the other boys could see that today. That wasn't good. Spot must feel really broken.

"Heya, (Y/N)," Crutchie greeted me as he hobbled over from the bleachers. "Spotty seems a"

I frowned. "Yeah. Your point?"

"Would talk ta him? Just to get him back in his right mind?"

I shrugged. "I'll see what I can do."

Crutchie smiled and patted me awkwardly on the arm. "Thanks, (Y/N). But whatever you do, make it quick. We've got a game coming up in a week and I really hope Spot is in the right shape by then."


I didn't talk to Spot. He didn't let me. I gave up the first try because Spot was Spot. He'd open up when he wants to. Besides, I had a game to worry about. 

All through the game, Spot kept fumbling the ball. He wasn't his usual self. Someone ran into him, and instead of him gritting his teeth and pushing them back, he let them push him back and fell on his back. 

"Come on, Spot." I said gently, helping him up and to the sidelines.

"Thanks." he muttered, his face slightly red. I'm pretty sure it wasn't from the fall.

I set him down on the bench, and went up to my coach. "Coach, put me in as quarterback!" I interjected quickly before he could say anything to anyone else. Time to put my smaller stature to good use.

He looked skeptical, but did so anyway, and I ran onto the field, calling my teammates to me. 

"All right, Spotty is out. I'm the sub, so listen up..."


I caught the ball from Jack's pass. Our team was tied with the opposing team, and I wasn't going into OT. I'm not letting someone else take our chances of winning. Narrowing my eyes at the oncoming players, I dodged them, weaving in and out of the spaces between the bigger players. They must not have been expecting the other team's QB to be so good. Especially a girl.

I wove out of the masses of players, finally reaching open space. I ran as fast as I could to the endzone, not looking over my shoulder until I stepped into the spray-painted grass, winning the game for us.

The stadium rose in cheers, screams of fans and parents echoing in my ears. I took my helmet off, breathing heavily, and dropped the ball where I stood, looking straight at Spot. He had moved from his spot on the bench, walking towards me with some difficulty. He stopped when he reached me, looking down at his feet and holding his abdomen in pain.

I gave him a small smile. "That was for you, Spot."

He looked up in surprise. "...For me?"

I nodded. "It's the last game of the season, so we should end it strong. You brought us in with a strong start, it was fitting to end strong."

I awkwardly patted his shoulder. "Good job, Spot. I'll see you at school on Monday."

I walked off to my other teammates before they came over here, but Spot grabbed my arm and stopped me. "Wait, (Y/N)."

"Would you want to be my girlfriend?" he asked me as the first few of our teammates started making their way over to us.

I gave him a small smile, pulling him down to my level and kissing him. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him. I smiled into the kiss, not knowing why I had started hating him.

When we pulled away, the rest of the team had surrounded us and was cheering, clapping Spot on the back in congratulations.

"Watch the stomach." he winced in pain, grimacing through his smile.

I laughed as I wrapped my arms around my now boyfriend, resting my head on his chest and not giving anybody a chance to hug him or do anything to him.

"I'm never letting you go, (Y/N)." Spot told me, looking down at me and wrapping his arms around me. "You're the Quarterback's girl now. It's going to take a lot more than your hate for me to keep me from you."

I laughed at his cheesiness and tread carefully on his feet, leaning up to press a kiss on his nose.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

So that didn't turn out the way I hoped. But since when has any of my writing ever turned out the way I wanted it? Not that I'm complaining, it adds to the story.

There's like so many drafts in this book lol. I just wanted to get this done because I had worked on it for a while and I'm really obsessed with Spot Conlon and wish he was real and all that.

btw, thanks for 20k views! I'm happy y'all are reading this, and I hope to continue this book if this one reaches the limit.

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