Ben Cook ~ Fake or Not Fake?

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Requested by Dancer22404

The lovely Dancer22404 was very kind in letting me use a pic for her imagine. :)


"Abby, come on! Come to homecoming with me?" I shook my head. Take the hint, Jack, go away.

"I told you, Jack. I don't want to go." I told my friend. "Besides, I'm already dating someone else."

Please, for the sake of my sanity and my workload, please don't ask--

Jack looked surprised and a bit...annoyed. "Who?"

Dang it.

I shook my head, my eyes catching sight of Ben Cook, one of the boys on the tech theater crew and someone I had had a crush on for a little bit. But that was in eighth grade, four years ago.

"I'm dating Ben Cook." I said automatically.

Jack looked shocked. "Wait, what? The tech guy? He's so.....not your type."

I shrugged. "Well, you thought wrong."

The bell conveniently rang at that moment, and I hurried over to Ben, giving him a quick kiss before rushing off to class. I didn't turn around to see Ben's reaction, so hopefully Jack didn't suspect my lie. Honestly, Jack had been pestering me to date him for the past year. I didn't care if I broke Jack's heart, he was a bit of a jerk anyway.


After class, as I was walking to my locker, Ben spotted me and pushed his way through the crowds to get to me.

"Hey! Uh, Abby!" he called.

I looked at him. "Yeah?"

"What was that all about?" he asked, a little shyly.

I raised an eyebrow. "What was what all about?"

"Ya know....the kiss?" he prompted.

I mentally smacked myself. I had forgotten all about that fake cover up story I made up.

"Oh, right. Did you want me to condense the story?"

Ben shook his head. "I've got time. Tell the whole story."

I sighed. "Fine."


"So now I need to act like your boyfriend until this whole thing blows over, which I might add, may be never?" Ben asked.

I nodded my head with a tired smile. "I should've just told Jack to eff off."

"Hey." Ben said, nudging me with a bright smile. "This might actually be fun."

I smiled back. "All right. I've got to go. I'll see you tomorrow?"

Ben nodded, and I turned to leave, but then turned back around and kissed Ben again. This time, not so rushed.

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