Dean Winchester ~ Pain and Relief

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So I started Supernatural a few weeks ago and surprise, surprise, I've fallen in love with another character, Dean. So here's my first Dean Winchester one-shot in this book, and I might write more along the way.

Reader has superpowers. Not set in any episode.

Female reader.


Working with the Winchesters was a roller coaster, to say the least. Every day was always a mystery, and I never knew what I (or the brothers) would get into, whether it be something supernatural or something like a prank. (Most of the time, it was the former. Obviously.) And usually, I'd have to use my powers to fix whatever damage the boys had done to each other or received, drawing out the cuts and bruises and scratches until they were no more.

It was a bit of a shock to me when the brothers found out that I wasn't "normal" by any standards and still offered to take me in anyway. They had found me after I had just stabbed a shifter, my hand and blade coated in blood. I had a few scratches here and there, and was slightly shocked when I saw a couple of good-looking guys standing there looking just as surprised as me, if not more.

Well, well, well. If it ain't the Winchester boys.

Pretty famous, that Sam and Dean.

"Yeah, us too." the taller guy said.

"So, you, uh--" the shorter guy began.

"Been tracking the damn thing since last week. Stupid tricky, these shifters." I explained, shrugging and wiping my hand and blade on the shifter's clothes. I pulled out my bandanna I kept in my pocket, wiping at the cuts on my face and returning it to the way it was before my hunt.

"So now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some business to attend to." I finished, and saluted them with a small smile before stuffing the bandanna back into my pocket and heading off to my motorcycle and driving off. "Maybe I'll see ya later, Winchesters."

"You think we'll see her again?" Sam had asked.

Dean shrugged. "I dunno. Hope we do, though. She could help us. Plus, she's cute."

Sam scoffed as he whacked his brother's arm. "Dude! Seriously? Did you not see her wipe her face and her cuts disappear like they were nothing but marker?!"


I met them again when I had just dealt with a whacko hunter. Something Gordon what's-his-face. Had me in a bit of a pickle, asking me where the Winchester brothers were before holding a gun up to my face and threatening to shoot if I didn't tell him. How rude of him; I was just finishing up a bottle of beer when I rudely felt a gun pointed at the nape of my neck, forcing me to turn around and face my potential attacker.

"Listen, bub. I work alone. Like you. So how the hell would I know where those crazy brothers are?" I shrugged. "Plus, I tend not to keep contact with other people. Kinda bogs me down."

Gordon shot at me all of a sudden. Two shots, straight to the arm. I fell back against the counter, gripping my arm and hissing in pain.

"Thanks, someone's a bit trigger-happy." I muttered as he left.

Taking a few napkins from the counter, I wiped up the blood that was flowing out of my bullet wounds, carefully mopping up the excess before taking a deep breath and concentrating on getting the bullets out of my arm.

"That son of a bitch." I muttered as I went around behind the counter and dug around for a tool.

"Didn't expect to see you here." I heard a familiar voice call out.

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