Ben Cook ~ Costume Girl

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Requested by nicholas_laurens


I ran to the other end of the stage, through the maze of props and set pieces. It was amazing that I didn't knock anything over. I picked up some costumes that Taylor and Erika needed to change into later, and ran back to their changing rooms, bumping into my best friend, Ben, in the process.

"Oof, I'm sorry." I apologized, picking up all the dropped costumes.

"You're fine. Don't worry about it." Ben replied, waving away my apology. "You've got a lot to worry about anyway."

I laughed. "So many costumes, but I have fun. You guys are so fun to be with!"

"Well of course they are!" Ben said, laughing with me. "You bring the happiness and bubbliness with you! You're kind of like the glue of the group."

"Aww, thanks. I've never really had friends as awesome as you guys, so I'm only projecting how I feel."

"Well, you're still the life of the party." Ben added, giving me a quick hug. "See you later! There's an after-party at Erika's apartment; hope I see you there!"

"I'll be there! Break a leg!" I called after him as we parted ways for now.


"The life of the party is here!" Erika cheered as I walked towards them. Everybody cheered with her. Traffic had been annoying, as usual, and it took me a little longer than I would've to get to Erika's apartment.

Ben came up to me and gave me a hug. "You made it! I thought you'd never come!"

"Pfffft. There's something called traffic; have you heard of it? It's a common occurrence that happens every day and usually leaves many drivers miffed and/or angry." I joked.

Ben laughed. "Point taken. Come on, everybody's been waiting for you!"

He grabbed my hand and led me through the sea of people, leading me to the heart of the party. Now, I love parties and all, but I need to draw the line somewhere when it comes to my personal space and comfort of my introverted self (if you're not, just imagine you are in this imagine).

I excused myself and stepped out onto Erika's balcony with a  beautiful view of the city below. It was bustling as always, street lamps and car lights lighting up the streets as they did every night. I looked up and wished I could see the stars like I used to before I moved, but light pollution, am I right? 

I closed my eyes (A/N: and I can see, the world that's waiting up for me...that I call my own. Sorry I had to.) and felt the cool summer breeze fly by. A moment later, I heard someone step outside and stand next to me. I opened my eyes and turned towards the sound, to see that Ben followed me out.

"Oh hey, Ben." I said.

"Too crowded?" Ben asked.

"Somewhat." I responded with a chuckle. "But it's a party, so what did I expect?"

"Something unexpected?" Ben suggested, shrugging.

I laughed. "Maybe I did."

"Haha. But what do you think of the new set pieces we got?" Ben asked, changing the subject. "Cool, huh?"

I nodded in agreement. "And I get to hang out with it to keep me company while you guys act on stage."

"Pfft. What happened to time before and after the show? What happened to times when we're not on the stage acting?"

"I still get to spend the most time with it."

I turned to Ben, and he turned at the same time, and we ended up kissing each other. Amazing fate, I know right? At least the three old grannies that knit the socks of death aren't always cruel.

We both seemed shocked and surprised at first, but then we melted into the kiss and to be honest, I enjoyed it. I mean, this is fReAkInG bEnJaMiN tYlEr CoOk we're talking about here. Why would you not enjoy it?

When we pulled away, Ben was flustered and stuttering. I laughed to lighten the mood, but he still didn't seem comfortable. 

"Hey, don't worry about it." I reassured him. "I've been kinda feeling the same way about you too."

"You have?" he wondered. 

I nodded. "Hope this doesn't change anything between us."

Ben smiled. "I guess it kinda does?"


"Would you be my girlfriend?" he asked shyly.

I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. "Awww, Ben. Of course." I replied, and we kissed again. 

Okay, that came out later than I expected. Like, a few months later. I am extremely sorry for that, but thank you for being so patient with me. 

Hope you enjoyed! Tell me if anything needs to be changed. :)

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