Tom Holland ~ Don't Worry, I'm Here

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Requested by Virginia_Lewis


I was so excited! I was practically bouncing off the walls and basically acting like a crazy kid. Well, I was a kid: I was ten. I was going to a month long theater camp 6 hours away from home, and I was going with my two best friends, Ben Cook and Tom Holland, both also ten. Oh, did I mention that it was a boarding camp? We'd be away from home for a month. We did everything together and loved musical theater so we became known as the Theater Trio. And we lived up to our name: Tom, Ben, and I each earned a musical theater award at our respective schools.

"Ginny, we're leaving in five minutes! Hurry up!" my mom called from the living room.

"Coming!" I shouted back. I looked around my room, seeing if I forgot anything. When I didn't find anything, I grabbed my suitcase and daypack, and headed to the front door.

I dropped my bags off in the car, then waited in the car for my mom. She came out a few minutes later, and soon, we were on our way.


6 hours later, my mom pulled into the theater camp's campus. It was a beautiful place, with the trees lining the road, and the sunlight streaming through the treetops in the right places. As soon as my mom parked the car and we stepped out, I immediately spotted Ben and Tom chatting away.

"Tom! Ben!" I shouted, waving to them.

They turned their heads in my direction, and their faces instantly brightened. They ran over to where I was, and I noticed that Tom's face was slightly pinker than usual.

"Hey, Ginny. How was your summer so far?" Ben asked, glancing at Tom with a knowing smirk.

I turned to open the car's trunk, and took my suitcase out. "Not bad, but very boring. I was so excited to go to camp!" I waved for my mother to follow me. "And honestly," I added quietly. "I don't think I got much sleep."


Later, we had orientation. The campers would be divided according to age group. Tom, Ben, and I were in the youngest age group, rising grades 5-6. And we got to pick our roommates for the dorms we were going to use. However, they were gender-based (I mean, since when was it not?). Eh, at least there were enough dorms for people to have just 1-2 other roommates. I was roommates with one other girl named Morgan Keene. (A/N: But seriously. Just imagine a sassy ten-year-old Morgan who doesn't take shiz from anybody.) She was really bubbly and funny, and I was glad to have her around. She didn't seem like the person to take anyone's insults personally. In fact, she seemed like the person who would turn their insults around and end up insulting the insulter and walk away triumphant. Tom and Ben were roommates, obviously. Us three were inseparable, so it was predictable. 

We found out that the camp always does this huge production at the end of the month, and everybody in the local area was always invited to see it. Of course, my mom wouldn't see it, but a professional photographer and cameraman would be there to film it, as well as take pictures of the camp during the month. They would compile those pictures and video clips into a CD, and each camper would take a copy of it home. Great idea, isn't it?

This year, the camp was doing a production of Tuck Everlasting. When we found out, Ben and I freaked out. How could we not? It is such an amazing musical, and the adventure that Winnie and Jesse go on is just amazing and magical, literally and figuratively. 

The camp leaders assigned parts to the respective age groups. So, I'd think that a kid from 5-8 grades would play Winnie, and the same for Jesse. And a kid from the 9-12 grades would play the Man in the Yellow Suit.

Turns out, I got the lead role of Winnie, and Tom got the lead role of Jesse. Fitting, you might say.

I couldn't wait to start acting again! I hadn't acted all summer long, so this was going to be awesome.


About two weeks after camp started and everything, the weather report read that there was going to be a big storm coming our way. It would pass through, but there would still be lots of rain and such.

I had a deathly fear of storms, and I didn't know what was worse: the storm, or the storm. (A/N: This is NOT a typo.)

Two days after the weather report came in, the first rainfall blew through. It began as light drizzles, but soon grew to pounding rain. I would often huddle in my bed with a good book and my music turned all the way up to block it out. I felt sorry for Morgan because I didn't talk to her as much when the rain fell. 

One night, the rain pounded against the window again, and I was curled up in bed with a book and listening to my music, The Wacky Friday, as usual. Sadly, it didn't seem like it was working as well as it usually did. I sighed and closed my book, using my finger as a bookmark, and looked at the clock on my nightstand. 

3:00 A.M.

Jeez. I'd have to wake up bright and early tomorrow for rehearsals. I sighed again, and made sure Morgan was fast asleep before turning out my light and getting out of bed. I made my way down to Tom's room, and quietly knocked on the door, fearing that one of the camp counselors would hear it.

Fortunately, none of the counselors heard it.

Unfortunately, nobody heard it, and I knocked again, a little harder this time.

And someone answered this time. It was Tom, looking disheveled because he had just gotten out of bed and woken from his sleep to answer the door.

"Virginia?" Tom asked disbelievingly. The sleep seemed to instantly disappear from his eyes. "What are you doing here at the ungodly hour of 3 in the morning?!" he hissed.

I frowned. "I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep with all the rain. Plus,thefactthatI'mafraidofstormsdoesn'thelp." I said quickly.

"What? Say that again, I didn't hear you." Tom asked.

"I'm afraid of storms." I stated. "That's why I couldn't sleep."

Tom looked concerned. "Come in. You can stay with me tonight."

I was shocked. "Really?"

Tom nodded and I followed him in. He climbed into bed and patted the space next to him. I followed him and sat next to him, looking out the window with a slightly pained, but thoughtful expression. 

A loud crack of thunder was heard, followed by a bolt of lightning, and I clutched my knees to my chest, shivering in fear. I had never gotten over my fear of storms, and I don't think I ever will. Tom saw and he sat up and pulled me into a hug. He held me tightly, as if afraid that if he let go, he would never hug me again. I leaned into his hug, and eventually, my shivering slowly stopped, but I was still as rigid as a board. 

Tom let go of me and looked me in the eye. "Hey, hey. No one, is going to be scared, okay? Not on my watch." I nodded, and relaxed a little, my ragged breaths turning more and more even with each heartbeat. Tom held my shoulders. "Don't worry, okay? I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you."

All right! My first request! I'm so excited I started accepting requests. It gives me another challenge to accomplish!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this, especially Virginia_Lewis. If there is anything you wanted me to change, or anything you didn't like, tell me, and I will try to fix it to your liking.

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