Bill "Hoosier" Smith ~ Rain

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(Creds to gif's op) Haven't written for The Pacific in a while, thought I'd give it another go. Honestly, the amount of fanfic content for The Pacific and Generation Kill is low and I thought I'd help and fill it in while I still have the time to. 

Getting caught in the rain with Hoosier. Fluff. Headcanons.


• y'all were walking home from a nice anniversary dinner that Hoosier had planned
• the both of you preferred to walk since it meant spending more time together
• and honestly, who was to say no to the views the town offered
• sure, it was just the shops and the street lights and the occasional passer-by
• but that was what made it beautiful
• anyway
• it started raining when you were right outside your home
• now, you LOVED the rain; it was a beautiful force of nature
• hoosier on the other hand...not so much
• it got him grumpy and he didn't like being wet from head to toe
• you couldn't help but laugh and stand out in the rain, twirling in the rain with other people giving you odd looks as they rushed to get into their homes and cars
• hoosier grumbled as he was in the rain and getting soaked and cold
• but as he kept watching you dance and skip in the dreary weather
• he couldn't help but grow a little more fond of the rain
• it made you smile, so who was he to hate something that made you happy?
• he thought you were the most adorable thing ever to exist
• i mean, you were laughing and happy, so he was happy too
• "alright, come on, (y/n), let's get home before we catch a cold"
• "aww, bill, what's a little rain got on us?"
• hoosier only shook his head and sat on the porch as you stood in the rain with your arms out and a smile on your face
• when you had had enough, you hurried to where bill sat, grinning like crazy
• "you get soaked enough?"
• ironically, bill was the one to get a cold instead of you
• he slept in the next morning while you brewed a warm cup of coffee for him
• you couldn't help but smile softly at his sleeping figure wrapped in the blanket
burrito hoosier
• burrito hoosier with a grumpy-sleepy expression greeted you when you came back with the coffee
• *snickering* "good morning, sunshine! you're looking absolutely lovely today."
• "hmph"
• just when i thought he couldn't get any cuter, and i imagine this (why do i do this to myself)
• anyway you thought it was funny that he was the one to get sick instead of you
• hoosier frowned as he took the cup of coffee from you
• "it's alright, bill, come here"
• yall ended up staying in bed all day
• i mean there's no better way to spend your day
• you ran your fingers through his hair as he curled up with his head in your lap
• hoosier thought it was worth getting sick in the end

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