Skandar Keynes ~ 12 Years (Part 2)

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Requested by Queennatxx

I sort of tweaked your request a bit, and I am super sorry if that's not exactly what you wanted but I tweaked it to fit the story and the idea I had for it. If that's not okay you can yell at me. :)

(F/N) - friend's name


"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I backed away from them. "I didn't see--"

The other person laughed, crouching down to pick up their fallen book.

"That's quite all right." they replied as they straightened up again. "I wasn't watching where I was going, that's on me."

They looked up at me and their voice slowly began to slowly grow quieter as my eyes widened and my hands covered my mouth in complete and utter shock.

"Nat?" they said quietly, as if speaking too loud would make me disappear.

"Skandar?" I said at the same time.

My friend stood off to the side in confusion, staying silent to see what would happen.

It seemed as if Skandar and I were struck by the same thought at the same time because we stepped towards each other and wrapped our arms around the other, holding the other tightly, as if there was no tomorrow.

"It's been so long." I muttered into his shoulder, right where my head would always fit when we were dating in high school.

"Too long if you ask me." he replied, earning a chuckle from me.

"Um, I don't know if you forgot but I'm still here." my friend's voice rang out.

Skandar and I pulled away from our embrace and sheepishly faced my friend.

"Sorry, (F/N)." I apologized. "This is my friend Skandar I was talking about." I turned to Skandar. "Skan, this is (F/N). She's my roommate too."

We decided to catch up over a coffee. None of us had anything planned so off we went to the nearest coffee shop, a quaint little place with the best drinks and pastries I had ever tasted.

"So, uh, are you still as big of a Harry Potter fan as you were when we graduated?" Skandar asked me as we sat down with our drinks and caught up with each other. We had began dating back in high school, but we kind of disconnected and went our separate ways. We still talked, but very little, considering how much work we had to do.


So once we caught up with each other Skandar and I exchanged numbers again (who'd have thought, he changed his number) and we went our separate ways for the night.

Once he was out of earshot, my friend began bombarding me with questions and requests to finish my story about Skandar.

"Okay, okay, calm down. Let me finish the story and I'll answer questions after." I answered.


Like I said, high school was different. Skandar and I were even more inseparable than before, if that was even possible. Maybe it was because we were in a new environment with completely different people and we didn't know anyone or anything.

It was most terrible when we had different classes again. I hated not being able to make new friends as fast as I used to when I was in elementary school. 

"Hey! Natalie! Wait up!" Skandar's familiar voice rang out in the hall. I was surprised I was able to hear him over all the chatter in the hallway.

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