Ben Cook ~ Noticeable

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Requested by SavannahofGondor



I sang "Seize the Day" under my breath as I quickly moved the props and the scenery back to their places for the night. The actors were outside stage dooring, and I was cleaning up so it made it easier for them to pack up for the night. I was a stagehand on the set of Newsies, and boy did I have my work cut out for me. Constantly moving heavy set pieces, making sure props were in their respective places at the right time, etc. But, it was a fun job, so it wasn't all that bad.

Besides, who doesn't want to have a job where you can hang out with Newsies? Speaking of which, hanging around them made me feel...giddy. On Cloud 9, even. I couldn't speak like I usually would when I wasn't around them. Especially Ben Cook. I would always stutter and trip over my words. Yeah, I was shy and an introvert. I like to think that hiding from people was one of my professional jobs. 

Simply put, I had a crush on Ben. But, he would never notice me. I don't even think he knew I existed. I was just one of millions of faces he saw every day. One of millions of faces that he didn't pay attention to.

As I went back and forth from the stage to backstage, I danced the choreography for the song, having learned it from watching from the wings. I went through tapping and ballet and acrobatics as I moved around, everything around me fading away to nothingness. It was just me, my dancing, and my music. 

I was so immersed in what I was doing that when I glanced at the left wing, I thought I saw a figure in the faint lighting. But when I looked closer, I only saw a shadow of a bigger prop being cast.



She was amazing. Her movements were so fluid and streamlined, it was like she was dancing on air. 

And, she was pretty. What was her name again? Samantha? No. Sierra? No. Right! Savannah. Her name was Savannah. 

As I watched from the wing, I became more and more convinced of having her play a new role we introduced recently, Katherine's photographer and Race's love interest. It was great that we found somebody this fast to play the role.

I left silently, went out to the bustling night streets of New York, and made a phone call. Twenty minutes later, Savannah was scheduled to perform just for Jeff Calhoun and Alan Menken the next day.



As I was walking into the theater the next day, I got a phone call. I answered it, only to find out that I was going to do something for Newsies director Jeff Calhoun and composer Alan Menken. An extra piece they need help on, maybe? I had to meet them in about 10 minutes.

I hurried into the theater and dropped off my bag, then made my way backstage, where I saw Jeff and Alan chatting while waiting for me.

"Mr. Calhoun! Mr. Menken!" I called loud enough for them to hear. They turned their heads to see who it was, and waved me over.

"So, you must be the Savannah I heard about." Jeff told me. "Please, just Jeff and Alan will do."

I nodded. "You heard about me?" I asked them. How? I was just one stagehand out of many. Why would they notice me now?

"Of course! Someone obviously spotted the talent you have and gave us a call." Alan piped in. "And now, you're here.".

"Here. Right." my voice came out an octave higher than usual.

"No need to worry." Jeff reassured me as the three of us began walking to the stage. Once we were on the stage, looking out at the hundreds of seats, Alan headed towards his piano and Jeff to one of the hundreds of seats down below.

"All right. I just want you to dance your heart out." Jeff told me. "Okay?"

I nodded, but I was still confused. "Why didn't we just use a dance studio?"

"I want you to feel what it's like on the stage, with hundreds of spectators in these seats here. The dance studio can't give you that." he answered simply. "Now, on to dancing. Dance your heart out, Savannah."

I smiled and did what he asked. And guess what? I hadn't even known the dance routine was over until the music stopped playing. As I stood there on the stage, breathing heavily and looking out at Jeff, I felt happier than I had in a long time.

Jeff smiled. "That. Was. BRILLIANT!" he exclaimed. He quickly stood up and went over to Alan. I awkwardly followed after him. He and Alan made some arrangements, then began packing up.

"Well, Savannah, it looks like you've landed yourself a spot in Newsies!" he declared.

I grinned. "Thank you so much, Jeff, Alan. I'm really excited, but nervous. What if I mess up?"

"Relax." Alan reassured me. "You'll do great! And, if you do mess up, we have a great cast behind you, ready to improv a scene."


As Jeff and Alan were leaving the stage, I heard Jeff say quietly to Alan, "She's even better than Ben said! She was amazing! I think Ben had the right idea when he made that phone call yesterday."

So that's why I got here! Wait, hold up. The Ben Tyler Cook landed me a spot in Newsies? Oh, I would be forever in his debt. And did Jeff say "when he made that phone call yesterday"? I was cleaning yesterday....OH. So that's the shadow I saw in the left wing? Ben's shadow?

Wow. Ben saw me dancing. He definitely knows I exist now. 

As I was walking out of backstage, I ran into Ben himself. How convenient.

"Oh, sorry." he said. "I didn't see where I was going."

"No, no, you're fine." I replied, and we just stood there in awkward silence. "Hey, I didn't thank you."

"Thank me? For what?"

"For landing me a spot in Newsies!"

"I did what now?"

I sighed in exasperation, a small smile evident on both of our faces. "Don't act like you don't know. You saw me dancing yesterday, called Jeff, and now I'm in Newsies playing....actually, I don't know who I'm playing. I just know I'm in Newsies."

"Oh, that." he said with a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, you were really good! I had to get you in. Besides, we have a new role, and I'm pretty sure you're playing that role. The role of Katherine's photographer and Race's love interest."

"Why did you ask to put me in?" I wondered.

"Well, you're pretty. And you're amazing." he paused, then looked me in the eye. "You're noticeable."

I just hugged Ben. We stayed like that until Ben had to be called away. And the thing was, I think he liked me too. He didn't tense up or feel like pulling away when I hugged him. 

Before he left, I quickly kissed him on the cheek and smiled at him. "Thank you." 

He smiled in response.

I hope you enjoyed it! It kinda didn't turn out from what I had in mind, but I'll work with what I have. 

If you didn't like it, tell me what I can do to change it!

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