100 Truths

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Hey guys! So, I had a book for when I got tagged, but I didn't feel like keeping it, so I deleted it. I just decided to put the tagged stuff in here, since this is my most successful and interactive book.

Tagged by carrie1broadway from 100 Truths in Journey On

1. Name: Krista
2. Nickname: Buddy, Thalia (my friends and I gave ppl in our grade PJO/HoO characters, and you can put the puzzle pieces together)
3. Favorite color: Blue, silver, teal
4. M/F: Female
5. Elementary School: 2 in Florida, 2 in North Carolina
6. Middle School: 1 in NC
7. High School: still haven't gotten my acceptance letters from the ones that haven't rejected me
8. College: tbh, I have no clue, but possibly NC State
9. Hair color: really dark brown, almost black
10. Tall/Short: short (and mighty proud of it too, cuz I have a slightly higher chance of dating Cameron Dallas.....)
11. Sweats/Jeans: sweats cuz they're more comfortable
12. Phone or camera: whichever I have with me
13. Health Freak: depends on what it is
14. Orange or Apple: Apple, but orange if it's sweet enough
15. Crush?: check out my profile; there's a whole list of ppl I have a crush on. And with the boys at my school? You'd think they were in Kindergarten; they act so immature. Well, except for a select few.
16. Guy friends or girlfriends?: a few guy friends, usually hang out with my group of fangirls (our current topic of discussion: INFINITY WAR WOOT WOOT)
17. Piercings: no, cuz I ain't your average girl
18. Pepsi or Coke: uhhhhh.....I don't really like soda that much. I like green tea tho!
19. Been on an Airplane: yup
20. Been in a relationship: nope, only when I'm reading fanfics
21. Car accident: with my dad texting and checking his phone every two seconds, and with my brother speeding like he's a robber and the cops are after him, probably will be soon, but I MOST DEFINITELY HOPE NOT. I VALUE MY LIFE.
22. Fist fight: nope, and I really want to learn some skills to use in a fist fight if I ever get into one
23. First piercing: I honestly don't remember, but I remember hating having to wear earrings. *shudders*
24. Best friend: white_wolf39 heathbar25 Lulubear140 (she might get a new Wattpad) Serena_Dragneel
25. First award: 1st and 2nd place ribbons and a small trophy for a horse show
26. First crush: Spot Conlon from Newsies
27. First word: I think my memory is decent, but tbh, I don't even remember what I had for dinner last night.
28. Any talent: I love to draw horses and I have a guaranteed book reading (a book with actual paper for pages) timeline: I can read it in 2 days or less (if it's good and I like it and I have time)
29. Last person I talked to: Serena_Dragneel
30. Last person I texted: my friend Joseph
31. Last person I watched a movie with: white_wolf39 heathbar25 Lulubear140
32. Last thing I ate: rice, tofu, and green beans
33. Last movie/TV show I watched: BLACK PANTHER WOOT WOOT
34. Last song I listened to: Carrying the Banner and Hakuna Matata
35. Last thing I bought: food
36. Last person I hugged: I'm not really a hugger, so....


37. Food: steak and Chinese
38. Drink: green tea and aloe juice
39. Bottoms: anything comfortable that looks good
40. Flower: idk
41. Animal: horse
42. Shoe: sneakers (What? Shuri makes the best kind!)
43. Movie: I have a lot......
44. Subject: I don't like school. Period.

Have you ever....
(any side comments will be in parentheses. I will follow the format used in carrie1broadway's 100 Truths)

45. [] Fallen in love? (With my crushes, yes.)
46. [x] Celebrated Halloween?
47. [] Had heart broken? (When I see other fangirls stagedooring or meeting my fav celebrities or when I read xReader fanfics, yes)
48. [] Went over minuets? (?)
49. [] Had someone like you? (I think they liked me. I honestly have no idea.)
50. [x] Hated the way someone changed (oh yes. I made two close friends when I went to a new school, then I introduced them to each other, and I third-wheeled so badly the year after that. Then, I made two other really close friends that same year I third-wheeled, and they were already friends, and now I'm third-wheeling again. It's a hard-knock life when you're the new kid.)
51. [] got pg (I say all the profanities in my head)
52. [] Had an abortion
53. [x] Did something you regret (we've all been there at one point)
54. [x] Broken a promise
55. [x] Hid a secret (ALL THE TIME)
56. [x] Pretended to be happy (I've done it in the past, and I will continue to do it)
57. [x] Met someone who has changed my life (My rly close friends have made me happier than I would've been without them)
58. [] Pretended to be sick (only when I'm trying to hide my laughs or something)
59. [x] Left the country (London, Paris, Hong Kong, Canada)

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