Spot Conlon ~ Poor Lad

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"...and so, the boy was found a day later, cold lifeless eyes staring back at them." I read out to my siblings, who were all tucked in bed for the night. "The police officers shook their heads. 'He was such a poor lad.' they all muttered. But only one person knew of the death. And that was the boy himself, who could not say a word any more."

I closed the book, letting out a small breath as I watched my siblings' chests rise and fall gently. I put the book back on my shelf before getting myself ready for bed. I was just finished brushing my hair and was just about to go to bed when I heard a rapping on my window. I went over to it, and saw a raggedy looking boy standing there, beaten up and bloodied with a few cuts.

I hurriedly opened the window and ushered the boy inside, not knowing (or caring) who he was.

"Oh my god, what happened?" I asked him worriedly.

The boy's head shot up, obviously not recognizing my voice. "Oh, you're not the apartment I was looking for. I'm sorry ma'am. I'll be on my way."

I could finally get a better look at him now. He was wearing typical newsie attire, but with prominent red suspenders. He had a pimp cane in his hand, the handle a bit red with blood. He was wearing a key necklace, and his cold, yet still friendly-looking blue eyes were like ice piercing my soul. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't cute.

As soon as he looked up at me, he lowered his head again, avoiding my gaze. The poor boy, he seemed like he had a lot on his plate; he didn't need to worry about being in the wrong house.

"No!" I said too quickly, pulling him back towards me and sitting him on my bed. "You're much too hurt to do anything."

The boy looked back up at me with grateful eyes. "Thank ya, ma'am. Could I get a name for the beautiful face?"

"(Y/N)." I replied. "And you?"

"Spot Conlon, King of Brooklyn." he declared proudly. Er, as proudly as he could with his wounds. He grimaced in pain as he concluded his phrase.

"Shhhh, you're going to hurt yourself even more." I told him, lying him down on my bed. "Rest while I get what I need."

I disappeared into my bathroom, rummaging around for rubbing alcohol and some wrap. I came back to my room to see Spot had sat himself up and taken his shirt off, grimacing in pain as he gingerly patted his wounds. I blushed as my eyes found their way to his abs. I mentally facepalmed. Focus, (Y/n), focus.

I frowned. "You're making it worse." I said from the door.

He looked up at the sound of my voice, and gave me a soft smirk. I walked back to my bedside, getting the wrap and alcohol ready. I laid him down again, and tried to clean his wounds as gently as I could, wincing whenever I heard Spot hiss in pain.

I wrapped his wounds when I finished cleaning them, then gave him his shirt to put back on. He threw it on the footboard of my bed, as I went to make the cough comfy for myself. He looked confused.

"Why ain't ya gonna sleep here?" he asked. A smirk appeared on his face. "Am I that ugly?"

I blushed furiously, but frowned at him. "I've been told I'm a restless sleeper. And you're recovering; you need all the bed space you can get."

Spot shook his head. "I know it ain't right, but...." he trailed, not finishing his thought. He didn't need to.

Sighing and still red-faced, I climbed into bed on the side that Spot hadn't occupied. I turned away from Spot, giving him his needed space, but he only inched closer and wrapped his arms around me, his body pressed up against mine. I felt warmer, as if I didn't know I needed it until I had it. I felt his breath on my neck, somehow tickling me, but comforting at the same time.

"Ya hair smells nice." he mumbled out of the blue before his breathing became steady and soft snores could be heard. I smiled and closed my eyes, letting sleep consume me.


Spot had left early that morning to avoid my parents and to get back to his lodging house. I had woken up to a faint bloodstain on my bed sheets, frowning and taking the sheets to the maids to clean. Thank goodness they didn't question it.

Spot came in again that night, bruised and bloodied again. I smiled at the thought of spending another night with him, despite my sigh of exasperation.

"You're going to die, Spot." I told him.

He grinned at me. "Better die knowing you're loved than for anything else."

I shook my head, smiling at him. "Be right back."

I tended to his wounds again, wincing at him hissing when the solution touched his wounds.

"You need to stop fighting all the time, Spot. I don't want you too beat up to see me."

Spot blushed at my words, and buried his face in his hands. "That's the thing. I'm too poor. I'm not good enough for you."

I frowned at him, pulling his hands away from his face and looking him in the eye. My hands dropped his, and went to cup his face. "Spot Conlon, don't you ever think you won't be good enough for me. As long as you're in my life, that's all I need."

"You've only known me--"

"Shhh." I told him. "You're a good guy, and that's all that matters."

I closed the gap between us, feeling his arms wrap around me and pull me closer to him. He leaned back, bringing me down with him. I pulled away with a squeal, grinning at Spot. He grinned back at me, but I could still see some doubt in his eyes.

"Spot, you may be a poor lad. You may not have the best way of life. But I don't care. Okay?" I lightly scolded him. He nodded, and I kissed him again.

When I pulled away, Spot held me against him. I heard his heart beating fast as I laid my head on his chest, relishing the warmth he radiated. This boy could stand to get into more fights if it meant me patching him up and seeing him shirtless, I guess.

"You don't need to have me get beaten up if you want to see me shirtless, doll." Spot murmured. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

I turned up to look at him, my face a bright red. "Oh, shut up."

I'm so happy to finally get my drafts written up and finished lol.

I've got one more draft after this, and that one has a decent idea going on, so hopefully I can publish that by the end of the weekend. But I never know, so don't count on it being out then.

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