Ben Cook ~ Moments

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Requested by -wydtayyyyy

So, this isn't actually a one-shot/imagine with a plot, just cute and fluffy moments with you and Ben. They are not connected in any way.


Snuggling (High School AU)

I sighed as I sat at my desk, grumbling over how math was one of the most boring subjects we were forced to take. Like seriously, Algebra, can you stop asking me to find your x? If you can't find it, it obviously wants to stay away from you.

I was about to throw my textbook across the room when I heard a quiet rapping at my french doors that led to the balcony. (Yes, my room has a balcony, and it's helpful for when I want to escape the house without using the front door.) I went over to them, and saw my boyfriend, Ben, standing there. I let out a quiet squeal, and rushed at Ben, tackling him in a bone-crushing hug.

"Jeez, it's only been a few hours since we've seen each other." Ben remarked, laughing.

"Yeah, a very tortuous few hours." I countered, dragging him in my room. "You can do whatever until I finish this math homework."

I never actually finished my math homework. Or at least, not until Ben decided to help me.

"Taylor, it's been an hour. Are you sure you need help with your math?" Ben asked kindly.

So long story short, Ben helped me figure out the math. I finally understood the mumbo jumbo my teacher is spouting during class. He just explained everything, and once I got the hang of it, he just flopped down on my bed and dozed.

I put my books away and crawled into bed, wrapping myself around Ben. His arm found its way around me as I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heart. He stroked my hair, and I eventually fell asleep to that.


If Kisses Were Raindrops

"And if you ever miss me, I have a set of letters for you to open and read." Ben said, handing me a box filled with letters, all sorted neatly into categories: When You Want to Laugh, When You're Feeling Sad, When You Want Fluff, etc. He was going on tour for Newsies, and I sadly couldn't go with him.

"Aww, Ben." I hugged him tightly. "I'll miss you so much."

"Don't worry. You'll see me in three months."


Not even a week had passed when I opened my first letter. It was titled "If Kisses Were Raindrops".

If kisses were raindrops,
I'd send you showers.

If hugs were seconds,
I'd send you hours.

If smiles were water,
I'd send you the sea.

And if LOVE were a person,
I'd send you ME. ❤️

Happy tears sprung into my eyes as I carefully put the letter back in its envelope.

"Three months." I muttered to myself, putting the envelope back into the box. "Three months."


Three Things (High School AU)

Three things that I cannot control. I thought to myself. That sounds like a good idea. Especially since my crush wouldn't notice these at all.

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