William & Anna ~ Will You Go to Prom With Me? (H.S. AU)

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"So, I heard that Ben might ask you to prom, Anna."

Anna was talking to her close friend, Georgie, about the upcoming prom. She rolled her eyes at Georgie's statement. 

"What? He clearly likes you!"

"He's probably bluffing anyway." Anna retorted.

"And you're blushing."

Anna only shrugged and nudged her friend when she huffed.

"What about Skandar? I heard he might ask you." (If you don't ship Skangie, this is for story purposes only. If you do, then you'll like this one-shot!)

Georgie shrugged. "Josh already asked me out, so it doesn't matter if he asks me or not. I mean, I said yes to him, but also told him to ask another girl in case I didn't go with him."

"He wasn't too happy with that, was he?" Anna asked.

"Nope!" Georgie cheerfully replied right as the bell rang, and both girls hurried to their next class.


Anna sat behind two of her other friends in class: William and Skandar. And all throughout class, she caught them--well, William, more like--constantly turning around and watching her until she turned her head in their direction. William would blush and look away whenever Anna's eyes met his, only to look at her again, and Skandar would snicker and nudge William.

After class, Anna hurried to lunch, sitting next to Georgie as usual. A moment later, William and Skandar sat down across from them. 

"Man, Science was tough this morning." Skandar complained. "She gave us a whole load of work to finish as classwork, then the rest as homework! I mean, what does she think we have, spare time?"

"We do have spare time, Skan." William reminded Skandar. "Sports don't end late. They always end an hour and a half after school, giving us more than enough time to finish any work."

"Yeah, but did you see the load of work I had?!" Skandar whined again. "It was piled about yay high!" he explained, putting his hand up about 5 inches above the table to make his point.

Throughout William and Skandar's argument, Anna and Georgie were quietly snickering and trying very hard not to laugh. But of course, that didn't happen. As soon as the boys stopped bickering and turned to face them, Anna and Georgie burst out laughing. William and Skandar's indignant expressions did not help in stopping the laughter.

"Sorry." Anna apologized. "It's just...."

"Your expressions are just.....priceless." Georgie finished. Anna nodded in agreement and William blushed.

The bell rang to signal the end of lunch, and the four friends cleaned up their table and hurried to their next classes. 


When the last bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Anna shot out of her seat and rushed to her locker, something she always did, and something that no one really paid attention to.

She finished packing up, and when she turned to leave, a voice stopped her.

"Wait! Anna, wait up!"

Anna turned around, and saw William running towards her. She stopped and waited for him to catch up.

"I'm so happy I got you before you left." William said. "I need to ask you something."


"Will you go to prom with me?" he asked shyly.

Anna froze, then opened her mouth to reply, but at that moment, Ben walked up to them and smiled at Anna. He acted as if William weren't there. William glared at Ben, who seemed to completely miss it.

"Come to prom with me?" Ben asked.

William looked away, and Anna glanced at him, concerned.

"I--uh--er--I--I'm going with someone already." she replied, watching William carefully. He still looked despondent.

Ben looked disappointed. "Already?" his grin disappeared, then reappeared again. "Guess I'll have to act faster, huh?"

Anna smiled at him as he walked away, waving goodbye as he did so. She waved back, then turned back to William. But he wasn't there.

"Wha--He was just right there!" she muttered to herself, looking around. She spotted him dejectedly walking down the road she took home (they lived on the same street), and ran to catch up to him.

"William, wait!" she called.

William turned around, and when he saw it was Anna, he shook his head and kept walking. When Anna finally caught up to him, she put her hand on his shoulder, stopping him from walking anywhere. He slightly raised his head to look at her, and she saw his eyes didn't hold their usual happiness; they looked....sad.

"It's no use." William muttered to himself, looking at the ground. He looked back up at Anna. "I thought you were going with someone else?"

Anna smiled. "I am. Do you want to hear about him?"

William sadly smiled, and shook his head. "No. You seem to really like him, and you'll just make me more jealous." he said, laughing.

Anna laughed with him. "I do like him. Very much. He's one of the most brilliant people I've ever met." she said. "He's also extremely handsome." she added quietly.

William smiled. "Well, it sounds like you're going to have an amazing time with him." he replied, then quickly added, "It isn't Ben, is it?"

Anna laughed. "Of course not! I like him as a friend, nothing more!"

"You still haven't told me your date's name yet, Anna." William remarked.

"You can't possibly be this daft." she teased.

"Whaaaaat?" William whined back. "Just TELL ME."

"It's you, you adorable idiot." 

Now it was William's turn to freeze. "Excuse me? You're--"

Anna nodded and kissed him, interrupting him. His eyes widened for a split second, then closed as he melted into the kiss.

When they pulled away, both of their faces were red, and they grinned like idiots at each other. William wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

"Will you be my girlfriend, too?" he asked quietly and shyly.

"Of course." Anna replied, giving William another quick kiss. Then she pulled away from his embrace and ran down the street.

"Catch me if you can!" she called over her shoulder.

William laughed and ran after her.

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