Davy Prentiss Jr. ~ Keep You Safe (Part 1)

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Requested by mancheehewitteadesjr


I had been running for days now. Running from the army. Running from the cause of my parents' death. Running from my pain. Running, running, running.

Until I bumped into someone.

"Hey, watch where yer goin'." a voice said as we stumbled backwards.

I looked up and saw a boy around my age, brown hair and brown eyes. His eyes looked tired, but still held a mischievous glint. He was holding his rifle, which he quickly shouldered. His clothes were slightly grimy, and his horse was wandering not too far off.

She's pretty. Where's she from? Why was she runnin'? She's ain't a part of the Answer, is she? She's pretty. But not my type. What's she doin' here? his Noise read. But it was slightly muted, and not as loud as any other man's Noise that I had come across. There seemed to be a light hum to it.

"Thank ya, a little town in the middle of nowhere, the army is after me, what the hell is the Answer, thank ya again, that's okay, ya don't seem like my type either, and I'm runnin'." I said, answering the questions his Noise broadcasted.

The boy blushed, and opened his mouth to say something, but the distant rumble of hooves was heard. The boy turned to see who it was, and his eyes widened.

"Go hide!" he told me, turning back to me. But I was already gone.

I had hidden in some trees, watching the interaction from above. Two new people had ridden our way: another boy that looked to be a few years older than the boy that I had met, and an older man. I couldn't see their faces really well due to the tree branches in the way, but I could make out who was who.

I am the Circle and the Circle is me. is how the man's thoughts went. And his Noise was silent.

The boy, however, had his Noise all over the place.

What's goin' on? What's happened now? I was just 'bout to do something. Todd, we still got work ta do. Pa, why are we here? The Spackle need to be rounded up. Branded too.

"Hush, Davy." the man said, dismounting. He walked over to Boy #1 and put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. "Todd,"--that was his name, Todd--"We'd like to give you a day off tomorrow, since you've worked so hard and so well."

Davy's Noise grew red with irritation. Why can't I get privileges? That's not fair. Come on, Todd.

"That's enough, Davy." the man said sternly. I am the Circle and the Circle is me. "Come, Todd. There's some Spackle that need some rounding up."

"Oh that's okay, President Prentiss. I thought I saw something over here. I'd like to investigate." Todd replied, smiling patiently. I could tell he was annoyed with Prentiss. His body language said a lot even if his Noise didn't say much.

"Are you sure? Would you like me to send someone to help? Or maybe Davy and/or I could help?"

Todd shook his head. "I'm sure. I can handle whatever it is. Probably something small, anyway."

Prentiss nodded. "Alright. Call me if you need anything."

Todd nodded, and Prentiss smiled and mounted his horse. Davy and his father rode away, and Todd watched them until they were a good distance away before turning back to me.

"Look, you can't stay here, and it's a long way to the next town. I'll have to bring you to New Prentisstown." Todd said. He mounted his horse and turned to me, hoisting me onto his horse behind him. I held onto his waist, keeping a wary eye out for anything.

As we passed through the town's streets, it was strangely silent. No one seemed to be doing anything outside. I would've at least expected children to be playing outside, but not a single human being in sight. The only thing I could hear was Todd's horse's hooves hitting the ground.

"You'll have to stay with me for now. No place else is safe right now." Todd said, stopping at the stables. He dismounted, and I followed suit. Todd put his horse in its stall, and gave her some hay, scratching behind her ears.

Boy colt. Boy colt. She said contentedly, closing her eyes.

"Good girl." Todd praised. "Get some rest, Angharrad. You did well today."

Todd began walking back outside, and I followed him. He led me to a really nice building, which I assumed to be the President's house. Then he led me up a set of stairs, and into his room. It wasn't a big room, but it was cozy, and made me feel a little less tense and awkward.

"I never caught your name." Todd said.

"Avery." I told him, turning my gaze from the window. "Avery Miller."

"I'm Todd Hewitt."

Before he could say anything else, a knock was heard on the door. Todd motioned for me to hide, and I just found a place near the closet and crouched down. Todd opened the door and I recognized Davy's voice as the person that knocked.

"Hey, pigpis. We got work. Finish up fast, cuz I wanna get this done sooner."

Todd said a little too quickly and nervously, "Sure, of course. Give me a moment."

"Are ya hidin' anythin'?" Davy asked suspiciously.

"No. I wouldn't be able to without anyone findin' out anyway."

Davy was apparently still suspicious. "I'm not entirely sure yer tellin' tha truth. But hurry up. I wanna get our job done so I can eat."

"Yeah, sure, Davy." Todd replied, shutting the door and walking back to me.

"Okay, I'll be off in the fields doing my job. I can't have ya wanderin' around cuz you'll get caught and I'll get into trouble. So stay in here until I come back and say you can leave." Todd told me. I nodded, and Todd grabbed his rifle and left.

As soon as he left, I quietly opened the door and walked out. I hadn't walked ten steps before a hand covered my mouth and an arm wrapped around my waist, dragging me backwards into a smaller supply room.

Okay, this took a while, and I'm sorry that it came out late. Thank you for being so patient with me. Side note, it's been a while since I've read the series, so bear with me if some of the characters of terminology is incorrect.

There will be about 2-3 more parts to this? I don't know exactly, I just know that multiple parts is how this will turn out.

Hope you enjoyed! Tell me if anything needs to be changed! :)

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