Spot Conlon ~ Shorty (Part 2)

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Requested by SlytherclawNewsie


Fourth year comes along, and surprisingly, Spot doesn't ask me again, which I found kinda weird. He's been doing it for the past two years, why stop now? Come to think of it, we hadn't actually talked as much as we had the past 3 years. Something was definitely wrong.

I stormed into the Great Hall, making my way to the Slytherin table. I found Spot within seconds, and shoved the kid sitting next to him over a bit.

"Hey!" they protested. 

"Shut it, scrub." I snapped, sitting next to Spot.

He turned to me with surprise written all over his face. "Addi? What are you doing here?"

"You've been avoiding me all year." I frankly stated.

"I'm sorry." Spot replied, ducking his head in his hands. 

My heart melted and I wrapped my arms around him. "Come on. Let's go somewhere quieter." 

We ended up going to the Astronomy Tower. I sat us down on the top of the stairs, listening to the noise down below. 

"Are you okay?" I asked timidly, afraid to broach the subject. 

Spot nodded, but sighed and ended up shaking his head. "I don't want to talk about it."

I frowned, but put an arm around his shoulders, resting my head on his shoulder. I was glad I could still do that while he was still short. "I'm not going to force you to say anything until you're comfortable with it. If you ever need a hug, I'm always here."

Spot nodded with a small smile, and gave me a proper hug. "I'll be sure to get a hug every day, then."

I laughed. "Be my guest."


Fifth year. The year we take our O.W.L.s and all that stuff. I waved my parents good bye as I ran through the platform. As soon as I passed through, I was tackled with a hug. I whirled around to see my best friend, Spot, had grown. Yeah, I was taller than him for 4 years, but he had grown a few inches taller than me the past summer.

Basically, puberty hit him like a truck.

"Oh my god, Spot." I grumbled. "You just had to grow, didn't you?"

Spot laughed, sending chills up my spine. Did I already like him as something more than a brother now?

"So, do you see me now?" Spot teased.

My face went red. I definitely do now.


Valentine's Day rolled around again, and Spot approached me as I left the Great Hall. A few girls looked jealous, scowling at me. I discretely flipped them off as Spot wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"So, are you finally going to go on a date with me?" he asked.

I huffed, trying--and failing--to frown at him. "Fine."

Spot fist pumped the air, and I laughed, pulling him down for a kiss. When I pulled away, Spot was beaming. He looked like a happy puppy.

We reached my classroom, and Spot pulled me close, giving me another kiss before walking off. He stopped at the staircase, turning back around and calling to me.

"Hogsmeade this weekend, I'll pick you up at your common room at 9 am!"

I nodded and waved, and entered the classroom. Hogsmeade couldn't be any farther away.

So this is the final part of this imagine!

Hope you enjoyed! Tell me if anything needs to be changed! :)

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