Ben Cook ~ Long Time Friendship

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I was so excited to stagedoor again at Mean Girls. One, I get to meet so many famous and talented actors and actresses. And two, I get to see my childhood friend that I haven't seen since his last show, which was Newsies, I think. 

I stood eagerly at the end of the line, wanting to surprise Ben. He knew I was coming to see Mean Girls, of course. But I never told him when.


The cast held hands and took a bow, smiling and waving as they straightened up again. Some of the cast members of Ragtime might've been children, but they were still talented nonetheless. I smiled at Ben as we walked off the stage, keeping our hands intertwined even though we could've let go moments ago.

It was closing night, and I we walked back to our dressing rooms, I couldn't help but tear up a little. I would be going back home, while Ben would be starring in another show, Billy Elliot. It was so sad; I wouldn't be able to see my best friend for God-knows-how-long.

I quickly changed into my regular clothes, and made my way to the stage door. Ben was already waiting for me, his face brightening when he saw me. He took my hand again, and we walked out the door together, hand in hand. 

We were greeted with the sight of fans cheering and their happy faces. I knew the drill, I immediately went to the first fan and started signing, taking pictures, whatever. I turned to an elderly lady, but she only shook her head to signify that she didn't have anything for me to do.

"Would you like to take a picture with me then?" I asked her.

She shook her head again. "That's okay, dear." 

I made to move to the next fan, but she stopped me. "That young man is quite the charmer, wouldn't you agree?" 

I stopped in my tracks. "Pardon?"

"That boy you walked out with." she said. I looked at Ben, who smiled when he saw me looking. I smiled back. "Honestly, you two look great together. And I know what you're thinking, 'That old lady is so crazy. That'll never happen.' But take my word for it, dear."

I nodded and moved on, but when I turned back to ask her something, she had already disappeared. I shook my thoughts away and went on signing things or taking pictures or receiving gifts, until I reached the end of the line, where Ben was waiting for me.

I finished up with the last fan and turned to him. "You didn't have to wait for me, Ben." I reminded him.

"But I wanted to walk back with you." he countered. "And since is probably going to be the last time I'll see you until after Billy, I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible."

I teared up at that. "Awww, Ben. You're so sweet." 

Ben smiled, and a few tears fell from his eyes. I hugged him tightly, afraid of letting go.

"How about we make a deal. I'll see you in all of your shows. I'll stagedoor every single one." I said. "I already gave you my number, so text or call whenever."

Ben sniffled. "Okay. I'm gonna miss you, Addi." 

I hugged him tighter. "Me too, Ben. Me too." I quickly gave him a kiss on his cheek as he pulled away, causing him to blush furiously. 


It turned out, the airport would be the last time I saw him until his next show, Billy Elliot. I hugged him tightly again, crying.

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