Ben Cook ~ I Hate My Life (AU)

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"And I need you to tell me whatever emails or texts you send, whatever phone calls you make, and whatever you do on your computer." my dad ordered, fuming. "And I don't care about your privacy. It can be private to other people, but not to me. I'm the one who gave you that phone and email."

I nodded timidly, but on the inside, I was screaming at him and throwing a fit. It was my life, my stuff, my privacy. I HAVE A RIGHT TO KEEP MY STUFF PRIVATE, YA KNOW.

Maybe you should shut up now, Dad. You're really driving me insane. I thought as I walked to my room. Ha! And he wonders why I'm so ornery to the family. Did you ever think that it was you causing all of those problems? NO! Of course you didn't! You never do!

I shut the door behind me and flopped onto my bed. I pulled out my phone and went to my messages, about to text my close friend Ben, but I hesitated, knowing my dad would check my messages. 

"Screw it." I muttered. "I'm gonna kill myself or run away, anyway."

I continued on and texted Ben. He immediately answered. (Ben: bold; you: italics)


Wanna come over?My dad's being annoying again

Gimme a sec

That's the only way u can get thru without my dad knowing

I'm right outside the window
Open sesame!

I walked up to my window and looked out. Sure enough, Ben was standing outside, holding a box of chocolates and a small flower. I opened it quietly, and a moment later, Ben climbed through the window.

He immediately gave me a hug, which I melted into, because how could I not? We just stayed like that for what seemed to be an eternity--not that I was complaining. I could've stayed like that forever, not having to worry about annoying dads and stressful school and stupid work.

"I hate my life." I muttered.

"Hey, you shouldn't say that." Ben scolded me.

I looked up at him. "Why? I honestly can't take it anymore! School is stressing me out to the point where I have to pull all-nighters and wake up early just to finish something! I barely get any sleep! Life is killing me to the point where I have pretty strong calls to run away somewhere. Assignments are annoying me to the point to where I want to just burn down all of the assignments I receive, and then burn down anything related to the work: teachers' paperwork, teachers' lesson plans, etc."

"You still have me." Ben reminded me gently. "You have Josh. Sky. Dan. Stephanie. Morgan. DMC. The list would go on. You have all of us to help you out."

I laid my head back on his chest. "I know. But....I just....wish my life could be a little better."

"It wouldn't be life if it were perfect." he pointed out.

I laughed. "Good point."

Ben pulled away from our hug and sat down on the ground, leaning his back on the foot board of my bed, pulling me down with him. I sat between his legs, his arms wrapped protectively around me, his smile just inches away from my ear.

"Do you want me to just hold you?" he asked me.

I nodded and leaned my head back so that it rested on his shoulder. "That'd be great, thanks."

What would I do without Ben?

Not my best work, so if you would like me to, comment if you'd want me to edit or reword a few things! Hope you enjoyed!

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