Ben Cook ~ Snowed In

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Requested by evpsd10

It's a bit early for Christmas, but here's a sort of winter/Christmas themed one-shot. I think my next one-shot will be Christmas themed too.


I sighed, walking back and forth in the same two foot square in front of my chair, trying to calm my nerves. And me shivering didn't help; it was close to the end of fall and was chilly out. I was about to audition for Mean Girls, hoping for the position of Gretchen Wieners. Even if I got the swing part for that it'd be just as great.

"Nervous?" a voice asked from beside me. I stopped pacing and looked over to my right to see a boy with blonde curls and the prettiest blue eyes I had seen. 

Well if love at first sight's for suckers, I must be one of the biggest losers out there. I thought to myself.

"Oh! Uhm...yeah." I stuttered. The boy grinned at me.

"I'm Ben. Nice to meet you." he said, holding out a hand to shake. "Nice to see someone else just as nervous and willing to talk as I am."

"Emma. Nice to meet you too." I replied, shaking his hand. "Talking doesn't normally help me settle my nerves, though." I remarked.

"Oh." Ben said, his smile disappearing. "I'll leave you to your thoughts, then."

"Oh no! It's fine!" I hurriedly said, trying to cover up my mistake. God, why was I such a mess around people I like? 

"It's just...I'm not used to talking to people to calm me down before auditions or anything. It's new for me." I explained. "You didn't do anything wrong. And who knows? Maybe I'll find a new habit that works for me."

Ben's smile appeared again. "Yeah. It's nice making new friends."

"Especially if you're a loner." I muttered.

"Well, you have me. So you're not a loner anymore." Ben said with a lopsided grin.

I smiled back, pacing again. A moment of silence passed before Ben spoke again. 

"Hey, did you maybe wanna grab a coffee or something after auditions?" he asked somewhat hesitantly.

I stopped pacing and smiled at him again. "Of course! To celebrate our success."


Auditions didn't go so well, I knew that much. But that was okay, I always had another chance for another show. Ben was waiting for me by the doors as I came out. I hurried over to him. He looked up from his phone and smiled when he saw me.

"Come on. Let's get our 'coffee or something'." I said, quoting Ben from earlier.

He laughed as he opened the door and walked out, holding the door for me, and we were on our way.

We ended up going to a quaint little bookstore on the corner, grabbing a coffee from their self-serve coffee machine. It was nice to be someplace quiet; in my exploration of this town, I don't think I've ever seen this place.

"You've got to look for the un-special places, Emma. The places that nobody goes to." Ben told me. I must've said that out loud. "Those places are the best."

"Hmmm, I've got to take some advice from you, then." I laughed.

Ben laughed with me, his face slightly pink. It was only a few hours, but it seemed as if he had already liked me. No, that couldn't be possible. He was such a talented and funny actor, how could he like someone like me? 

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