Joe Toye ~ Can I Sleep Here?

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Yet another Joe Toye piece :)

Modern AU. I was thinking sort of 6 Underground vibes for this, bc Joe definitely has the grit determination that the whole team seems to have. So kind of a BoB and 6 Underground mashup, with 6 Underground aspects and not the actual characters and stuff. Let's see how my take on the "sharing a bed" trope goes. There's a sexual innuendo and cursing. Uses a line found on a Tumblr prompt list. 2nd person. Female reader.


"Winters, you're not serious right now." Joe grumbled into the phone. 

"Put him on speaker." you said from the kitchen, fixing yourself a sandwich.

"There's definitely been a mix-up. There's one bed in this goddamn hotel room. I am absolutely not sharing with (Y/N)." Joe fiddled with his phone, doing as you asked.

"You don't have to, Toye." You poked your head in the doorway with a wink. "I can take the couch. Besides, I don't think you'd mind all that much if we shared a bed."

"Shut up, (Y/N), I'm trying to get our arrangements fixed so you can get your beauty sleep and not be cranky tomorrow." Joe said sarcastically. 

"Aw, thanks, Joe." you grinned, then added seriously. "Honestly, don't worry about it. I can sleep on the couch. You can take the bed. If I can sleep through the most horrendous of sleeping conditions involving a certain 1st Lieutenant and snoring, I can get through anything."

"Winters, I am absolutely certain that there's been a mix-up. And if there hasn't and this was done on purpose, somebody's gonna fuckin' die."

"Relax, Toye." you heard Winters on the other end. 

A clanging of pots and pans and a distant, "GODDAMMIT!" was heard and you stuck your head back in the doorway. 

"That Nix? Winters, do not let Nixon near any knives or open stove tops." you said. "The last time that happened, Nixon almost burned down my apartment. There's still faint marks on the wall if you look close enough."

Winters chuckled. "Yeah, it seems that Nix has managed to start a small fire somehow. I gotta go. And Joe?"


"Work something out with (Y/N), all the other empty rooms here are either taken or not cleaned yet. And I don't think anyone else has got room to spare. Muck, Penkala, and Malarkey are already cramming three people into a two person room. I think one of them is sleeping on the floor."

"Come on, what about Guarnere? Guy has all this space, and I'm pretty sure he's got it to himself."

"Guarnere is with Buck. No room." Winters sighed. "It's getting late; you guys should get some sleep. We've got a long trek through a forest tomorrow."

"(Y/N), would you like to switch with Guarnere?" Joe asked as sweetly as he could with his dazzling smile as an extra touch.

"Goodnight, Toye, (Y/L/N). Don't stay up too late." Winters concluded, then hung up.

"Did you hear what I said earlier? About a 1st Lieutenant and snoring?" You frowned when Joe shook his head, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Do you know. How fucking loud. Buck Compton snores."


"Good. Because you don't want to. If you do, say a prayer and hope for the best because you will be dead tired the next three days."

You took a bite of your sandwich, chewing contemplatively. "Come to think of it, I think that is exactly how I got so cranky. I was crammed with Buck the last few times we had to do this."

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