Tom Holland ~ 17

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Requested by fangirlatmidnight

Here this is, many, many, MANY months late. I'm so sorry for the wait, and thank you so much for being patient with me!

Also, I know that Tom and Haz couldn't have possibly known Zendaya and Jacob at 17 since they started filming for HOCO when they were like 20, but just bear with me here. This is fanfiction; anything can happen.

Italics are the current day events, regular text are the story parts that the main character is telling from her memory.


"So how did you and Tom actually meet?" Jacob asked me.

I groaned, shaking my head. "It was a long time ago."

"That still doesn't give you reason to not tell the story!" he reasoned. "They'll add whatever details we remember as you go along. Besides," he added. "That just made me wonder even more."

"Fine!" I consented. "7 years ago...."


"Izzy! We're leaving now! Hurry up!" my mom called from downstairs.

10-year-old me hurried as fast as I could down the stairs while lugging a big--or what was considered big for a 10-year-old--suitcase down. My dad took it from me once I reached the bottom, and I fell down and laid on the ground dramatically.

"I'm so tired." I whined.

My parents chuckled. "Come on, Izzy. We're going to be late."

I got up and ran to the car, jumping in and waiting for my mom to drive me to my theatre camp. It was a two week overnight camp, and it was the first time I would be away from home for an extended period of time. Hopefully I'd make some friends so I wouldn't be too lonely.

My mom got in and we were on our way to camp, me chattering excitedly in the backseat. We arrived a half hour early, which gave me enough time to find my room and put everything away, and make some friends.

I did make a friend, actually. Her name was Zendaya. She was really bold and outgoing. And she was really tall.


"Don't you start this too!" Zendaya groaned. "It's not my fault you and Tom and shorties."

"Hey! I may be short, but I can fight you anytime!" I shot back with a laugh.

"All right. Let's go. You and me, right now." she challenged.

"Okay, okay, break it up ladies." my boyfriend Tom said, trying to separate us.

We whirled on him. "This is something you can stay out of!" I screeched.

Tom backed away, holding his hands up as Zendaya and I went back to a silent staring contest. Harrison walked in at that moment, and his face morphed into confusion and concern.


"Don't ask." He turned to me. "Uh, Izzy? The story?"

Zendaya and I broke eye contact. "Fine. We'll finish this later."


I bid goodbye to my mom, and I went exploring through the many halls of the college dorm we were using for those two weeks. I was walking down a main corridor when all of a sudden, two boys came rushing past me. The first one knocked me down, and the second boy ran over and helped me up.

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