Sky Flaherty ~ Times Change (Part 1)

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Requested by narniasprincess

This is going to be kind of like one long flashback

Italics - the flashback scenes


I smiled as I laid on my bed with my eyes closed, thinking back on the memories with the one and only Sky Flaherty, now my boyfriend.

Looking back, those memories were the greatest. I had so much fun, you know? I went back into the archives of my memories, going back to our first memory together, our first encounter.


I sat at the table in the corner of the bookshop, slowly sipping my drink as I read my book. I was absorbed into the pages, not hearing or caring about what happened around me. This happened quite often when I had free time. I would always be here, drinking something and reading a good book. It had happened so often and for so long that A) the shop owner and I became good friends and they would always keep the shop empty for me to do my thing long after closing hours until they left and B) I wasn't used to anybody approaching me and jolting me out of my reading vibe.

"Excuse me?" a small, timid voice said, making me startle. 

I put my book down to see a cute redheaded boy holding a sketch pad and a pencil, a dark green messenger bag with two front pockets at his side, filled with papers and drawing tools. I raised my eyebrow at him expectantly, and he shook his head in apology, blushing furiously.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. But...this is going to sound weird." he said even more shyly than before.

I gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm sure I've experienced weirder."

The boy smiled back and shrugged. "Well, I see you sitting in this same spot every day, and to be honest, I find your whole look very aesthetically pleasing, so I'm going to model my drawing after you. Is that okay?" he rushed out. He looked sheepish when he finished, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

I almost "awwwed" at his words; this boy was so endearing it was making my heart melt. We need more people like him these days.

"Of course. It might seem a little awkward if we don't know each other's names, though. I'm Winchelle." I added right as he touched the pencil to the paper.

The boy snapped his fingers. "I knew I was forgetting something. I'm such a forgetful person, you know. I always get absorbed in my art and forget to do something." he explained, nervously laughing.

"It happens to everyone." I reassured him.

He nodded in agreement. "You can call me Sky." He paused before adding, "Nice to...draw you...I guess?" He laughed again.

I laughed with him this time. "Yeah. I guess it is, then."


I laughed at how adorable Sky was at the time. He looked like such a nervous bundle, awkwardly coming up to me and asking if he could draw me. 

We had exchanged numbers and contact info not long after he finished, bidding each other farewell and hoping to run into each other again. I was curious to see how is drawing turned out, but I didn't want to be nosy and ask. And I wanted to respect his work too. If he didn't want to show it to me, then I would respect him and wouldn't pry about it. I wasn't one to ask for anything to begin with.

Turns out, we didn't have to wait long to see each other again.

My brain panned to the next memory. They were coming like storybook pages now, each page a different memory, an invisible reader flipping through the pages.

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