fight club

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warnings: suggestive, aggression (light hearted)

I walked off the bus and onto the cool cement, taking a deep breath in.
I'm the merch girl for Palaye Royale, and a close friend of the boys. I was blessed with the opportunity for both of those things, I'm a pretty lucky gal.

I looked up. I saw Emerson and Remington shirtless walking in circles around each other.
I gasped a little.
Obviously I was developing feelings for Remington. We were the same age, and he was always so nice and funny, not to mention how gorgeous he was. I saw his toned chest, abs and v-line. His tattooed arms flexed when he stretched, I willed myself not to drool, I clenched my fists and shook my head, I didn't need to think like that.

Emerson and him were in their skinny jeans, I understood that they were wrestling again, to get out pre-show jitters, or nerves, they also might've been in an argument, but whatever the cause, this was most definitely a wrestling match. A mini fight club.
It was dark out, but it was still quite warm, they ran at eachother on the large grass area. Remington grabbed Emerson's legs and tried to lift him and flip him, while Emerson grabbed his back and tried to roll them over. Laughter erupted from them and it made my heart flutter. I truly did love these boys.

Remington got Emerson off the ground and was about to tackle him down but Emerson dropped and pinned Remmy to the ground. Emerson held him there momentarily pushing down his shoulders.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 seconds
he pumped his fist in the air to signify he won. Remington was laughing as Emerson helped him to his feet.

Sebastian stood beside me. "They do this all the time." Sebastian sounded defeated, like he was embarrassed by them. It made me laugh.
"Y/N!! Seabass!! Watch this!" Emerson's voice cut through our ears and we directed our attention over to him.
Not even seconds after he closed his mouth Remington tackled him to the ground easily and held him there. I heard Sebastian gasp in surprise beside me. I let out a small laugh.
"I wasn't ready-" Emerson laughed.
Remington pulled him to his feet and they stood in front of eachother waiting for an attack.

Emerson jumped at Rem, but Rem grabbed him and picked him up, I got a nice look at all of his back muscles flexing. Emerson began to push Remington down, but the older boy beat him to it.
The dark spiky hair had dominated for the second time.

Emerson slowly got up from his position of defeat, walking over to us.
"I've been bested" he sighed.
"You guys are losers." I spoke and that made Sebastian laugh.
"Loser? I'll show you how hard it is, come on." He motioned for me to follow him.
Sebastian shrugged with a smile.
Remington gave me a look up and down with a smile, I couldn't help but feel nervous.

I stood before Emerson and crouched low, ready for any attack.
"Are you sure about this?" I asked.
"Why, you ready to back out?" He smirked slyly. I saw Remington watching with Sebastian.
It made me get jittery.
"No way. Bring it." I growled. And I ran at him, sprinting across the grass. He dove for me but I spun out of his grip turning and wrapping my arms around his torso and bringing him to the ground. He quickly but gently flipped us over.
"Oh you can be rougher than that, I'm not as weak as you." I poked.
He pulled me up by my arm and we got ready again.

He ran at me this time and I ducked under his arms, grabbing him and rolling him into the ground. I held him down with a winning smile on my face. He laughed aloud.
"Come on Pirate! You can do better." I heard Remington cheer.
"Fuck, you wanna try?, she's not as soft as she looks." He patted me on the shoulder after I helped him to his feet.

Remington shrugged and began to walk over.
"Oh- sorry Y/N" he grimaced and then ran over to Sebastian, who's face held a look of something I couldn't read.

Remington ruffled his spiky hair and crouched a little ready to attack. A wild smirk on his face.
I attained the same position, holding him in place with my eyes.
"Just let me know if I'm too much for you." Remington blinked innocently.
"Your attitude or the fighting?" I fired back.

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