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warnings: suggestive

"Was that supposed to hurt?"
"Idontknow- do you want it to?" He arched a brow at me. I ran my tongue along my teeth in disapproval.
I picked up a handful of snow and squeezed it together- my hands were cold and the snow made my skin burn- but I wound up my arm and threw it- at least 20 feet, I hit him on the left side of his chest.

"Always going for my heart huh?" He stumbled and rested his hand on his chest where I hit him. He casually bent down and scooped up more snow with his hands. His fingers digging through snow. I immediately regretted everything in my life that had led me to this moment. "Remington- don't throw snow." Emerson's voice called from the house. I spun around and saw him standing at the backdoor with his arms crossed- WHACK-
A snowball hit me right in the back of the head. "OW." I called out- the snow making a cold impact on my head, "REMINGTON!" Emerson scolded. He picked up snow and threw it at him- Rem stepped aside and it missed him by an inch.
I gasped.

But Emerson threw another hitting him square in the head. I laughed loudly holding my stomach. "You just told me not to!-" Rem yelled
I grabbed a lazy ball of snow and threw it- hard.
Right bicep. Remington looked up at me- his hair covered in snow and his mouth open in awe. It formed into a smile and he grabbed his arm where the ball hit. "Impressive." He smirked. I shrugged, I shook my hair around ridding the cold snow from it. I was cold, my skin hurt a little- but his perfect smile made me feel warm. His eyes crinkled and his skin reflected the white snow around us.

Tell him you love him. My brain cooed
Tell him that you want to be with him. I wanted to so badly, but rejection held me back. What I ended up blurting out was: "run" and proceeded to chase him with snowballs.

Emerson had joined us, I could hear Sebastian laughing at us, Dan and Luis beside him.
I threw snow at the two younger brothers when one missed my head by less than an inch. I felt it whiz by.
I snapped my head over to the arched arm of Daniel Curcio. Everyone fell silent and Dan muttered a "fuck" under his breath. He jumped and immediately began sprinting away from me, his feet crunching the snow.
I ran after him, wind blowing my hair by me. Sebastian immediately took the defence of Dan and chased after me.
We ran out of the backyard and onto the street.

I'd felt so much adrenaline rush through me.
I chased Dan.
Sebastian chased Me.
Remington chased Sebastian.
And Emerson and Luis were heard cheering from feet behind us.

My legs pulled me forward and I caught up to Dan. He had a winning grin on his face. Running at the same speed at me, I jerked right and crashed my shoulder into his. He laughed and stumbled to the ground landing in a pile of snow. I heard Sebastian laugh and turned my head to see him pull Dan to his feet and both run after me again.

But Remington.
He was closer, much closer, he sprinted like it was easy, going fast. "Fuck RUN Y/N RUN!" I heard Emerson's distant voice. I sprinted onto the empty lot, but Rem had caught up to me. We ran at the same speed, his grin not faltering and my hair whipped behind me.
I could hear Dan and Sebastian they were less than 5 feet behind us.

A snowball flew between Remington and I and we both yelled out in shock. Suddenly Rem jumped at me, and I saw it in slow motion. He leaped for me, and pushed me to the ground, a snow ball zipping past his head. It would've hit me. He pulled me to my feet again and we stood. I looked at him in awe, "thankyou." I breathed and he smiled, I brushed the snow off my legs. Seb and Dan stood before us. Two snowballs each.

Rem slowly bent and grabbed me some snow, we formed our weapons glaring at the other two.
Sebastian took first fire, and it began-
Back and forth- running- hitting- getting hit- and a mess of laughs and yells. I stood defenceless. Dan raised his arm the look of pure amusement on his face. Fear, regret, stress, excitement, and a grin stuck to me. I braced myself when he raised his arm and instead of the snowball flying for my face- Remington jumped infront of me- it hit his chest and he rolled to the ground.
"NO!" I yelled dramatically. I quickly whipped one at Dan hitting him in the face. I ran over to Remington who had a dramatic hand clutched to his chest, snow stuck to him and his clothes just as wet as mine. "I really didn't think it would end like this." He said playing the part. I put one of my hands under his head and another on his chest.

"Don't you die on me Remington-" I warmed him- joking along with him.
I could see Dan wipe the snow from his face and run over to us. "This chick has deadly aim- Jheez." Dan breathed and he fell to his knees on the other side of Remington, Sebastian joining soon after.
"I knew this day would come- sooner or later." Remington blinked heavily. His eyes fluttered and he made a dramatic "bleh" sound as he pretended to go limp in my arms.

"Kiss him- maybe he will wake up." Sebastian said. "Yeah Dan- kiss him." I prompted, and Dan puckered up his lips- but laughed it off. "You do it." Dan fired and Sebastian shot me a wide grin.
"Do it." He mouthed.
I furrowed my brows and gave them a look that said "are you serious?" They both nodded.

I know this was all just a silly joke and Rem was playing dead- but I'd never felt my heart beat so fast. I'd had such a crush on him for the longest time- and I could feel the thoughts from earlier rush back into my brain, they did laps with eachother.
Fuck just do it, pussy. My brain poked me.

I took a deep breath- it was visible in the atmosphere. and I placed my lips on Remington's, he did not hesitate to kiss back. I heard Dan and Sebastian squeal like little girls.
My smile broke the kiss and when I opened my eyes Rems fluttered open again- the dark colour never failing to make me nervous.

He grinned like I'd never seen before. Flashing me his teeth. "the princess is alive." Sebastian said and Rem let out a giggly laugh. He lifted his hand and gently put them on my cheeks. His hands were cold- but felt like nothing on my cold face. He crashed his lips onto mine again. Pushing me down into the snow.
Dan and Sebastian practically screamed.

He kissed me passionately- and I could already feel my face getting warm, I kissed him back with my all, feeling him begin to smile. When he pulled away. Emerson, Luis, Dan and Seb were all standing together they clapped "finally." Luis yelled out. Rem pulled me to my feet.
"Let's move this makeout session inside- put on dry clothes yeah?" Emerson suggested- giving me a sly smirk.

Remington held my hand. We walked back to the house together.
Cold-covered in snow, happy-and in love.

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