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Warnings: suggestive

We were out for a casual dinner on tour, Sebastian had insisted I come so I could get to know the rest of the band better, Sebastian was a close friend of mine and he gave me the opportunity to do merch for their headliner.

Remington and Emerson were sat across from eachother in a booth far away. "They think you're great, once you talk to them- you'll be friends in no time, you three have a lot in common, I promise." Sebastian reassured me.
He sat across from me and beside Emerson.
Remington choked on his drink a little when he saw me. I could feel Sebastian's smile grow.

He cleared his throat, looked me up and down and smiled warmly. "Hey Y/N" he said. "Hi Rem." I spoke quietly. He move over and let me sit beside him.
"Hi Emerson. How are you?" I asked him. "I'm okay how are you?" He asked me. "Tired, I don't know how you do this." I ran a hand through my hair referring to the time difference and travelling.
"We don't." Remington mumbled, showing me a red bull can in his bag.

Caffeine does it. Why didn't I think of that?

I ordered a coffee with my meal, as I asked the few questions I had to the boys, about schedules and what my time would look like. They were all very accommodating and easy going, they made this easy for me- or perhaps they just didn't care and I was overthinking everything.

one of Remingtons hands rested on the table as he spoke, I looked at the dry skin on his knuckles and the soft lines that became deep and shallow along the surface- my fatigue was setting in, and as I was listening I noticed myself zoning out and staring at the veins in his hand.
I snapped out of my trance before anyone noticed and paid attention to the conversation.

Sebastian was right, they were funny, calm, caring and we had a lot in common. As we ate, we laughed and made jokes, I felt myself getting nervous around Remington, maybe it's because he was right beside me? Maybe it's because he's literally hot as hell? Maybe it's because I want to do a good job? Maybe it's because he's so hot oh my god what the fuck how did I not notice this before?

I swallowed hard and put my hand on the table for some sort of clearance and self support. Sebastian quirked a brow at me but didn't say anything. As Emerson began telling a story I could see Remington cracking his knuckles under the table beside me. The way his hand moved made me uncomfortable. I wanted to hold it? What the fuck? I blinked and looked back up. Sebastian was smirking at me. Did he know?

I gave him a look but focused on what Emerson was saying, laughing with him as he spoke.
"You ok?" Seb asked me.
I looked at him funny. "Yeah. Are you?" I spun the question around, knowing exactly what he was doing. He was trying to fluster me.
"Yup, just checking." He smirked like a kid getting away with doing something wrong.

"I don't want you to be nervous or anything, touring is a hell of an experience- we're here to help you." Remington said to me.
I blushed a little. "Thank you, it's a lot to take in, but I'll manage." I smiled at him, he reciprocated.
I found myself staring at his hand again. Sebastian nudged me with his foot under the table. I looked up at him and he had a shit eating grin on his face.
I glared at him. "crush." He mouthed. I rolled my eyes.

I had said something stupid and Remington had laughed fairly hard. It made my heart flutter. He dropped his arm around my shoulder casually. Sebastian grinned like a fool.

Normally this wouldn't have been a big deal. But my god was Remington hot- I hated this. I had not blush or stumble my words out of nervousness, I played it off like it wasn't a big deal. Sebastian almost looked impressed.

Emerson and Sebastian talked about the different amps they needed, and Remington and I made stupid small talk making jokes and making fun of Sebastian's scarf, while he wasn't paying attention.
"Why didn't he think to bring you around sooner, you're actually awesome." Rem said with a grin and I blushed red. "Haha, I'm just okay, and it was because I was scared of you." I spoke honestly.
"Hi you're more than okay, babe- trust me. And why were you scared?" He smirked with a quirked brow, what was that supposed to mean.?

I felt my gut push me. "Cause you're hot, and that's intimidating." I said taking a sip of my drink to make what I said seem less bold. "Me? I practically choked seeing you walk in here, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on." He whispered a little bit now. I shuddered at his voice, my cheeks going pink.
"I could see you staring at my hands, I kept wondering if you were okay." He said. "Yeah just zoning out I guess." I half lied. He removed his arm from around me and held it face up on his thigh under the table, offering it to me. I carefully put my hand in his. He held my hand back carefully trying to reassure me that I didn't need to be nervous.

Remington flicked his head up and to the left of Sebastian while he was still talking to Emerson, I looked where he directed and saw a few strands of his hair standing straight up.
I snickered under my breath. Remington and I began to laugh. That caught the other twos attention. "You two okay?" Emerson asked with a smile.
I sniffled a little and nodded "perfect." Remington said squeezing my hand a little- even though his brothers couldn't see.
"You two are like two peas in a pod." Emerson said.
Sebastian gave me a knowing look.

Soon we had left and made it back to the venue. Sebastian pulled me to the side. He crossed his arms with a smirk. "So?" He asked me. I crossed my arms as well. "What?" I played dumb. "You and Rem were all over eachother." He smirked like this was his plan all along.

"We we're making fun of you actually, that's probably why we get along." I said.
"Oh please every time you weren't staring at him or his hands. He was watching you. Just go makeout with him."

"Maybe I will." I arched a brow and sneered at Sebastian, I turned around and walked directly into Remington's chest, I could hear Sebastian's cackle, he disappeared to probably go tell Emerson.
I gasped and went white.
Remington looked more than amused. "Wow." He awed with a smirk. "I-I'm sorry Rem- he just pushes my buttons someti-" "it's okay, it's hot. Are we gonna makeout or not?" He cocked a brow and I sucked in a breath.

My gut pushed me again and I just looked up at him, slowing growing closer to him, he smiled with a winning grin and kissed me pushing me against the wall, and I kissed him
Back passionately, melting into his touch. He ran his hands up my sides and one onto my chest, wrapping his left hand gently around my throat, grabbing only slightly. I gasped but continued to kiss him.
"How you like my hands now?" He growled and I almost whimpered.
I ran my hands up into his hair and begged for him to be closer to me, wanting him even more.

He kissed me passionately until I felt like I would melt or collapse, the door was pushed open again and Sebastian and Emerson began cheering right away.

This tour was gonna be messy.

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