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Warnings: death, murder, be careful


there was a small sniffle throughout my room
I bolted up. "Remington." I stated. I immediately became more alert.
"Oh my god where have you been? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I fired questions at him, in a calm voice seeing as he was upset. He hadn't really talked to me in the past few days.

He sat on the edge of my bed not looking at me. He wiped his face. "Comere." I opened my arms and he practically laid down on top of me. He shook a little. He was cold, I put the blanket over top of us.
"Okay okay, you're okay." I ran my hand down his back repeatedly. He took deep breaths.

My heart hurt so much at the sight of this. "It's okay baby, I'm here. You're okay now." I kept telling him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly burying his face into the crook of my neck. He began to talk but stopped himself. "Shh, it's okay. Just calm down, I'm here, I'm right here, you're okay now." I ran my hand through his hair. I kissed his head.
"Have you seen the news?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"What happened?" I spoke so so softly. I put all my worry behind me, and focused on calming him down.

"The concert tonight-" his breath hitched.
"Hey it's okay. Take your time." I said. "Okay well, someone brought in- in a gun-" he stopped himself to recollect. I tried to be as collected as I could, be strong for him. I tensed a little at the word.

I rubbed his back. "He- he killed someone Y/N-" He gripped me. And I mean gripped me. "I didn't know what to do- he was gonna hurt more people." I rubbed his back as he whispered.

"He was going to kill me, I-I had to stop him, I didn't mean to."

"I never meant to."

"I killed him."

He finally said it and he heaved on-top of me a huge breath that resulted in crying. I hugged him to me, he was so scared, so torn, so.... broken over this.
"Remington, he was under the influence of something you couldn't control, the influence of something not innocent. You did what you had to do to stay alive."
"I was so scared, people- fans shouldn't be in fear at their concerts. We're a family, and he pointed the gun right at me, and I when I hit it away it turned around and fired

I didn't- I didn't know."

"It's okay, you saved so many people not only today, everyday. Including me. What you did wasn't because you felt like it. You had no intention of harming, you kept yourself and others alive."

"I could've done things differently Y/N." He sniffled again. And I just hugged him to me. "Shhh." I whispered. "Emerson, Sebastian and I were interrogated, and it's classified as self defence, but- someone died, at my show. Someone innocent." "And it wasn't your fault Remmy. You stopped him before anyone else got hurt, you saved lives today baby." I said and he hugged me tightly. I just let him fall asleep due to exhaustion. He needed it.

I woke up before he did. He was beside me, his arms still wrapped around my waist, he head on my shoulder. His face looked a bit upset. Like he was having an uncomfortable dream. I reached out and gently touched his face and he immediately became peaceful. I ran my thumb along his cheekbone and his brown eyes fluttered open. I had to remember that he was still young, he was scared. I did what I could to comfort him.

"Hey man. You okay?" I asked him, my voice was soft. He shook his head yes but it turned into a no. I hugged him again."listen to me okay? I may not have seen what you have, but whatever happened last night: it wasn't your fault. You know that. You're practically a superhero for fucks sake, and you know that you can't save everyone. But the fact that you did something. Is all that matters. You didn't mean to, that's all. Go shower and change, I'll make you some food." I said, and before he could protest, I pulled him out of bed. Once he stood I gave him a proper hug.
"I love you." I said and I kissed his lips walking away from him.

He had showered and dressed he came back out and was quiet, but when he saw me he smiled. "Can you believe I have the most caring and beautiful girlfriend in the world?" He asked, his voice was quiet. I blushed madly giving him the toast with scrambled eggs that I made.

"You're gonna have to go back out again today aren't you?" I asked him. He nodded. "Obviously the police will be asking me tons of questions."
"I'm so sorry I put you through that yesterday, and last night. I just- I was scared." "Hey no- I understand. I'm glad I could help. Kiss me." I said and Remington practically bolted from his chair and around the island.
He cupped my face and pressed his lips to mine forcefully. I immediately kissed him back. "When all of this is over- you're mine." He smirked in his last words. I swallowed hard. I leaned into to kiss him again stopping short a few centimetres from his lips "perfect." I whispered then suddenly placing a quick kiss on his lips before walking away.

"You did what you could, and I love you." I called from the other room.

"I love you more!"

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