valentine (x)

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Warnings: smut love you
Happy Valentine's Day kids, dw if you don't have a date- cause I love you, and that's all that matters.

The phone rang, the vibrations made my head hurt a little. Valentine's Day, not my favourite holiday, but I never complained.

The phone rang and rang, just as I was about to give up, the call connected. "Hello?" He was breathless over the phone.
"Hi love." I spoke softly an immediate smile crossing my lips. "Hi Y/N" he replied, I could hear the smile on his face- it made my heart ache. "Happy Valentine's Day." I said, resting the phone on my shoulder as I used my hands to wrap up his gift.

He may have been thousands of miles away on tour, but I still got him a present. "Happy valentines." He replied, I could hear that he was multitasking as well.
"When will you be closer?, I'll drive to you, I haven't seen you in too long." I said. I heard him fumbling around over the line.
"Soon love, I miss you so much." He said. "I miss you more." I frowned a little, relationships like this were hard, especially on days like this where people spent time together.

"You have no idea." He growled a little. "Oh I think I do, I love you and your job- but I wanna hug you and kiss you and ugh." I sighed. "This tour is driving me mad, I wanna hold you and hear your voice not through a speaker." He said- and I knew he was smiling.
"Can you do me a thing?" He asked me. "I mean-yeah sure." I said, grabbing the phone with my hand now,
"Okay, On the outside of the front door, I got the mail guy to put my card there. I got you a card, and sent it a few weeks ago, and it should be there now." "Awe Rem you didn't have to do that, if you weren't traveling every day, I could've sent you one too." I let my hand fall onto my chest.

"It's okay, it's just a card, I've got your gift with me right now. It's tricky to mail." He told me. I walked over to the front door and unlocked it. "I didn't notice a card when I got home a few hours ag-" my phone fell from my hands and hit the carpet.

My beautiful beautiful Remington stood before me, an armful of roses. 40, 50, 60 dark red rich roses.
I gasped. He ended the call, and stuffed his phone in his back pocket. "Happy Valentine's Day?" He had a sheepish grin on his face. My mouth was slack, my eyes were wide, I just stared at him in awe.

"I- I don't- how did... you just.." I just stared at him, my eyes narrowed. I poked him to make sure he was actually real, when my finger made contact with his strong chest, my heart clammed up and I grabbed him and kissed him, I held my hands to his cheeks, pressing my lips to his like my life depended on it. His lips curling into a smile broke the kiss, he licked his lips when I pulled away, "wow" he breathed. I blushed madly. He offered me the roses. "Remmy this is too much." I told him, looking at them all. "Never, I can never give you too much, and I love you so deal with it." He arched a brow. I carefully took the beautiful bouquet from his arms and looked for a vase big enough to let them sit in.

I quickly ran out of options and looked at the fishbowl full of decorations on the table near the hallway, the decorations were lame anyway, I dumped out the bowl and put the roses in it. Remington laughed at me a little.
I looked over at him and he froze under my gaze, he stood still with his arms crossed. I walked closer to him. "Thankyou." I told him.

"I'm not done." He told me matter-of-factly. He pulled a small black box out of his pocket on this inside, a beautifully simple silver necklace with a small diamond heart. I gasped at him.
"Kropp." I warned him. "Why? You should know that you don't have to buy my love- I'd still awe over you- even if you forgot." I told him. I didn't want to know it- but my eyes were glossy. "I know, but I like spending money on you- you're mine." He told me, and he offered to help me put it on. I took a deep breath just at the sight of him, I turned and pushed my hair, so he could close the necklace. One it sat- he kissed my neck softly.

"I love you I love you I love you." He told me. "I love you Remington." I spoke, and I saw his cheeks flush.
I slid over to the kitchen counter and grabbed him the large box. I put it in his hands and he bit his lip hard, the sight almost making me whimper.

A Harry Potter deathly hallows necklace. A ring with a tiny Nutella on it, a sweatshirt I knew he wanted, and his custom, imprinted, imported leather jacket. He made an odd sound- it was high pitched and I think it meant that he was surprised. He did a triple take and his mouth was wide. "WHAT" he called out, and I smiled at him. "Aha, love you." I pointed finger guns at you. "How much was all that? What the fuck?" He awed. "Don't even start with prices you asshole." I lifted my necklace.

He grabbed me and tugged me towards him roughly, crashing his lips on mine. "Thank you baby." He whispered, pushing his lips on mine again. I wrapped my arms around him. My heart melting with every move he made.
"How did you even get here?" I asked him quietly between kisses. "Shh" he whispered pulling me into the bedroom and pushing me down on the bed. I immediately did as told and tugged on his hair gently and he left harsh and soft kisses on my neck.

I don't remember taking off my clothes, but soon they were on the ground, the only thing covering me now, was him. He stripped of his clothes and told me how much he loved me. A realization hit me, and my dumbass blurted it out.
"I'd literally kill someone for you- I love you so much what the fuck." It was a mess of quick words and Rem laughed at it whole heartedly. A full laugh that made me sigh. "Yeah- fuck me." I groaned. "What?" He asked confused still laughing a little. "You're just so perfect. Literally fuck me." I blurted and he kissed me hard once more. "I'd kill for you too" he smirked and slowly pushed into me.

I grabbed at him as he went with a slow pace. I held him close and let small breaths fall from my lips every-time he pushed into me. "God- you're hot." He breathed and he picked up his pace, I couldn't hold it- I let a few moans slips as he pushed into me repeatedly. With every noise he made me make, the smirk on his face grew. "f-fuck.. please." I begged and he groaned a little, the sound was enough to make me come undone. "Oh f-fuck" he growled and I hit my peak, he did too, and we rode it out together.

He laid down beside me, holding me close.
"I've never loved anyone was much as I love you." I breathed. "You have no idea." He breathed.
"Holy fuck." I awed at what had just happened. "Yeah really, happy Valentine's Day."

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