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warnings: sad one boyos wATCHOUT

"If I knew what the issue was here, I would've fixed it." I spoke as calmly as I could. I put my hands down on the kitchen counter, my head hung from my shoulders and my hair hung into my face. "You're the one complaining about us not working- you tell me what's not working." Remington was standing on the other side of the island. He pointed an aggressive finger at me

I looked up at him through my hair and under my eyebrows I felt the sick twist of tears coming again. Something was missing between us, the match burnt out and I couldn't find it. It was colder without it, little bit darker. It was shitty

"I don't know Remington, something is just- gone. Maybe we've just run our course." I said, my voice came out quieter than I hoped, I was pretty sure he heard me though. It had been like this for a few weeks, but only recently had our conversations been more distant and more aggressive. "Are you in love with someone else?" He asked me, I could see his jaw clench.
I shook my head no.

He took a deep breath and walked away from me. "I only love you." "But you cant tell me that- this- is perfect." I said to him, and I could feel my heart clamming up, my eyes watering my throat tightening.

He turned back around and ran a hand through his hair. "No- we're not perfect. Is that what you want me to say? What do you want me to do?" He hissed, his time was annoyed now. I narrowed my eyes at him. "I want you to be honest with me Remington- is this my fault? Don't fucking act like the victim here we both obviously don't know what's happening right now." I snapped, I didn't notice but my fists were closed now, the squeeze on them getting tighter by the second.

He ran his tongue along his teeth in disapproval, he walked towards me quickly. "Me? The victim? You constantly want to fix this, and then never do anything about it!" His tone was raised. All my muscles stiffened and I stood up straight. "Fuck you." I growled. His expression dropped into shock. I could feel the tears silently pouring down my cheeks, his eyes were bloodshot too. But almost as fast as he became shocked the anger came back, he stormed into the kitchen and around the island he stood dangerously close to me. His big dark brown eyes sending fear through me.

"Tell me Y/N- are you just bored of me now? Need something fresh?" He scoffed, did he just refer to me as a slut? I raised my arm to slap him and I did. He left his face turned away from me, his jaw clenched again and he slowly turned his head to look at me. Fear. Regret. Hurt. My hand. It stung. "I- I'm sor-" I stopped myself from apologizing. "I'm... leaving." I said not looking at him. I said it more to myself than to him. I walked past him and out the door.

I closed the front door and walked down the street. It was dark, it was late, it was cold and it was raining.
I let the rain soak my skin, hair and clothes. I just kinda walked with no direction. I took a deep shaky breath- it was visible in the air. I put my arms around me for warmth. And I heaved. I collapsed against the wall beside me. I sobbed, the hard rain swallowed up any sound I made.
I could feel my heart break, it was heavy and hurt inside me. I cried to myself. I let it console me.

"Y/N." I could hear him. He stood about thirty feet from me, the rain soaked him. I stopped crying abruptly and glared at him. "Y/N please." He said and I turned away from him and began walking farther away.
"Y/N!" He yelled out, and I began sprinting. Running- crying- wiping tears and rain from my face. But I wasn't fast enough. He gripped my arm and pinned me to the wall.
"No! Leave me alone." I tried to push him off of me. "Y/N please listen to me." His voice was soft, his hair dripped water onto his face, his tears dropped onto my heart and made it break even more.

"I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry. That was out of line." He said, and I looked down, I couldn't look at him- those big brown eyes would pull me right back in.
"I've never loved anyone as much as I've loved you, and I promise you we can fix this- I will do everything to fix this- I need you Y/N." and as much as I knew I wanted to agree and fall into his warm hug I said it -"Let me go." My voice cracked. Inside my heart was screaming, "kiss him you idiot, makeup, and kiss the fuck out of him." But I knew what I needed, I knew what this needed. "Let. Me. Go." I repeated. And he dropped his muscled hands from my arms. He stood in front of me with something I couldn't read on his face. My hair dripped into my eyes.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

And I felt it.
Utter heartbreak. I became numb.

"Me too." I said my voice was flat. And I walked away from him, and this time he didn't follow me.

And I didn't come back.

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