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Warnings: fear of water, swimming

request where the reader doesn't know how to swim and Remington teaches them how. I'm a really good swimmer, I actually trained to be a life guard when I was 16&17- so this was weird to write but I hope this makes sense, and doesn't freak any of you out too much.

The water was up to my hips. My feet planted firmly on the ground. I looked at Remington, he ran a hand through his hair lazily, making eye contact with me- he looked at me like I was the most delicious thing on the planet. I blushed so much. I let my head fall and a smile stick to my face. He wore black swimming shorts with a red stripe across his left thigh. They sat a little lower on his hips than I was comfortable with. I found myself tense just looking at him. His toned chest and arms, spattered with tattoos.

He smirked and walked down the steps to the pool. My black two piece was comfortable- but I knew that Rem was staring at me- drinking in my frame. I let my hands run through the water. Rem came close to me, sliding a warm hand around my waist and pulling me close. "You wanna try?" He asked me. I nodded my head slowly.

He kissed my forehead. "I'll be right beside you. And Emerson is right there okay?" Rem nodded his head to the left and behind me. Em was sitting by the table drawing in his sketchbook. I took a deep breath. I'd never learned to swim, I didn't live anywhere near a lake, ocean or a pool, and eventually I got too old to get lessons.
I'd never been a beach person, and I'd always sit in the shallow end or just put my feet in.

I remembered trying once, the person I was with got distracted and I couldn't keep up. I didn't know what to do- I just splashed and splashed and then-
Rem put his hands on my cheeks. My memories stopped. "I'm right here okay?" He made me look at him. "Okay" I smiled at him. He kissed my lips softly, I felt like melting in his hold. He looked me up and down once before moving to the deep end of the pool. His gaze made me nervous, but I followed him nevertheless.
Emerson flashed me a smile. He held his thumb up, "You're gonna be okay" he winked at me. I smiled at him and let my hand run along the wall of the in-ground pool.

I kept close to the wall and pushed myself over to where Rem was. My hand didn't leave the wall.
I met where Remington was already treading. My grip was tighter than I wished it was. He gave me a soft smile. I could see his legs kicking easily back and forth in the water. I did the same. He offered me his hands and I took them. one by one. my hands left the wall, and held onto Remington. "Just kick your feet babe. If you feel unsteady grab me or the wall" he said carefully. I nodded, the water was up to my shoulders and I carefully let go of one of his hands. He saw the fear evident on my face "I'm right here love." His voice was soft.

"Do this." He told me and he pushed his free hand towards and away from his chest. "Like spreading Nutella." He smiled at me. "Of course." I said with a smile. Of course he would say Nutella. He laughed a little.  I did what he did, easily pushing the water towards and away from me. I took a deep breath and carefully let go of his other hand. I did what he did and focused on the water, on keeping myself above it. I smiled at him, and he flashed me his teeth. I kept going for a few seconds, I felt my breath begin to quicken. I started finding it harder to push and myself up. My body felt heavier.

My neck went under, and soon so did my face. But arms were around me. And Remington was holding me while kicking his feet. "Hey it's okay, you're okay. I'm right here." He reassured me. I clinged to him but he kept us both up with ease. "It's okay Y/N, deep breath." He told me, I could seem Emerson was sitting up straight now. "Bring her to me. Let her take a break." Emerson called softly. I shook my head. "N-no I wanna try again." I said and Emerson smiled. I let go of Rem slowly, holding his arms.

I let go of arms and closed my eyes feeling the water move around my limbs at ease. I took deep breaths- I knew Rem was smiling at me. "You're doing it baby." He smiled and I laughed. "It's childish." I told him. "It's not- and you have every right to be afraid- but you're doing so well." He told me. I smiled at him- the sight and though of him almost making me lighter, warmer. I floated more.

I went on for a few more seconds before feeling a bit uneasy. Rem kept himself close to me but I wanted to show him I was strong. The pressure, and stress started to become too much and I felt heavy again. my head dipped and all my breath drained. I tried to push myself up. But I couldn't. I knew I was panicking- I told myself to be calm but my panic only made me panic more.

But once again. Arms were around me. This time he swam to the wall, he held me to him closely, protectively. I coughed away from him. "I'm sorry- I shouldn't have let you go that long. "No- it's okay. It's not your- fault. I freaked myself -out." Between some words I found myself coughing up water.
Rem pulled me out of the pool and Emerson hugged me, even though I got him wet. "That was so good Y/N, you're a strong girl." He told me. I smiled at him sadly.
Rem wrapped me in a towel and hugged me until I was warm. "You're okay, I'm right here." He repeated, I didn't notice before but I was shaking a little. Remington rubbed my shoulder until I was stable again.

"I wanna go again." I said.
"No- you need a break." He told me. Pushing my wet hair behind my ear. I let my head rest on his shoulder, he kissed my head and hair. "You're so amazing." He whispered. "And god- do you look good in that swimsuit." He added, I blushed and hid my face in his chest. "So do you." I told him.
"I wanna try again." I told him and he shrugged with a smile. "Okay." He gave in

I practiced with him twice more, and almost every day that week I tried again. Alone.
I stayed surfaced and became stronger. "I love you so much." Remington told me. We both held our own above the water. I bit my lip. "I love you more." I smirked. "Bet." He dared me. I rolled my eyes, "bite me." I shot back and he smirked. He tugged me close and swam to the shallow he picked me up bridal style and carried me inside still dripping wet.


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