hostage II

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My head spun, I thought I was gonna tip over- I felt the cold brick outside on my fingertips, on my palm, on my forearm, my back. I leaned on the wall for support- I couldn't even pull enough together to stand. I didn't know what to do, or what had happened. How do I recover from this?
How do I know what's true? What do I do? I sunk to the cement, my head in my hands outside the building. I ran past Sebastian, I needed to breathe- no one tried to stop me.

I let the fingers in my hair tug at the roots, pulling at them asking the brain inside for an answer of guidance.

It was late out- I didn't even notice. The sun was far past set and the night covered the town. I could hear faint arguing. Whose side was I on? I closed my eyes, they stung. Get up my brain told me, get back up.

I didn't want to. I wanted to sit in the cold and in the dark until the answer pulled me to my feet. But with unknown in my soles, I stood.
"-lying to her for months- years now?!" "I didn't need her to be involved. And for the two of you to fuck this up TOGETHER!? I can't even comprehend the fact that you Sebastian- agreed to do this wit-" Emerson stopped yelling when he saw me stood in the doorway. The other two turned around. Remington spoke up.

"Y/N babe. I know you're confused-" "don't call me babe- and don't fucking play good cop- you stay the fuck away from me." I pointed an angry finger at him with a growl. "I don't even know what the fuck you're doing here or how you're involved." I pointed at Sebastian. "And you... how long have you been hiding this criminal illegal debt from me that you knew could put me in danger?" I walked right up to Emerson.

His eyes didn't leave mine. "3 years." He said. I let my head fall back, my eyes on the ceiling, I spun away from him blowing out air.

I pointed a lazy hand at Sebastian. "You're the oldest, do you have anything to say?" I crossed my arms. I saw Remington give me an amused smile. "Em has been hiding stuff for years, not that you should know of, but the fact that it had to come to us baiting you for him to fix his mistake- wasn't okay. I can't imagine how fucked this is for you, and the fact that you haven't called the cops is- beyond me. I wouldn't doubt that they're on their way though."

"She wouldn't call the cops." Emerson spoke. I glared at him. "And how do you know that?" I hissed,

Remington took slow teasing steps towards me, "because you're scared." He said. I shot him eyes of hatred, my hair hung in front of my face. I could feel my fists burning.
Oh god how I wanted to punch him. But he might be the trustworthy one here.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I shouldn't have lied to you." Emerson said. I didn't look at him. I looked at the dark brown eyes that stared into mine from a few inches away.
Remington that stood right before me. I could hear distant sirens. We must've caused too big of a scene from the inside. An outsider must've panicked.

"We've put you in quite the situation, but you have a choice." Remington said. "Oh how kind of you." I said with sarcasm dripping from every word I spoke. "Who do you trust darling?"

I looked at Remington who had the slightest smirk on his face. It made me feel uneasy. And Emerson who ran a hand through his hair.
The cops were coming, and I was gonna have to pick a get away.
"You come with me and you're wanted, as fucked as this is- is almost feel safer if you went with him." Emerson said, and my tiniest drop of hope absorbed into the floor, disappearing.
It was safer for me to leave with Remington right now, but I didn't trust him. Not that I could trust Emerson anymore either.

I couldn't get out of here by myself, my time was ticking and Emerson gave me one last apologetic look before I put my trust into Remington. I could see a weight lift off Emerson's shoulders. But before anything else I was being dragged behind Remington and into the back of the building, he was sprinting as I tried to keep up. We heard the screech of police cars stop.
Sebastian had his own plan and he probably safer than us anyway. But Remington dragged me through doors and hallways like a maze. Getting us lost in the building.

We heard the police throw open the door and Remington immediately stopped and pinned me to the wall in the dark hallway we were in, he put a hand over my mouth and tucked us in a corner out of sight.

"Shhhh" he whispered to me carefully. Walkie talkies and footsteps could be heard a few feet away. The police had surrounded this building. His eyes dark chocolate, looked from the doorway to me. He was calm. I could see how relaxed he was, he was fucking crazy. Or was he?
He used me as bait to trick Emerson, that's crazy. Perspective. His word throbbed in my mind.

He used me as bait to stop something illegal. I was the unfortunate prize.

Either way I was used by the both of them, but Remington might've been the trustworthy one- he hadn't lied to me so far.

When he knew I would be quiet in my own he removed his hand from my mouth, he smiled softly at me, before footsteps were heard too close to the right of us. I was frozen, but he was still calm, he moved some of my hair behind my ear. Taking one of my hands again. Once the footsteps passed he pulled me behind him quietly yet again. He took us up the stairs and I knew better than to ask questions or make noise.

I saw someone between the post of a doorway and I pulled Remington in the opposite direction as quick as I could, I tugged him towards me and pulled him close to me, hiding him behind the wall corner. His face was inches from mine. "Smart girl" he mouthed with a smirk. I let a small smile fall onto my lips, I was proud of myself. I gripped the fabric of his t-shirt and held him very very close.
He looked more than amused, "is this the part where we kiss?" He whispered and I rolled my eyes. He laughed quietly to himself.

Once the footsteps were gone I pushed him away and followed his intended direction. The roof.
We snuck up the stairs to the roof. "I'm sorry you had to be a part of everything that happened." He said. "If you were sorry you wouldn't have done it." I stated. "You're a pretty girl, you're of high value." He shrugged- trying to compliment me. "Value? How nice." I growled, what was I? A watch?

"You're really lucky you're hot." I growled, closing the door softly behind us as we got to the roof. "Stop you're making me blush." He said with a silly voice.
I rolled my eyes with a small smile.
"Do you trust me?" He asked me.
I furrowed my brows at him. "No." I stated the obvious.
"Would you?" He looked at me. I opened my mouth to say no, but stopped myself, would I trust him?

"Depends." I said. He smiled. He was making progress with me. I crossed my arms. "I've steered you through that down there with no unfaithfulness." He said suggesting to the surrounding policemen.
"You did tie me up." I bargained.
"I'm kinky, desperate and running out of time babe." He shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. I tried not to laugh.
He smirked knowing I almost did.

"We gotta jump." He got straight to the point. "I'm sorry what?" I raised my eyebrows. "How would you suggest escaping?" He asked me. I shrugged. "I knew I put too much trust into you." I said referencing to the fact that he left us with only one option.

"Not enough." He corrected me. He offered me his hand. "Not two stories down. To the buildings next to us." He clarified.

I looked at his open palms. I looked at the street below us. I thought about Emerson, Sebastian.
I looked up at him with angry eyes and a stomach full of worry.

I put my hand in his. "I trust you." I shrugged. He smirked. I looked at the jump in front of us. "God I hate you." I said. Felling the fear rise in me.

He repeated my words from earlier.
"Bite me."

And we took off running until we pushed up from the ground. The silent 1.. 2.. 3.. jump.

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