numb (x)

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Warnings: smut, angst, aggression, yelling,

I sat on my couch in the dark, I wasn't even watching TV anymore. I was alone.
For the past almost 2 months I'd been alone.
Remington had been going out more and stopped telling me where. He was distant, cold.

It made my heart ache, and then all feeling stopped. About 3 days ago. I was moping again, Remington was no where to be found. But instead of feeling angry, or sad. I felt nothing.

Something shifted. I didn't even miss him anymore. I simply felt numb.
The door opened and Remington walked in, he took off his jacket and shoes. Turning around he stopped abruptly when he saw me.
"Hey." He said calmly. He was so hot, and he didn't even have to try.

No, he was hurting me. I shouldn't think like that anymore

"Why?" I asked him with a sour tone to my voice, he furrowed his eyebrows together and came closer to me.
"Why do you keep doing this to me? And then pretending it's fine?" I asked standing up letting my anger slip a little.

He still said nothing, so I took my chance and laid out everything.
"You've done this- whatever it is you go out and do- and you don't even tell me where you're going. You leave me in the dark, I thought you loved me Remington. I can't keep doing this, I haven't kissed you in weeks. I miss you, I miss you so fucking much, but I can't do this, god- what am I doing wrong?" My voice finally cracked, saying it out loud made me realize how much it really hurt me.

He was hurting me more than I knew. More than he knew.
He stood looking dumbfounded.

"Nothing? You have nothing to say? Alright, that really puts things into a clearer perspective, I- I think we're through Remington, this is it for us." I spoke again. Not being able to deal with his piercing stare any longer.
I finally felt my heart shatter. His eyebrows furrowed and his arms tensed.

"Y/N- please." Was all he got out.
"Please?" I growled.
I shook my head and began walking towards the door, before he could say anything else.
But I wasn't fast enough.
Remington had me pinned to the wall within seconds.

His strong arms on either side of me, tears in my eyes, fear, fear through my whole body.

My lip trembled.
"What am I doing wrong?"

His chest heaved, like all the air had drained from it.
"Nothing. Y/N, my beautiful, beautiful flower, no- nonono. It's me, I know that. you need to hear me out."
"No, don't 'flower' me, I don't want your excuses, there is no excuse, you used to tell me everything, you used to love me. Not anymore, we're done." I felt my heart shatter, with every word I spoke, my eyes filled with tears, as did his. I broke from him and walked to the door.

But he grabbed me, he gripped the fabric on my shirt and pinned it to the wall. A dark look in his eyes, one that made fear strike through my whole body.
"Remington." I growled through tears. He was making this harder than it needed to be.
"Let me go." I cried finally.

His hard stare was enough to make me sob.
Why was he torturing me?
"Never. I will never let you go.
I'll tell you why I was out, Why I've been distant.
I've been writing records, staying in the studio all night, for weeks. but all of them were love songs about- about you. Everyone told me to break off from you a little bit, to channel other emotions. I didn't want to, I'd hate myself for doing that to you. Hurting you, for music.
But I had to,
I didn't realize how much this was hurting you. Y/N I am so sorry, I never meant to go this far."
Remington hung his head from his shoulders.
"I never meant to make you cry." His voice was quiet. He was breaking. This was taking a toll on him too.

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