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Warnings: barf, sickness
I've had a fever these last few days- which is the reason for no update- but I managed to bang out this piece of shit- this has barfing in it- just in case that makes you feel sick or uncomfortable. Love y'all

I heard what sounded like someone throwing up outside the hotel doorway. I bolted out of bed and peaked my head out the door.
Remington had one hand on the wall, and one hand around a bucket. He was about 6 feet away from my door. "Oh my god are you drunk?" I asked him. He was pale, his eyes were red, he shook his head no. "Oh god- Comere." I helped him into my hotel room. "Holy- you're burning up, where were you?" I brought him into my bathroom.
"I-uhh-i finished the set... and started to feel off. by the... by the time we were all done and everything... everything was finished- I threw up." He looked up at me. I put the back of my hand on his forehead.
"I think you have a fever Rem." I told him. He laughed a little to himself. "Makes sense." He breathed. "You can sleep in here tonight, I don't want you throwing up all over yourself."

"I don't wanna keep you up-" "Rem- it's not a big deal. You'd do it for me." I pushed his hair back and looked at his bloodshot eyes. He pressed me a sleepy smile, "shower, I'm gonna run downstairs and get you some food. Will you be okay?" I asked him. He nodded. "Thanks Y/N- I owe you."
I pressed him a smile before leaving.

I walked to the elevator in my trackpants, socks and PJ shirt. Dan stopped me. "Hey fashionista- where's Rem? he's not in his room- he dipped" he asked me. "He's in my room-" "ooooooo" Dan cut me off wiggling his eyebrows. "No you loser- he's all nauseous and barfy. I told him he could stay with me." I walked by him and closer to the elevator.

Dan turned around and ran beside me. "I knew he looked off- he put on this great show- but then went all pale, then about 25-30 minutes later he practically disappeared." Dan said. I nodded. "He must've caught a fever or stomach flu or something- I'm gonna go find him some tea or fruit, do you wanna go check on him until I get back?" I asked him. And he nodded I threw Dan my key and got into the elevator. "Thankyou." I told him before the doors closed.

It was atleast 1 AM. I walked into the lobby and made a small tea, and found some oranges. I asked the front desk if they had any ginger ale I could give to Rem. One of the nice ladies got me one, telling me he hoped he felt better.

I grabbed all that I needed and went back into the Elevator.
I made it back to my room and knocked on the door softly. Emerson opened it. "Why is everyone in my room?" I asked with a quiet laugh. "Dan let me in- I wanted to check in on drama queen." He said and I laughed again.
"Has he thrown up again at all?." Dan shook his head no. "Okay I love you- get out-" I told Em and Dan giving them quick hugs and pushing them off to bed.

Rems wet, showered hair was sprawled around his makeup-less face. Even if he was a little pale and off looking- he was still beautiful.
I made him lay down on one side of my bed. "Sip on these two, and eat this when you can." I gave him the tea, gingerale, and orange.
"What? Why?" He asked me. "Because I said so." I told him locking the door. I gave him a blanket and turned on the TV for him. "But-b-but-" "hot tea is good for you, ginger-ale will make your stomach feel better, and citrus is good for your immune system." I told him and he looked at his hands "oh...ok.. thankyou." He said quietly.

I closed the curtains and turned off all the lights except the one in the bathroom just in case. I got in bed beside him. "The bucket beside you is for emergencies- but try to barf in the bathroom- and please wake me up if you need anything okay? Take this." I looked at him and gave him a Tums. He looked eternally thankful. "You're literally an angel." He smiled at me. "I just love you- now drink your tea." I told him. "If I wasn't gross right now- I'd 100% make out with you." He said. "We can postpone that- just take it easy." I put my hand on his trying to hide my begging blush. I watched the quiet TV as he sipped his Tea. He ate the orange slowly, and took tiny sips of his ginger ale every now and then when I reminded him to.

"How do you know all of this?" He asked me softly referring to his display of food and drink. "I know everything- try and get some sleep okay?" I asked him and he nodded. I snuggled into bed a bit more, and left the TV on for him quietly as he nodded off.

4 AM maybe I could faintly hear Rem vomiting in the bathroom. My heart ached for him and I got up. I walked over and knocked carefully. He groaned quietly.
I came into the bathroom and knelt beside him on the toilet.  His head hung from his shoulders. "I'm dying." He decided. "This is it for me." He said. I rubbed his back. Laughing softly. "Oh babe- it's okay- you're gonna be okay." I said, he heaved one more time and threw up into the toilet. I rubbed his back and told him over and over that he would be okay. "Okay- you're fine- I'm right here." I told him and took in a shaky breath. I ran my hand through his hair. "How ya feel?" I asked him. "Actually- a lot better. Sorry I woke you up." He said.

"It's okay- it's what I'm here for, and that's good, clean up. Lay down when you're ready." I put my hand on his face. I got up and laid back down. I heard Rem wash his face, flush the toilet, rinse his mouth and groan a little- he walked into the doorway of the bathroom: not paying attention- groaned again in pain  and then sneezed into his arm.
I couldn't help but laugh. "You're a fuckin mess." I told him. He winked at me, and pointed a finger gun. I laughed into my hand to not wake up the people beside us.

He got back into bed and I rolled around to face him. "Take this." I gave him acetaminophen. Also known as Tylenol. He took it happily. "You really do come prepared." He whispered. "I'm on tour with rockstars- I'm always prepared." I smiled at him. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, trying to settle. I ran my hand through his hair. "You're gonna be fine." I reassured him, running my fingers though the soft strands of his hair. He had a happy/ peaceful smile on his face. I took my hand away and his smile faded. "It feels good." He told me, I laughed a little and carefully ran my hand through his hair some more.

Just pushing it back softly- over and over, letting the strands run between my fingers. "Just so you know- as soon as I feel better- you're getting paid in kisses." He breathed and my heart lept from my chest. "Lucky me."

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