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Warnings: anger, yelling
(Uses the small fight scene in Royale Television season 3, Episeode 10, time 5:20.
in no way am I romanticizing or glorifying this- I know how this feels, and it's horrible. Just using the scene for the sake of a story)

Sebastian huffed as he walked off the stage, he pressed me a smile, giving me a quick hug, but I knew something was wrong. Emerson had his eyebrows raised his expression read worry, disappointment and amusement. He hugged me and I told him he played a great set. Then Rem followed.

The air was charged with a different energy. He smiled at the crowd but when they couldn't see him, I watched his face change, his eyes dropped, his brows furrowed and his jaw clenched. I watched his fists curl. "Hey love, that was amazing!" I said and my voice was weak,
Based on his facial expression, I felt my body tense, I hope I didn't do anything wrong, he looked like he wanted to commit murder. When he looked at me, the temporary rage faded, and he smiled at me, another genuine smile. And my fear faded a little. "Thankyou." His eyes crinkled when he smiled. "You okay?" I asked and he nodded, giving me a quick hug. "Think you could go- help Dan for a sec, I gotta talk to Sebastian.." Rem said, his bright eyes asked me kindly. He ran his arm up and down my bicep to reassure me.
And I nodded "of course." I smiled and went off to go find Dan.

I searched for Dan high and low- where the fuck is he? I thought to myself, and I turned the corner running right into him. "AAAH!" we both yelled out. He grabbed my shoulders softly to steady me. "Shit sorry- you okay?" He asked me with a laugh. "Yeah ahah, are you?" I asked him he nodded. "You needed help?" I asked him and his brows furrowed, "I do?" He asked me. "What- you tell me." I asked him, more confused than ever.
"I thought you needed help with something." I looked at his confused face. He shook his head no slowly. "No I'm all good- did I tell you I needed help?- how much have I had to drink??" He laughed a bit, I couldn't help but laugh as well.

"No, Remington asked me to go help you." I told him and he scrunched up his face even more. "Well, as far as I know I'm all good." He smiled and I reciprocated. "He just said, 'can you go help Dan? I gotta talk to Sebastian' " I shrugged, but instead of Dan shrugging too, his face dropped. "Oh shit." He breathed, all his muscles fell.
He walked past me. "What? what? whats going on?" I asked him trying to catch up to him,

And the further Dan went, the louder the yelling got. I ran to catch up to him, and see what was going on, but Dan put an arm out to stop me. I ran into his forearm, "I think you should stay here, they're probably just-- I'll deal with it." Dan said and before I could protest he opened the backdoor and shut it behind him,
"It was one song!" "You gotta listen to me- it's my fuckin voice." I heard Rem growl from the other side of the door. "Stop fuckin screaming dude." Sebastian protested. "You gotta fucking listen to me Sebastian. I'm not doing this shit- I just fucking did ten shows in a row- I do VIPs every day-" "stop talking!" Sebastian fired back,

My heart ached and I paced, they both had a had a bit to drink. Sebastian definitely more so.
"No! Stop making me sing more fuckin songs." "Oh! You have to do your fucking job." Sebastian voice became distant and I could hear Rem following him. "Hey Rem buddy, don't." Dans voice called to him softly.

I opened the door and Dan put a hand out telling me not to intervene. "You don't do fucking SHIT!" Remington hissed and I practically flinched. He came over to the hallway I stood in, but didn't see me, he kicked the wall, muttering a curse, but then yelled out and punched the wall, hard. I'd never seen him this mad.


Ran right through me, the punch was hard enough to make me jump and I gasped loudly. Dan gave me a look. Rem pulled the banister off the wall and let it fall. Dan and I must've been white, my fingers shook a little and Rem began following Sebastian again. I ignored Dan shaking his no at me, and telling me not to yell at the two of them.

I ran in front of Rem and put my hands out to stop him. His eyes met mine and the dark ring of colour in his irises shot through me. I put my bare hands on his chest to stop him. "Y/N babe, don't." He warned me. But I grabbed his arm, putting my hand around his forearm.
"Rem." I warned him. "Don't threaten me." I told him.
I could feel Dan and Luis motioning for me to step back.
"What did you see?" Rems voice was demanding. I had to keep my fear contained, but my fingers shook.

I looked up at him. "Most of it- now please listen to me." I spoke. "I don't wanna hear it from you either." He arched a brow at me, his tone was flat. I pushed my fear asside and glared at him. "You're not going to, Comere." I said and I pulled him around a corner and out of sight of everyone. "Sometimes I wanna beat his fucking head in- he doesn't think about anyone other than himse-" "hey hey relax- this isn't worth it- it's over now- and I'll talk to him later. But right now both of you need to cool off before you try again. Okay?" I asked him. He just shuffled on his feet, not looking at me, the anger bubbling in him was throwing him off balance.

"Look at me." I demanded. And when his eyes met mine, I physically saw some of the anger melt. His jaw relaxed, fists loosened, chest fell, brows softened. "Okay?" I asked one more time, I made sure my words were careful.
He nodded. "Okay." He said. I felt my fear melt away when I saw his muscles relax.

"You can vent to me later, scream at me all you want. But not here, not now- it's too fresh, just breathe." I said, and I rubbed his arm reassuringly. "He shouldn't get to do that." Rem said, his voice had a growl to it. I put my hands on his face and made him look at me. "I'll deal with him later. But you can't tear yourself up over this, too many fans are too close by- I don't want you two saying or doing things you'll regret." I said and he studied me. "I'm not so sure I'll regret it." He grumbled, and I glared at him. "Don't." I warned him. My tone shocked him a little. "You don't get to be angry with me- you scared the living shit out of me, and you're going to listen to what I have to say." I held him in place with my eyes. He seemed taken back. "I didn't know you were there, I didn't mean to scare you-" he defended himself. I grabbed his wrist and looked at his knuckles, red and badly irritated.
Why'd he have to punch the wall?

I took a deep breath and held his hand between my own, my hands were shaky around his.
He took a deep breath and smiled at me. "You're really hot when you're flustered, and mad." He whispered and I blushed
"Go shower. You and I can go for a walk, I'll deal with Super Douche when he's sober, but don't poke him okay?" I arched a brow. And he nodded. "Thankyou." He said. "You make me calm." His voice was soft. "Don't distract me with Dan next time- before one of you kills each other- because I will kill you both." I said with a forced smile and he bit his lip. He was so much calmer now.

"I know you will."

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