bermuda (x)

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Warnings: anger, ocean, smut, alcohol


"Y/N GET ON THE FUCKING BOAT!" Emerson's voice bellowed from a ways away, I looked at the boat in front of me, my home for the next few days.

Now, lemme give you some background of this, Emerson and I had art classes together and he is one of my closest friends, and our dumbasses have always dreamt of sailing to somewhere tropical, NOW, when he told his brothers, this idea took off- but curved, so technically yes, Emerson and I get to boat out to the middle of nowhere and get sunburnt, however, as the three brothers tossed the idea around it somehow came down to the plan of us taking a yacht and staying out in the water for a few days, because no one could settle for one location.

Heres, where it gets exciting, Remington and I never really got along, so when Emerson told me his brothers were coming which was expected, it didn't stop me from getting a little snarky, and upon the realization that Remington would in fact be attending, and so I muttered "oh shit great, yeah why don't we just go to the Bermuda triangle" as sort of an abstract "oof I wanna die" but of course Emerson took away that the Bermuda is technically a mystical void and thought it would be super badass to go anyway.

So here I am dragging my ass onto this boat to hopefully just disappear lmao. I got onto the boat with the help of Sebastian's hand, "I'm happy you're coming, don't let Rem piss you off." Sebastian smiled nicely at me. "Thank you," I said softly, I immediately waddled over to Emerson and he gave me a hug. "So what're the chances of us all disappearing into the ocean forever?" he gave me a look "don't be like that, If Remmy bothers you, you can come to see me, our driver is a pro, and its a myth babe." he put a hand on my shoulder.

I gave him a pressed smile. when I turned around I almost walked into Remington colliding with his bare chest, my hands out in front of me. "sorry' we both muttered. I heard Sebastian snicker. I went inside the base of the boat and put my bag down on the floor, the beds hadn't been set up, and the bathroom light was on and the door was closed. but before I could investigate Stephanie walked out of the bathroom "oh thank god you're here" I breathed. She cackled giving me a hug, her skin warm from being outside. "Oh honey I'm not staying, I just came to check on you all, but look, I know how much you and Em wanted this, and you don't have to get along with Remington, but don't let that ruin this trip, okay?" I kinda frowned when she said she wasn't staying but nodded with her words.

"you two have a lot more in common than you think, but you're both too stubborn to take your spikes down, personally, I think you guys being stuck in the middle of nowhere for three days might help, I love you, honey," she kissed my forehead and waited for me to tell her that I understood before going back upstairs.

I put a few of my things in the bathroom before I heard Daniels famous cackling, my heart immediately jumped he came down the stairs, a corona in hand and his swimming trunks on. "YEAAAAAAA!!!!" we both screamed when we met eyes, laughing was heard from upstairs. "YOU'RE COMING?!" I asked "FUCK YA" he exclaimed and we both danced. "Look, Steph just gave the full mom talk to rem, she was telling him not to be a dick to you and evrything-" dan whispered now. "really? cause she just told me to not let him bug me." I answered and he laughed again. "damn man, this is gonna be so cool, put on your bathing suit I've got some breezes for you in the cooler."

I gave him a soft smile and a thank you before doing as told.
I was happy dan was staying, he was another person I could distract myself with. I came back up in my bathing suit and dan immediately tossed a can at me. I caught it single handedly and the the boat began moving. We all stumbled, but not much.
Emerson raises his can and we all cheersed to this adventure beginning.
Remington wouldn't take his eyes off me, but I clicked my can with his, and smiled carefully before taking a sip.
The woman who drove the boat laughed at us all, and introduced herself to me "Nice to meet you Anne." I said softly.

I sat beside Emerson as we all sat in a circle drinking and talking. Now don't get me wrong. I don't hate Remington. I don't think he hates me either, I mean it's impossible to hate someone who looks that good, we just argue over everything. He'd laugh at some things I'd say. But I always knew it was half hearted.
"I practically had to beg Y/N to come on a trip that she pitched." Emerson looked at me.
"Wonder why." Remington leaned back and crossed his arms.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Rem-" Sebastian started.
"No, you're exactly why I didn't want to come. I'll be straight up." I shrugged.
"But I'm here and we haven't fought so- that's a W." I said.
"Oh lucky me." He snarked.
"Screw you." I hissed back
"Kids! Relax." Dan called, and we all settled down.

It was darker. We had stopped the boat on the outskirts of the Bermuda, floating in the calm current. The water was beautiful.
I pushed Emerson to the side, and took off running, I jumped on the seat and over Remingtons head, letting my hands guide my body into the water, a quick dive that let me go under.

I heard splashes come after me,
"You aren't afraid of open water?" Dan asked me.
"What do you think?" I asked sarcastically treading in the cool water. Remington just kinda gave me a look.
Later on we were all drying off and Remington and I were bickering, mostly about how I wouldn't come because he was coming, and that he was a little bitch.
"Nope, take it somewhere else ladies" Sebastian ran a hand down his face tired of it already, and so I stood up, Remington following.

"You are really immature enough to not come because of my presence cause that's childish." He hissed
"You know what's childish? You bringing it up over and over, the only point you're proving is that I'm right." I crossed my arms
"You're a spoiled brat." He furrowed his brows. "And you're a negative asshole."
I pointed a finger at his chest, stepping a little closer to him now, to not raise my voice.
He grabbed at my wrist "Don't me make me do something we'll regret" his hissed
"Don't threaten me." I growled
And like we felt it in the air, he grabbed at me and I pushed my lips on his angrily

"You're a piece of work aren't you" he growled and he grabbed at my thighs, lifting me up and pushing me against the wall.
He attacked my neck with kisses and bit down hard, causing me to whimper.
"Oh really?" He smirked,
"Fuck you" I hissed before scraping my nails down his back

We passionately made out bumping into walls as we tried to make our way downstairs finally my back hit the bed and we made quick work of discarding our clothes.
"I thought I was gonna rip out my hair spending three days in the ocean trapped on a boat with you, but nope I'm gonna rip out your hair instead." I snarked and he pinned my hands down aggressively attacking my neck with rough kisses before pushing into me, I gasped and dug my nails into his back

I moaned but contained it, "you can rip,scratch or bite whatever you want" he growled in my ear and my jaw fell, he moved at a painfully slow pace and I couldn't take it i grinder my hips into him and he let out a groan that made my thighs weak.
"Oh fuck, don't stop" he whined
"Did you just beg me?" I laughed, but he pushed me down harder and pounded into me, it took all my will power not to scream out his name.
"Oh come on you complained all day, you can be louder than that baby girl." He smirked and the sound of his voice practically made me come undone. I gripped him and moaned loudly and he liked that response as we both reached our finish. He crashed beside me; and between the ocean waves hitting the boat, and his and my breathing slowing down we heard from upstairs -

"I guess we know their sleeping arrangement."

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