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Warnings: covid bleh
Y'all knew this one had to be comin, please stay safe out there with this covid stuff, I wish I could Thank you all for the support you give me. A virtual hug will have to suffice, you have no idea what you guys mean to me.

The amber alert buzzed through our ears the sharp sound making all of us jump. I grabbed Emerson's arm out of instinct beside me. He snickered a little.

I'd been here for a few hours, we were all disappointed that covid had post-poned tour, but we were all understanding. We all knew deep down that the fans were the most important in all this, bringing people together was the goal, but in times like this- we needed to keep everyone safe.

I sat next to Emerson because him and I were the closest, He was my oldest friend in all of this, I wouldn't want to be in any other household.
Sebastian had me taking shots every 20 mins with him and Andrew. He made the point that the alcohol in my system was one hell of a combat to this virus.

Remington and I were still quite cold, which wasn't a surprise. Him and I always butted heads, our personalities just... clashed, and we could never break even- I personally, think that it's that big ego of his, thinking he's tough shit sometimes, but that's just my perspective, and maybe the rum and whiskey talking. Yes he was hot, yes I maybe crushed on him, but no he just doesn't vibe with me. He's a sweet kid- I've seen him with the fans, with people he's close with. I think I just make an exception. We just- bicker.

Stephanie wandered into the living room. "Hey guys, did you get the Alert?" "Yes mom" Remmy said.
"Good. Now look- this quarantine shit is no joke, And Y/N darling, I don't wanna be abrupt, but you can stay here, or if you feel more comfortable at home, I can take you there, it's just we've all just come back from tour and I don't want you to be stuck with these possibly contagious boys." Andrew waved his arms around dramatically at the word contagious. Stephanie flicked him in the head at his sass.

I nodded putting my cup down on the table, "I uh- i should probably g-"
"I think she should stay!" Emerson cut me off. My face got hot. "I mean if it's already around, we've all got it already, no good in sending her off alone." Sebastian said, and as usual Remington kept quiet. Larissa looked at me with big hopeful eyes, Andrew doing the same.

"I've got no clothes." I said laughing their eagerness off. "I can take you to get some, come on, we'd all rather you not be alone anyway." Andrew said, Larissa nodding vigourously. I looked at Remington when he said 'we'd all' his face held no expression, and I think that made it hurt a little bit more.. he didn't even look at me, not that I expected him to.

"That's a good point love, it's settled." Stephanie said.
She kissed the top of my head before going back to her room.
I took a deep breath and sat back down on the couch. "I'd feel better knowing you're not alone." Emerson said to me quietly. I pressed him a soft smile but nodded my head towards Remington who was VERY quiet. He understood.

"This will be like a two week long sleepover, plenty of time for Y/N and Rem to become BFFS" I elbowed Emerson in the guts as he finished his sentence.
He just laughed it off. Remington and I just kinda made awkward eye contact. I swallowed hard, feeling sober at his comment, my face was uncomfortably warm. I was suddenly very conscious of the sweat on my hands

I got up to pour myself some sprite into my rum. Remington walked over to where I was, clearly wanting to do the same thing. I poured into his cup, as I was still holding the bottle. "It wasn't really my idea." I said quietly. "Oh I know." He mumbled. "Please. Don't make this difficult." I said. He just kinda looked at me, like I was childish. His blonde hair was messy. I finished pouring and made him hold my drink so I could put the cap on again.
"I'm not opposed to you staying here, believe me-" he looked me up and down slowly, his lip between his teeth. "- just don't play dumb." He arched a brow at me handing me my drink and walking away.
I glared at him. Me? Dumb? Oh my god. How shallow is he? Was the fake flirting supposed to make it better!? What was that supposed to mean anyway, just more eye candy for his bored brain to pick at. God I hated him right now, my eyes burned through his head.

Sebastian was obviously giving me a nervous look. "You two good?" He asked, we both nodded, my jaw tight. "I don't feel like tip toeing around you two for the next fuckin 15 days. So you'd better be." Emerson chugged what was in his cup, After he spoke- Larissa stifled a laugh, she immediately stopped when Remington and my eyes caught hers.

"We're both adults-" he said looking at me. "Don't patronize us." He said. Standing beside me. "Yeah Emerson, for all you know they could be making out by the end of the week" Andrew scoffed. My mouth dropped. I pretended to laugh it off and I walked out of the living room, maybe I should tell them tomorrow morning that I'd feel better at home anyway..

I went through the kitchen to their Back door, away from everyone. It was dark but I could see the city lights better when there was no reflection off the glass door
I just kinda looked out onto the balcony, I'd would 100% rather be here than by myself though, the thought of it making my heart hurt a little. I loved everyone here, even Remington, of course I did. I just wondered if it was too late for me to say I changed my mind. And as if he could hear my thoughts....
I felt an energy.
I spun to see Remington.
"Yes?" I asked him.

"Emerson is right. This isn't something we've really talked about before. Now is a better time than ever." He came up to me. A simple shrug was all he offered me.
"I'd let that liquid courage dry out before you think about calling me dumb again." I looked in his cup. I felt pinned with his eyes. He sighed a little. He put the cup down.

He put his hand on the glass beside my head trapping me in his stare.
He made me nervous, but god was he hot.
He licked his lips and glared at me. "You don't need a bottle of rum to be practically drooling all over me- and I don't need any to know that- I'll admit, I'm a dick- but for some reason- it's like- you like it." He grew dangerously close to me now.
"Since you think my liquid courage is damning, I guess I'll drop it- but I think you're intimidating, I think you're hot, I think.. you're into me."

I couldn't even react, he was right, but I just looked at him.
"So, what? Does this understanding make us friends now?" I arched a brow at him. "I don't know." He furrowed his brows.
And although all of his words sounded drunk- I knew Remington- as much I didn't want to admit it, I did.
And he was speaking complete sober thoughts right now. I wanted to rip at my hair.

I swallowed hard. I looked down, "where do we go from here?" I asked, not really needing an answer, just my mind spinning and spewing.

"My room?"
"I'll lend you some clothes for the night?"
He said carefully. I couldn't tell if there was anything under his words, a deeper, drunker meaning- but I found no trace.
His eyes were soft, his brows shaped in concern.

He cared.

I looked up into his dark eyes, the bare light in the room still made them shiny.
I nodded. I mouthed a Thankyou, my pride couldn't bite back to make me squeak it out.

We slinked over to his room, he turned on the light for me and handed me a loose acid washed AC/DC shirt, and some black trackpants. "I really wanna be your friend" he laughed a little like it was embarrassing.
"Don't play dumb." I flicked my eyes up at him. "I know, I know." He laughed again, he sounded like he was playing a game. But I don't think he was, not this time. he was leaned up against wall in his room, too comfortable.
This wasn't just gonna go away, the discomfort he made me feel, I was kinda scared of him, scared of how he thought of me. I'd never felt that before,

I don't know if it was the rum, or just not giving a shit, but I stripped of my top, pulling it over my head, not giving a single fuck if he was staring- which he definitely was.
I shimmied off my tight jeans and slipped on the loose fitting ones Remington gave me,
I folded up my clothes and met his eyes again. He looked me up and down again, handing me my cup, I hadn't even realized I hadn't brought it with me.
He smirked down at me,
"Thankyou." I said quietly. This time making noise when it came out, just above a whisper.

I left the room and cane back into the view of everyone in the living room, I got a smile from Emerson,
He did a fucking quadruple take. I hid my face in my cup.
When I sat beside him, he took his time, but leaned and whispered in my ear.

"Those are Remingtons clothes Y/N." he smirked wildly
and Remington came back Into the living room and I looked at him quickly, but back at Emerson, who seemed to be the only one who had noticed.

"I know."

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