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warnings: none, fluff

Emerson had just helped me lock Remington in the bus it was a temporary thing, and we had about thirty seconds to run for our lives before he busted out and killed us both. But the adrenaline pumping through us right now- as we sprinted towards the small forest behind the parked trailer- was undeniably fun. "I'm his brother, he expects this kinda shit from me." He panted as we sprinted through the nighttime- forest. "But you-love. You're gonna get it." He laughed and made a sharp right.

I weaved my way through the trees, it was dark and we were playing a harmless game of hide and go seek. Sebastian had given up last round, because he was tired from doing pretty much all the work today,  and we were really only doing this to get out energy from after the show. I began climbing a tree. I climbed it until my hands were slipping and the branches were too thin. I put a hand over my mouth to mask my rapid breathing.
"Y/N?" I could hear his taunting voice from about forty feet away. "Emerson?" He questioned, I could 'hear' the smile on his face.

"I didn't lock you guys in the bus, that's such an unfair headstart." He whined. I held in a laugh. I had to put my other hand over my mouth as I stopped myself from saying "yeah but you're a cheater."
His footsteps got closer and then further away. After about three minutes of hiding, Emerson yelled "oh fuCK!" And I could hear them both start laughing. It made my heart hurt a little. I loved them so much. "Alright, Sorry Y/N, but Rem is gonna hunt you down now." Emerson called out sassily. I could hear him walk away from where I was and Remington laughed at his remark.

I quietly tucked my feet into the tree and hung upside down to get a better look at where he was. I couldn't see him. Remington was quiet, too quiet, before I could sit myself back up I saw him walk underneath me. I held my breath and covered my mouth.
He stood frozen almost directly below me. I could see him thinking intently. The blood started to rush to my head and I could feel my legs slipping. He looked in every direction but up. I gave in before I fell. "Psst." I whispered. And his head snapped up. A beautiful smile crossed his face when he saw me. "Wow." He commented "taking climbing lessons from me now?" He crossed his arms. I smiled at him and pulled myself up further so I could be sitting comfortably again.

"Show me what you got." I dared him, and he climbed up the tree with ease, giving me a good look at all his muscles. I applauded him "I totally was gonna give up after about another minute or so." He said and he sat on the same large branch as I, my back pressed against the trunk. We put our legs on either side of it and sat directly across from each other.
"Well, if I hung there any longer, I probably would've fallen on you anyway." I said and he laughed.
He scooted towards me and pulled a piece of tree out of my hair. I grabbed the hand that flicked something out of my hair and I kissed it.

"I love you." I whispered. "I love you." He replied just as quiet. He held my hand, warm and calloused, but soft in all the right places. I looked at our hands but he put fingers beneath my chin, he made me look at him. His crazy hair, dark eyes and soft lips drew me right in. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips, I melted into him and held the sides of his face. I pulled him closer to me, so we could have more stability. The faint lights of the bus and venue barely lit him through the trees, but I knew he still looked hot, I took in a deep breath and just looked at him. "You're staring." He said. "Oh- I know." I replied and he littered my face with kisses "You're- so- perfect." He said between kisses.

I laughed a little like he was joking. "I'm serious." He said resting his forehead on mine. I couldn't help but feel the smile tugging my lips. Once I gave in and smiled at him- he smiled back and I pressed my lips to his.

He kissed me back immediately. "Y/N and Remmy sittin in a tree- K- I- S- S- I- OW!" Emerson didn't get to finish his chant because Remington had broken off a small branch and thrown it at him. I pulled away from our kiss laughing.
Remington sighed and began climbing down the tree. "Come on." He motioned for me to follow him, and so I did, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. He offered me hand once I was nearing the bottom. "I don't need training wheels- I learned from the best." I said denying his offer and referring to his climbing. I held the last branch with one hand and stuck out my tongue to him as I dropped about three feet. My feet hit the ground and he raised his eyebrows at me an amused/ impressed smile on his perfect face.

Emerson had a wide smile on his face. Sebastian was standing not too far away just watching us all. "Dan made nachos and wants you guys to come eat them, so we gotta bring the children games inside." Emerson shrugged. Remington immediately took hold of my hand and we walked back to the buses together. "Maybe tomorrow we can all play a game of tag" Sebastian suggested.

And Remington and I squeezed each others hands in excitement.

(This was a cute request idea, and I high-key believe that they have definitely done this.)

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