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Warnings: none
I've had my heart broken too many times in the past year, but with this book- you've really helped me escape my life. I owe you all so much love. Chapter 57.

Remington was definitely trying to get my attention, pushing my hair behind my ear, staring at me, hugging me from behind, poking at me, touching my arms and thighs.
I could tell he was trying to read what I was thinking as I jotted down homework notes quickly.
He was studying me- trying to read my thoughts, so I screamed in my mind, not that he could hear it. "Give me 5 minutes!" my mind yelled, But I swear, I saw him flinch.

I took a deep breath and looked up from my papers and at him. "What Rem?" I asked with a quirked brow. He smiled at me. "I wanna go out." He said. "Then go- I've got work to do." "No you loser, with you." He rolled his eyes.
"Fine- I need five minutes." I said and Rem took a deep breath, "but the sun is setting- you can do it in the car?" He offered. I bit my lip hard. He was lucky I loved him.
I looked up at him. "Okay. You win." I said, grabbing my book. "Yes!" He pulled his fist back in victory.

"Where are we going?" I asked him. He pressed me a sheepish smile and shrugged. "Sometimes I wanna kill you." I told him. "I'd be honoured" he said and my heart melted a little.
I slid on my shoes and he grabbed his keys. He held my hand as we walked to the car. "You really are special." I told him. "The perks of loving me." He shrugged and opened my door. "Thankyou." I said getting into the car and immediately starting my notes back up.
Rem got in and let out an odd breath. "I love you." He said. "Are you going to kill me and dump my body- is this what's happening- cause if so, I won't bother finishing this." I told him, holding up my book. He laughed loudly.

"No, I just wanna hangout- I said that cause you're so driven- it's kinda hot." He said starting the car. I snorted a laugh. "I just wanna get this done- but thanks? You're kinda hot too." I mumbled and focused on the words I wrote down.
I wasn't paying attention to where he was taking us, but I didn't mind, I trusted him and was happy to be in his presence.

I wrote my last few points as Remington drove, humming to some grungey song on the radio quietly. I closed my book and looked at the road. "How the fuck did we get here?" I asked him, and he laughed. We were driving out towards fields. "I went off of west-way 11."  He told me and I nodded in understanding. "Okay but why?" I asked. "You ask too many questions babe." "Sorry- I'm driven." I told him and he laughed a little, he put a hand on my thigh, but not taking his eyes off the empty road. He pulled the car over beside a tall grass field.

"What..." I mumbled under my breath. "This looks sketchy, but I promise you- you'll like it. Trust me?" He asked me, and I nodded. "I trust you." I said and we got out of the car. The grass was a foot or so over our heads.
He offered me a hand and I took it, he faced the grass. "I am not going through there." I told him. "Fuck yeah we are."  he said and he started running, pushing his way through the long quick grass, dragging me behind him.
I laughed and pushed through as well. "Oh my god!" I called out running through the thick grass.  I could hear Rem laughing, but also counting under his breath. He had done this before.

I listened to him over the sound of the grass crunching beneath our fast paced feet
"..5... 4... 3... 2... 1..." and just a slight pause after the grass abruptly stopped and we fell out of the field. We landed on the ground panting and laughing. "What the fuck." I breathed. Pulling grass from my clothes. Rem helped me to my feet. "You did it." He said looking behind me. So I turned, hundreds and hundreds of sunflowers, in a spread field beyond the grass. I gasped. "Oh wow." I breathed.
The sun was setting and a yellow, golden colour soaked me and the beautiful boy beside me.

I never let go of his hand. "How did you find this?, it's like hidden." I asked. "Like you said- I'm special." He told me and I pulled him in for a kiss. "You really are." I said. I looked at the flowers, they were massive, and beautiful. And then I looked back at Remington. The gold of the sunset gave his makeupless skin a beautiful warm glow, it reflected in his dark eyes like thick honey, my skin was warm, it absorbed the sun like a sponge.
"I love you." I told him, "I love you." He said.

We just stood for a while watching the sun go down, almost trying to count all the flowers our eyes could see. He pulled me closer, just kinda hugging me to him. I had never felt more at peace, warm, relaxed, safe, or in love then in these moments. We let the sun hit our skin as it sunk down to the ground- making the clear sky change into beautiful colours. He put his fingertips under my chin, his hands were warm, he tilted my head to his and placed the softest kiss on my lips. He pulled grass out of my hair, as I did to him, but my heart beat was too loud to focus on anything else but him.

He snapped off a sunflower close to him and he gave it to me. And I just looked at him in awe. Feeling him trying to read my thoughts again.

And we heard my mind say:
"Oh how I love you, my beautiful sunflower boy."
🌻 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

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