angry (x)

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warnings: angst, smut, aggression.

Emerson pulled away from our hug. He smelled like white wine and shampoo. "You should know that Remmy came with me." He said.
I felt my smile drop.
"Really?" I said expressionless
"He's my brother for fucks sake, it's my birthday, he has every reason to be here. You don't have to talk to him."
He rubbed my shoulders. I nodded.
I was throwing Emerson's party at my house. People were crowded in every room talking, laughing, dancing, drinking to loud music.
"I think you two should atleast try to-"
"No Emerson, he hates me. I didn't even do anything, I'm sorry but he's an asshole." I said "Happy Birthday though." I spoke again, handing him a large bag. His expression changed.

His face lit up. "Awe- ohmygod this is heavy, what the fuck?" He said.
The loud music and light flashed around us.
His hat covered his face when he looked around.
Engraved Drumsticks. 20$ worth of Trumoo chocolate milk, incense, a fake eyepatch and a sketchbook I ordered from France.

"Open it later." I blew him a kiss and went into the dining room.
Remington was standing against the far wall. Talking to Sebastian.
Even if I didn't want to, my eyes always fell to him first.
His wild black hair and fair skin.
He eyed me up and down, I rolled my eyes.
Sebastian was confused toward Rem and turned to see what he looked at, through a crowd of people he saw me and motioned for me to come over.
"Hey Y/N!" "Sea bass!" I called over the music that was louder now. He gave me a hug.
"No drink? Oh fuck, I'll be back with one." He said.
And he left me with Remington who was pushed very far up against the wall.
"Hi Rem." I said crossing my arms.
He just stared at me.
Sebastian gave me a drink and was already elsewhere.
I took a sip.
"Nothing?" I asked him.
And he just shook his head and pulled out his phone. "Okay, not today. Please tell me why you hate me." I stepped closer to him. He looked up at me from his phone, he sighed and put it in his pocket. "Never said I hated you."
"Then why is every encounter I have with you like pulling teeth? Why are you such an asshole?" I finally blurted out.
He took my drink from my hand and sipped it, he handed it back to me with a dark look in his eyes, he sifted a fake laugh.

"Asshole? Very original." He muttered.
"Did I stutter?" I narrowed my eyes at him, his eyebrow ticked upward and hate burned in his eyes.
The air was charged with so much negative energy and hate it made my breathing go up. "Just stop talking to me if it's so fucking hard." He spat. "I'm the hostess, I'll talk to whoever the fuck I want to. Sorry for trying to be your friend." I fired back and he glowered at me.

"I really don't get it. I never did anything to you, but you still hate me, and I've tried so hard, but now I'm done and I'm fucking pissed, I think I hate you too- what should I tell your brother? Oh happy birthday-Remington still fucking hates me, he's trying too you know?" I put my drink down, stepped towards him and pointed a manicured finger at his chest. Our talking was getting louder but the rest of the party was not paying attention to our outbreak.

"With all sincerity, fuck you Remington Leith." I growled and his chest heaved

He had such a look in his eyes I almost had to remind myself that I was mad at him and not scared of him. But before I could analyze this any further he gripped the collar of my shirt and pressed his lips to mine.

I did not hesitate kissing him back and I don't know why.
We both pulled away just as fast. He had no regret on his face, so I gripped him and kissed him again.
He kissed me back roughly. It was a hate-fuelled kiss, he turned and slammed me against the wall. Kissing me more.

I bit his bottom lip harshly, my actions speaking my words.
Remington groaned and gathered my wrists in one hand. My body pressed against his. "I really fucking hate you." I growled and he kissed down my neck biting down hard.
I whimpered a bit. It wasn't hard enough to actually hurt, but enough to get his point across. My head fell forward onto his shoulder out of weak nerves.

He rolled his hips into mine and I moaned quietly. "You like that? Thought you hated me darling." He smirked. I bit down on his muscled shoulder in prompted rage. He groaned again and dropped my wrists, digging his hands into my hips. He rutted into me one more time and I moaned again gripping handfuls of his hair.

He traced his hands up and down my waist when I finally got out the words. "My room. Now Leith." My voice was low. Remington hmphed and followed me up the stairs to my bedroom, no one noticed our detour.

I barely got the door shut in time before Rem effortlessly picked me up, threw me on the bed, and got on top of me.
His teeth found my neck again, mixed in with his lips now he left marks that would be noticeable for a while.

I couldn't help the small moans that fell from my lips as he rolled his hips into me repeatedly. It frustrated me hat he could play with my body so easily and turn me into a wreck. He pinned me down even harder with a clear intention.

He bucked into me one last time and I had had enough. I bit down on his tongue and he moaned into my mouth. He ripped off my jacket in one swift motion as I left definite nail marks along his carved muscles on his arms.
I helped him pull of  his shirt followed by my own and my bra.
I looked at his toned chest for a moment too long and he smirked. "Like what you see?"
"Fuck you." I hissed and he let his pants drop.

"You're a real bitch when you want to b-" I cut him off by grabbing his cock through his boxers. "Fuck. You."
I flipped us over and pinned him down. I grinded on him and felt him harden underneath me. "that was fast." I taunted him and he growled, my skin shuddered at the sound and he roughly flipped us back over again.

He took off my panties and I helped him take off his boxers. He fished a condom out of his wallet and made quick work of pinning my hands above my head, his dark eyes and arched eyebrows watched me. He let one of
His hands slide down my body and to my clit.
I gasped as he pushed them into me, working them.
He pumped them in and out of me and the knot in my stomach began to form. I choked back moans. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of pleasuring me.
"Rem- plea-" I stopped myself.

And so did he. "Were you just gonna beg me?" A sly smirk fell to his lips. I glared at him, the knot in my stomach not going away. He knew. He leaned toward me and whispered in my ear "beg."
Goosebumps grew everywhere on my skin.
I didn't want to give him the authority but the pain between my thighs was screaming at me to.

"Beg me." He said a smile on his face. He kissed under my earlobe.
"Please fuck me Leith." I said through gritted teeth, my hands still pinned above my head.
He wasted no time sliding on the condom and slamming into me. I gripped his back and let out a cry of pleasure.
He moved so perfectly, and was everywhere I needed him to be at the right time.
I moaned his name and became a shaking mess beneath him.
He groaned as he pushed into me and finally let go of my wrists and my hands immediately tugged at his hair and left red scratch marks down his back.

He switched something and hit a spot inside of me that made me scream "Rem! Oh fuck, right there please!!"
I felt him smiled against my skin.
He hit the spot repeatedly and I struggled to hold on.
I left nail marks all down his back at how hard his pace was. The bed-frame hit wall.

"Yeah you like that?" He growled and my mouth fell slack. And my eyes fluttered.
"Yes yes yes." I whimpered.

He quickened and I didn't think the pleasure could get anymore.
He put a hand around my throat and I felt my high coming.
"I'm gonna cum- please don't stop." I cried through a restricted throat. "
"You're close are you?" He taunted and i didn't want to give him the satisfaction. Forcefully he hooked an arm under my back and pulled my chest to his. His thrusts stopping. "Answer me." He growled. "Yes! Yes I'm g-gonna- oh god please don't stop." He went even harder now and the pain mixing with the pleasure was unbearable I let out moans that only made him go faster. I was not going to be able to walk in the morning.

"Say my name." He hissed and hit the spot that made me whimper.
"Fuck- Remington! Oh my fucking god." I moaned. And I hit my high as he filled up the condom.

He rolled off of me, his torso covered with light sweat.
"I think you should hate me more often." He said.
"I think I hate you all the time."

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