lockdown II

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I know quarantine is killing us, but we can do this bbs,
I literally just wanna party, three got cancelled, when all this started :(
I might make a third to this if you guys want it.

I fell asleep on the couch, curled into a ball, covered by a huge blanket I don't remember getting,
Remington was passed out on the other couch beside me, and so was Andrew, his bottle of Gin between his arms.
I blinked hard, the sunlight hurt my head briefly.
Stephanie and Sebastian were in the kitchen, and Emerson was smoking outside talking to Larissa.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes hard, feeling the low buzz of a migraine coming on- a good ole hangover, To my surprise I had slept really really well. I stretched and groaned a little earning a head turn from Steph and Seb, "hi" they said quietly. "Hi" I waved.
I looked down at the clothes I was in, the clothes that weren't mine. Remington was still passed out on the couch.

I stood up and walked slowly. Andrew must've heard me because he gently swatted my leg as I walked by as a groggy good morning, left his lips,
I looked at the bottle he was still hugging and we both snickered.

I walked into the kitchen where Stephanie handed me a cup of coffee, I smiled softly at her. "Thankyou." I said, she pushed some of my hair behind my ear.
"Sebastian and Larissa are going back to their place, they gotta take care of Mishka. But I'm glad you're staying- that is- if you still want to." She looked hopeful. I sipped my coffee, "I do, I do, thankyou for letting me." I said and she pressed a soft smile. Rubbing my shoulder quickly,
When I turned around Remington was slowly coming my way. Running his hands through his hair. He looked me up and down with a small smirk, took the coffee cup from my hands and took a sip before walking past me to kiss his mothers forehead and bug Sebastian with the food he was making.

Larissa and Emerson came back inside, and Emerson asked if I would come with him for a moment, and so- I did.

I followed him back out onto the balcony. "So." He asked me. "How'd you sleep?" I said holding my coffee in both hands. "Okay, I had some pretty weird drunk dreams though- you?" I laughed a little. "I K.O'd did you get me that blanket?" I asked, he nodded, "Thankyou,"
"And this attire, let's talk about that." He said making sure that the door to the balcony was closed, and no one could hear us.

I let my eyes fall to the vast view the balcony had. "Not much to say, I think it was kind of a peace offering.." Emerson took a drag of his cigarette. Blowing the smoke away from me. "Right." He said slyly, "what's that supposed to mean?" I shot my eyebrows up at him.
"You're trying time tell me, no funny business happened." He said curtly, and I nodded. He didn't seem convinced.
"Ookkaaayyy, give it a while, you and him, locked in this house-" he didn't need to keep going, I just rolled my eyes and pulled him inside.

After a cute breakfast, Larissa gave me lots of hugs and left with Sebastian, who also gave me a knowing look based on my outfit, but after they had gone, Andrew and I went back to my place to pack some stuff.

"We gotta talk about it" "he's the only one that hasn't said anything, and Stephanie, but I don't think she cares."
"What do you expect rem to say?" He asked me. "Nothing! It's not a big deal."
"YOURE WEARING HIS CLOTHES it's not like you borrowed a sweater, that is Remingtons apparel." He said.
I just brushed it off. Andrew pokes fun at me for the rest of the trip, but also told me that he felt better that I was staying at the house.

When we got back to their house and I had showered, I was in the bathroom taking a Tylenol for my head when someone knocked on the open door.
Remington stood and closed the door behind him. I sighed a little, "I put your clothes in the wash, they'll be done in-" "that's not what I'm here for." He cut me off.
"Okay" I said drinking the rest of the tap water in my cup.
"Don't give me that attitude." He shook his head a little,
"I'm not, now will you let me leave?" I said looking at the door he had closed behind him.
"You're not gonna make this easy are you?"
"Look, thankyou for the clothes last night, that was really nice of you, I appreciate it, but don't corner me." I said trying to sound as neutral as possible.
"This isn't a liquid courage -cornering situation. Its-"
"That's what it feels like." I shrugged.

"You're fuckin playing dumb again." His voice growled a little. I pulled the door open, and left him in the bathroom.
I didn't need to be patronized by him any longer.

We didn't really talk for the next few days. Little bits, nothing super uncomfortable, but now I can honestly say I'd rather be alone than alone with him.
My spare room was cold, but I liked it like that, cold enough that I wanted to shower to warm up,
I brought my plate of fruit to the sink and washed that, before heading to the bathroom, Emerson gave me a look that asked if I was okay. I nodded, he gave Andrew a look, and they both just pressed me a hopeful smile.

I walked into the bathroom to see Remington finishing shaving his face.
I set up my towel. Not really paying attention to him.
He looked at me, "did I miss any spots?"
I kind of thought I imagined him saying it. But when he looked at me through the reflection in the mirror I knew it was real.

Was he just gonna pretend that this wasn't awkward, I turned on the shower but I turned around and looked at him gently grabbing his chin with my fingers.
I turned his face towards me carefully "your sideburns are uneven" I noted quietly
I stuck a hand out wanting him to pass me the razor and he did, I held his face in my hand as I made quick work of fixing the slightly uneven hair
I could see him studying my face as I was looking at him, he took in my every feature, drawing and closer and closer

I ran my clean hands in after shave, and carefully ran them down his face. He never broke eye contact with me, making it all the more nerve racking for me. His chocolate eyes studying me.
"Be lucky you grow about five strands of hair on your face." I said stepping back out of nervousness at the close proximity we shared.
He looped a finger in the belt loop of my jeans and tugged me back close.

He smirked and took my hand and he pushed it up into his hair, allowing me to run my fingers through the thick mess of blonde on his head.
"Yeah okay, rat boy." I smirked, poking fun at him. He smiled and pulled me in for a quick kiss. His clean shaven face was smooth. I was surprised for sure, but I melted into the kiss all too quickly.

He closed the door with his foot, aimlessly reaching for the lock, the shower was still running but I could only focus on his hands grabbing at me everywhere everywhere everywhere.

And my god, did I like it
He pulled off his shirt and I instinctively followed, I couldn't think of anything else at this exact moment, just how I wanted to be kissing his lips.

I tugged at his hair a little and he worked on taking off his jeans we both definitely didn't know what was happening here, but we just couldn't stop, it was like I needed this.
I stripped of my pants and had no time to take off anything else before I was dragged into the shower, me in my undergarments and him in his boxers, and he pushed me up against the cold wall, leaving soft kisses on my cheek, neck and jaw.
The warm water covered my skin and I shuddered at the feeling of his hands on my body.

"You're so beautiful-" he breathed and I couldn't help but kiss him harder.
We let the water soak what little was left of our clothes as we literally just made out.
"What is this?" I asked breathlessly. "I don't care." He said he tugged my body close to his.
"maybe it's forgiveness...."

for god knows how long we made out in the shower, I guess we both didn't think about leaving the bathroom.
But when we walked out, only wrapped in towels. We got more than just applause from the people in the living room.
I forgot I wasn't just locked up with him....

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