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Warnings: little perv action, anger
Merry Christmas kids, were #1 in the kropp hashtag :)

"Listen darling, you're gonna have to pick one of us to share a room with, there's only three rooms in the hotel with a bed each for sleeping- so you can do whichever you're the most comfortable with." Emerson told me, I nodded. I was tired and we had a long fuckin drive ahead of us.
The boys had invited me on tour to help out- and I couldn't have been more excited.

Emerson put a lazy arm around my shoulders he was my best friend and as of right now the most obvious choice of sharing.

Sebastian threw his bag in the back carelessly causing me to laugh. I grabbed all my stuff, and all the merch stuff and put it in the van. I rubbed my tired eyes, running my hands through my hair. When I blinked them open again Remington was stood leaning against the van smiling at me. I couldn't help but blush, he was just so cute. His round doe eyes, wild hair, soft complexion, perfect smile- the littlest things he did made me nervous.
Emerson squeezed me a little- making fun of my little crush. He pulled me away from the van and over to the side. "You have a crush." He told me. "N-no." I stumbled. "Ooo yes you do- I fuckin knew it." Emerson had a shit-eating-grin on his face. I must've been redder than a tomato. "It's cute comeon." He smiled and I frowned a little. Sticking out my bottom lip.

He let out a small laugh and got into the passenger seat of the van. Sebastian took the driving position. Ruffling my hair when he walked by me. And I got in the second row with Rem.
I yawned and used one of my hands to cover my face. Rem carefully put his hand on mine: that was resting on the seat. The simple movement made me tense. "You okay?" He asked me, his face was tired too. I nodded. "Just sleepy." I said "you?" I asked him. He squeezed my hand a little and nodded with an arched brow "same." He said blinking slowly. He moved his hand away and grabbed his phone. I looked up from my hand and immediately at Emerson who was already watching me. I pressed my lips as he laughed a little. I couldn't help but blush.

Emerson began reading, Rem was listening to music and Sebastian hummed to the radio.
I wasn't very close with the other two boys, if anything I was closer with Sebastian because Rem wasn't around very much when I was. But altogether Emerson was my BFF. I could feel how heavy my eyes were, I let them close.
I fell into a light sleep, my head resting on the window and my hands on my lap. I drifted off.

I felt the van shut off and I immediately stirred. It took me a few seconds but my eyes lifted and Rem was smiling at me in amusement. "What's up?" I asked. "We're taking a break." Sebastian said getting out of the van with Emerson.
"How long did we drive for?" I asked.
"Well you slept for about 2 hours ." Emerson told me. Remington was walking into the convenience store we were parked at. I laughed a little and followed him in.
When I walked in the cashier had already made me feel uncomfortable. He was an older man with greasy hair, he gave me an up and down and a smile that made me uneasy.
Rem must've noticed and he grabbed my wrist. He pulled me with him.

He grabbed snacks and drinks, handing some to me. "Thanks." I said under my breath. "Don't worry about it- he's weird." He smiled at me and my heart fluttered around in my body. We went to the cash together and Rem moved me to stand behind him. Protectively. He held my hand softly as we paid for everything.
"Have a good day." The man said, only making eye contact with me.
"Thanks you too." Rem blurted out, I pressed the man a nervous half smile and Rem dragged me out of the store.

"That was gross." Remington said to me, and I let my head fall a little. "Thankyou." I told him and he just smiled at me. "It's okay, you don't deserve that- that must be really uncomfortable for you." He spoke carefully. "You made it better." I smiled at him and he cracked a grin.
Emerson and Sebastian were yelling at eachother "ladies, we left for 5 minutes what the fuck is going on?" Remington asked. Emerson's eyes flickered to my hand in Remingtons. I pulled it away nervously- Rem didn't seem to notice.

"My sketchbook isn't in the fuckin van." Emerson growled. "Well that's not my fault." Remington said. "No- it's hers." He said and pointed an finger at me.
"Mine? What the fuck- I packed my stuff and all the merch stuff what the fuck else was I supposed to bring?" I furrowed my brows- kinda hurt that he blamed this on me.
"I straight up asked you to grab it for me- but you're too busy making googly eyes at this fool that you don't fuckin listen." Emerson pointed to Remington. The three of us all gasped, my face was red. How could he do that to me? Make me feel bad for something like this and basically tell Rem I liked him.

"I'm sorry- it shouldn't be my responsibility anyway, I do have a whole bands merch to pack for too yknow? I can buy you another one if you want."  I crossed my arms, "no- fuck- this wouldn't have happened if you just fuckin listened. Fuck I knew you shouldn't have come." Emerson hissed and he got into the van.
"Emerson!" Remington snapped, defending me, he pulled me towards him and away from Em. "It's okay Rem- he's right."
I felt tears in my eyes. Sebastian rubbed my shoulder taking me away from them both. "He doesn't mean it, he's tired, cranky and stressed. Comeon." He pulled me to the door and helped me into the van.
On the other side I could hear Em and Rem growling at eachother- words I couldn't quite hear.

Emerson didn't speak to me for the rest of the ride. Rem put a hand on my leg. "I'm sorry, yknow he doesn't mean it- it's not your problem." He told me quietly. I pressed him a sad smile with a nod and put my hand on his. He held my hand securely. "Just so you know, I think your googly eyes are cute." He leaned over and whispered to me. His voice and his words sent shivers down my spine. I'd completely forgot he said that.
"You noticed?" I said with a deep blush on my cheeks. "How could I not- you stare at my lips half the time I'm talking to you." He pressed me a smile. "I do not." I defended myself. "Uh huh- denial." Rem smirked and he placed gentle fingertips under my chin. He put his lips on mine. I couldn't help but kiss back, my face was hot and I was freaking out on the inside. "Deny that." He said referring to the way I didn't pull away.

I bit my lip hard and looked at my lap. I heard him giggle to himself.
We had found our hotel for the next two nights and Sebastian gave me a quick reassuring hug.
"Where are you gonna sleep?" He asked me, and my heart hurt. I'd completely forgot. "Well- he hates me, you're tired from driving- and I want you to sleep- so with Rem I guess."  I said with a small shrug, grabbing a sweater from my bag in the back. "He doesn't hate you- he's just tired and frustrated, he will apologize in the morning- i promise." Seb said and he gave me another quick hug.
I pressed him a smile that said 'thankyou' but my heart still hurt.

Rem stood close by. "You're gonna room with me?- cool, but comeon- don't get upset over this." He put his arm around me after we'd checked in and we walked to the room. I got into the bed and scooted as close to the edge as I could- giving him room so he could sleep peacefully.
He got in and sighed "woah- why are you over there?- comere." He said as he pulled me towards him. I giggled and blushed. He wrapped an arm around my waist and held my body to his.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come- I'll just be in the way." I said once we we're comfortable. "Oh love- no. We're so grateful you're here, don't let cranky baby make you question that." He pulled me into a hug. "Thank you Rem. For everything." I whispered into his shoulder. He ran his hand down my back repeatedly. "Of course- I love you." He said and I tensed.

"I love you too." I replied and he pressed his lips to mine. "Night."

When I woke up. It was to Rems chest beneath my head humming with his quiet speech. He was talking softly.
Emerson was in the room, when i stirred Rem held me close. "Hey." He breathed. He was warm. "Hey Y/N." Emerson said. "I'm sorry i snapped at you- I'm sure you know I didn't mean it." He ruffled his not so curly hair.
I blinked hard. I moved away from Rem a bit.
"It's okay- sorry I'm a scatterbrain."
"My sketchbook definitely isn't worth this." Emerson pointed at Rem and I all cuddled up, and I felt my cheeks flash.

Rem kissed my head. "You're damn right."

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