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Warnings: none


I took in a breath of fresh air. Sebastian strung a lazy arm around me. "Thanks for coming camping with us Y/N- I really am not that great a cook, on the road is hard enough already." He said to me. "Don't worry about it. Thank you for bringing me." I said to him. It was dark and the stars were beginning to poke out in the sky, like pinholes on a black piece of paper.

Emerson practically fell out of his tent. Shy gracefully stepped out after. "Look what she found." Emerson said standing up- he definitely had had a few drinks. Shy held up a box of fireworks and Remington cheered. I'd been friends with the boys for a long long time, and Shy was too overwhelmed to do all the cooking herself, because lets face it, out of Dan, Emerson, Sebastian and Rem, they weren't no Gordon Ramsey's. Shy and Em had their tent, and I'd either have to share with Sebastian, Dan or Rem. But honestly right now. I didn't care.

Sebastian was whisked away by Dan and Shy threw me the box. I caught it single handedly and Remington whistled at my reflex. He walked over to me. I felt myself get nervous- we had been friends for so long- but it was unreasonable how hot he was- there was no way I couldn't have a crush on him. My stomach flipped when he took slow steps towards me.
His hair wasn't spiked, and he only had on shorts. His tanned, toned tattooed chest made it hard for me not to stare. I ruffled his wavy hair. "You look good." I said. And he smiled at me. "So do you." He arched a brow. "Are we gonna fuckin do this or not?" He dared and I laughed.
"I'll go find a lighter, tell everyone we're doing this at the beach." I said waving the box in he air. He nodded and saluted me like a captain.

Once I found the lighter the other 5 were ready to go. We walked in twos down the path to the beach, each pair shared a flashlight.
Seb and Dan, Rem and I, and Shy and em. We walked close together down the narrow path just talking about life and tour. The leaves brushed my sides and he took hold of my arm and linked it with his. I was tugged in closer to him. I couldn't help the blush on my face, normally this wouldn't have affected me- but now- I was pink, and flustered and nervous. Thank god it was too dark for him to see.

I kinda hated this transitional crush I was developing on him, I loved him of course- but I couldn't help but think he was catching on, and I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't feel the same. We stepped onto the sand, my bare feet took in the cold feeling. But he didn't drop my arm, instead he gave the lighter and box to Sebastian and Dan who were more than excited to let it blow. Emerson and Shy cuddled up together. I couldn't see the waves, but I could hear them. The stars were even brighter out here than they were on our lot, Vega, Ursa Major, Polaris, I let out a breath I didn't know my lungs were holding onto.

Rem and I both naturally kinda stopped and looked around.
I eventually sat down and he sat next to me. "I'm glad you came with us." He mumbled as Dan tried to light the first firework.
"Why's that?" I asked him not really looking at him. "I don't know, I just like when you're around, you're fun, nice, caring, a good cook, and you're really hot." He shrugged and I choked on air. "Sorry did you you- of all people- just call me hot?" I blinked hard and looked at him. "Yeah I did. Want me to say it again?" He looked at me. "I-I." I stumbled over my words.
"You technically just called me hot too so..." he stopped to shrug.
My mouth was wide.

And the first firework went off. The boom in my heart hurt a little and the green reflected off his face. It sizzled out and they all cheered. "You're a jerk." I joked and he draped his arm around my shoulders. "But you love me." He said jokingly. And I breathed a heavy breath.
"I really really do." I said and looked back up at the fireworks, and this time it was his turn to stare at me.

"You love me?" He asked and another firework went off. Blue. Loud. Bright.

"Yeah- of course I do. I always have." I said not looking at him. I don't know if I could handle his piercing stare. But he kissed me. Grabbing my face and pushing his lips to mine and I didn't wait to kiss him back. And even though there was no firework there were cheers and hollers. "FINALLY" shy yelled. And they all began clapping. Our smiles broke the kiss and my heart melted in my chest.

"I love you too." He said and I blushed madly. Another firework. Red. Like my cheeks.
I snuggled into him and buried my feet in the sand, the fireworks lit up my face and the boom in my heart from the aftermath was nothing compared to how he made it race.

The fireworks were done and we sat around the fire. "Are we just not gonna talk about that?" Dan asked. And they all looked at Remington's arm around me. "You can talk about it all you want." Rem said and he placed a small kiss on my cheek. Emerson practically squealed and clapped his hands like a fangirl.  Sebastian and Dan exchanged glances, Dan gave Sebastian a 5$ bill. "You bet on it?" I called out and Dan shrugged. "He called it. I really didn't think you liked him back like that." Dan said.
"Please! Do you see how quiet she is when he's around?" Sebastian teased me.
I glared at Remington. "Did you know about this? How long have you liked me for? Were you planning on telling me?" I fired questions at him.

"I could ask you the exact same thing." He arched a brow with a smirk.

I just shook my head with a smile.

Eventually Rem and I yawned at the same time, "you're done?" He asked me. And I nodded.
He grabbed my hand. "We're beat. See you in the morning." Rem said leading me to the tent. "Night lovebirds!" Emerson called. He closed up the tent and I sat infront of him. "I wanted to crash with Dan." I lied and fake pouted. "Who doesn't?" He said. "But if you didn't want this- we both know you would've stopped me." He said putting his hand up.

I nodded "touché."

I threw a sleeping bag at him and hugged min to my cold body. "You're shivering. Commere." He demanded and I shook my head no. "I'm okay." I lied. He practically tugged me towards his body. I was now pressed against his warm body. I laughed a little.
"I love you." I said looking up at him. " I love you." He replied.

"Can I kiss you again?" He asked me, "Please?" I practically whispered and he delivered.

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