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Warnings: none.
Requested, love you guys and love your requests

I was standing in the backyard. It was dark and a little cold, but with Rem's sweater on I felt better than ever.
I had a small cup of tea in my hands. I just looked outside for a while, breathing in fresh air.

A warmth pressed itself against my back and a head was on my shoulder, arms around my waist. "Hey pretty lady." A soothing voice said. "Hi Remmy" I replied the smile was heard in my voice. He took the tea from my hands and sipped it.
I turned around to give him a look. He handed it back to me. I was a little taller than Rem, but he thought it was hot.

"Y/N why don't you come inside?" He asked me looking at his sweater on my body. "Cause I like it out here." I said. He reached for my tea again but I raised it out of his reach. "Not fair." He mumbled "Make your own." I retaliated with a smirk. He ran his tongue along his teeth with an arched brow.

"You look really good in that." He said and he tugged the sweater. I stumbled towards him a little. "I got it from a hot boy." I smirked. "Really? Should I be worried?" He asked. "Yeah probably, we're getting pretty serious." I shrugged. He pressed a smile. And even though I had some height on him, he never failed to fluster me. "But can he do this?" He grabbed my face and pulled me in to kiss him, the bend down was small but I never hesitated to kiss him back.
My heart exploded in my chest and my lungs felt weak.
He held my hand. "N-no." I shook my head in awe.

He flashed me his beautiful grin. He looked me up and down, "goddamn" he mumbled. "What!?" I shot at him, I suddenly felt nervous. "It's like you're always wearing heels, but you're not- and goddamn it's sexy." He ran a hand over his face.
I shoved him a little. He pretended to be physically hurt, grabbing his chest with a dramatic motion. I couldn't help but laugh. He reached out his hand again and I placed mine in it. He took my tea from my fingertips and when I yelled "Hey!" In surprise he paid no attention to it, he didn't drink from it however, he simply put it down beside him. The fairy lights that strung the backyard lit up in his dark eyes like sparkles.

He took my other hand and we began dancing to no music. I couldn't wipe the stupidly crazy blush off my face, "when I was young, I used learn how to dance with my mom- because I didn't know how, and she was a lot taller than me." He said. "That's so cute." I awed at him, and he broke eye contact.
"Don't tell her I said this- cause she will kill me- but you're a way better dancer." He smiled, and I felt my heart ache and flutter. I giggled a little bit. He pulled me in close and hummed the melody of a tune I didn't know. I didn't really care though. His warmth on me was my only focus right now.

I didn't even hear the sound of Sebastian opening the back door. I hugged him to me and I could feel the humming from his chest on mine, I didn't want the feeling to end. I didn't even know my eyes had fallen closed. His movements were simple careful and slow, he placed another warm- gentle kiss on my lips and then we finally heard Sebastian snicker to himself. We both snapped our heads over to him. Him and Emerson stood behind a phone as they filmed us.

"This is so cute." Emerson mumbled holding a clenched hand to his chest.
Remington dramatically swung his arm out and twirled himself, when he came closer again he dipped me and I was a laughing, blushing mess.

"What's going on here?" Dan asked with pure confusion. Sebastian laughed and took Dan's hand. "YEAH DANIEL." Emerson called after them, now holding Sebastian's phone. They slow danced beside us. Dan's face was priceless. "The ultimate boyfriends." Emerson cheered. I laughed.

And finally their mom Stephanie came out, Sebastian and Dan definitely didn't know what they were doing but it was funny. Remington and I danced peacefully and happily in each others presence. The only sound was Dan's laughing and then Emerson and Stephanie began dancing with us.

"What the hell is happening here." Remington mumbled to me and he let his head fall onto my shoulder in a laugh. I couldn't help but laugh too. Stephanie put on a slow song and we all danced together.

And when Remington pulled away and looked at me again. And I mean really looked at me, I felt it again, the zone out of everything around me, it's like we were the only two people here, he was my only focus. We had just started dating, but I knew. I think everyone knew.

I kissed him once more letting my heart get the best of me.

And in that moment: I was 100% certain, I was in love with you Remington Leith.


In love.

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