misunderstood II

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You guys liked the first part, so I'll make more, I literally dropped three works in progress to write this- cause I love you guys. It's a book now on my account, called "Misunderstood" check it out if ya want.

I don't know how long I talked to the administrator for but I was going to get my point across no matter how long it took. "Okay so he isn't a danger to anyone else But where are you going to put him? his family doesn't want that responsibility. It is overwhelmingly scary." He said to me. "I believe I can let him stay with me, I will be out doing other research and until he can land his own I have no problem giving him a roof. I am sure his family will come around, I've made you of all people understand, family is different." I arched my eyebrow at him.

The dean cleared his throat, clearly flustered by what I'd said. He put his hands on the table and pushed himself up. "Well, Ms. Y/L/N, I have reviewed this, and I trust your judgment. I can give him access to leave by the end of today." He said.

Remington was alone in his room, his cell, if you will. I knocked on his open doorway. His room was bare except for one marking on the wall: a swirled design. (The palaye logo.) it was drawn in marker. His face lit when he saw me- he looked me up and down. "I'm getting you out of here today." I said crossing my arms. His mouth fell. "Where am I gonna go?" He asked me. "With me I guess." I said with a small smile. "I'm going to talk to your family." I said and he stood up, he ran his hands through his black hair. He asked if he could hug me again. I nodded and gave him a small hug. "Thank you Y/N, I could never repay you for this." He awed at me. "It's okay. Pack your shit." I smiled at him and he laughed.

We both signed papers and he had his things ready. "I have one condition if you two leave together, you need to take these- I have been notified of the status of your condition but I cannot let you go untreated." The deans dark blue eyes were weary. He handed Remington a bottle of pills.  Remington gave him a look but accepted the bottle. There was unspoken hate between the two of them. Remington's jaw was clenched shut.

I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him it was okay. We left and went back to my apartment. He looked out the window of the car and I could see so much pain pass though his eyes.

He may have only been locked in for three months, but from society, he had been locked out for years. I held his hand, he turned his perfect face to me and he held my hand back carefully. A daring smirk crossed his face. I finally felt the blush on my face. It was highly unprofessional to fall in love with a patient. But he wasn't a patient anymore and I wasn't a psychologist to him anymore. We were friends.
The smallest things made him smile, like a song on the radio, or a bird on the sidewalk.

We got to my apartment and I gave him my spare room. "You're awfully trusting with me." I said standing in the doorway of his new room. "Because you've put faith in me that no one ever tried to." He said standing up from the bed and I felt my heart ache. He just needed a chance to be understood. He walked over to me.

He stood dangerously close to me. "They wanted to put me on Ritalin." He said. And I frowned a little. The society saw him as something to be afraid of. "I'm still not scared of you." I smiled at him, giving him the answer I hoped he wanted to hear. He put his hand on the wall beside my head. "Maybe that makes you just as crazy as me." He smirked.
I simply shrugged with a small smile. "It's kinda hot." He dared. "Really?" I asked him with a smile stuck to my lips and an arched brow. "Trust me, i'd know." He said and he crashed his lips onto mine.

I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. He pushed my body against the wall, and I tangled my hands in his impossibly black hair. And maybe I was crazy to bring a mental patient into my home- to be making out with him after a day of knowing him. But maybe this is what crazy was, maybe this is what understanding was.
"I haven't kissed anyone in a long time." He breathed, I wrapped my arms around him. "Much less anyone as beautiful as you." He said and I broke out a grin. "For a crazy person you sure are a smooth talker." I joked. He pushed my hair behind my ear,

"I have myself to practice with." He tapped his head and I kissed him again, more passionately. I was drawn into him like moth to flame, like waves to shore. Like gravity. Maybe we had more in common than I thought. Maybe he was dangerous, but goddamn- it was hot. He pressed me against the wall further and I moaned quietly into the kiss. His responsive smile broke the kiss.
His hands rested on my hips. I put my hands on his. "I have ground rules." I stated. His big brown doe eyes stared into mine. "Lay em on me." He said. "If I'm helping you- you gotta not do this." I said and I ran my hands along the bandages on his wrist. "You come talk to me, you call me, no matter what time-" he nodded "no matter what." I repeated. "Okay." He said in a whisper.

"Can I lay down a ground rule?" He asked. "You live here too now, so I guess so." I smiled. "You come talk to me if you ever... need.. anything." He said seductively. And I let my hand fall to my chest, I was shocked by his words but intrigued by the proposal. "Deal." I smirked. "Speaking of, I think I need a little help right now." I said tugging at the hem of his grey t-shirt. He obliged and let me slide it over his head. His tanned, toned, tattooed body left me practically speechless once again.

"Oh, this is so wrong." I said to him but he shut me up by pressing his lips to mine. "Maybe you just don't understand it." He said.

And the boy that was misunderstood- taught me how to understand ;)


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