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Warnings: none

to mask my life that's falling apart, here's a happy request, (this was requested at-least 40 times) hope you like it- I tried :)

I looked at myself, my eyes caught themselves in the mirror. The sparkly makeup around them, only made my watery eyes look prettier, my hair was curled and pinned perfectly to my head. My makeup took hours, but I only saw a little difference. Never the less I felt beautiful.

But the part that really stuck- was the dress. The white lace cut across my collarbones, and shoulders and hugged tightly to my arms down to my wrists. It was a soft- simple lace. The chest was clean white, sparkling and perfect. It hugged to my waist- then flared out dramatically, the silky smooth material had waves of fabric that strung out around me, I felt like a princess.

Then to top it off. My mother stood behind me- her eyes even more watery than mine. She took the small tiara. With the veil attached. And she carefully placed it on my head.

I forgot my bridesmaids were here until I heard them all screech in awe and excitement. They brought me back down from my cloud of day dreaming. My mom backed away and put her hands over her face. "Oh my god." She cried a little into her hands. I put my hands on her arms. "Don't cry- or ill start bawling." I warned her with a nervous smile. She let out a laugh.
They all looked at me. "I don't even need to ask you if you're sure about him. I know the answer." My maid of honour said with a winning smile on her face. I looked at my bridesmaids- my bestfriends. Their silver dresses that sparkled and shone made my heart ache.

My mom placed her hand on my cheek. "This is usually the part where I ask you if you're ready, and make sure you know it's okay to back out. But you and him- you're ready. You look it- I think he's been ready since the day you met." My mom said and we all laughed I nodded in agreement.

"Okay- no more bullshit- let's get our asses out there yeah?" One of my friends called and I let out a nervous but genuine laugh. My mom covered me with the veil, and she kissed my hand before leaving.
I looked at myself in the mirror one last time.

Time to marry my best friend.

Emerson knocked on the door. I opened it carefully and he covered his mouth. "Holy shit." He laughed into his hands. He looked me up and down. "Oh my word- you look- oh shit- you look like a princess.. oh wow- okay this is real- okay woa- you ready?" He asked me, his eyes popping out of his head. I nodded, and looked at him, his suit was sharp and clean, I lost a little breath at the sight of him. I nodded my head. "You sure about this?" He raised his eyebrows. "Have been for a while." I told him, and he smiled "yeah I know. Now let's do this." He offered me his arm. I put my arm in his softly and he led my out and around to the door.

Music was playing, and I knew all the brides maids were lined up. I looked at Emerson and he smiled at me, I felt a shock of energy run through me and my face cracked and I made a small "eeee" sound- like a fan girl freaking out. He couldn't help but laugh. And that seemed to get everyones attention. Emerson covered his mouth with his other hand and stunned silence of quiet gasps filled the room.
I couldn't look away from my feet, but when I did and Emerson and I walked down the isle together- my eyes immediately stuck to Remington. And he practically screamed. "YESSSS! WOW!!" He cheered and the group of family and friends erupted in laughs and cheers, my breath left me when he yelled out and I took him in.

I ignored all the people watching and studying me. Some crying. I could only see him. He always looked beyond perfect, but the way he looked at me changed how I saw him right now. His suit was fitting and he looked so so hot. His bright eyes and slack mouth made me feel like squeaking out of excitement again. But I kept it.
He looked like he was in shock, and honestly, I had to deliberately focus on not drooling or tripping.

Emerson squeezed my hand and hugged me tightly taking his place in line. And I stood before Remington. I could smell his cologne, and when I looked at him through my veil, he was smiling like an idiot. makeup free face.
"Hey" I said "Hi" he said back just as quietly. "You look beautiful." I told him. "I know" he said and we both laughed.

He lifted the veil from my face and turned away to cover his own. "Oh my god" he wheezed under his breath. "You're so beautiful." He said looking back at me. I could hear laughing in the crowd. My heart ached and hurt.

And when he looked at me- I immediately became calm, no more nerves, no more fear.
Just him.
Just love.

I was so entranced by him I almost didn't hear the priest  say to start our vows, but Rem offered me his hands, and like every time before this. I put mine in his.
I furrowed my brows and what took like what seemed my hardest breath ever. "Remington." I said and he bit his lip in anticipation.
"I didn't even write this out- even if I had all the time in the world to: I probably still wouldn't know what to say to you right now... You're my stabilizer, my hero, my bestfriend, my rockstar, my love. I owe you my all Remington... I love you, thankyou for existing, and doing it with me." I pressed him a smile to block out tears.

I don't think I'd ever seen so much shock on his face, the glossy stare at me, at his hands, at my dress, at the crowd, and then back at me- made me want to cry. He took in a sharp breath. "Y/N" he breathed. "I didn't write this either- because I practically draw a blank looking at you anyways- but with tour and mess in between- I've never loved anyone as much I love you. I'm surprised I even got the first date- let alone this, and now I actually get to call you mine.. standing here in front of you- I've never felt more relaxed- you are my best friend, my only love and I'm happy I stayed alive long enough to meet you... I love you." He looked at me, and my lips were parted, and my eyes were glossy.
"I love you" I mouthed. It was the only thing in my head.

Remington repeated the words of the priest.

"I, Remington, take you, Y/N, to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"I, Y/N, take you, Remington, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,
until death and after..."

Remington swallowed down a sob when I said my last line. I'd love him in this life and the next.
"Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all the days of your lives?"

Remington and I never broke eye contact, and in unison, we both said

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

And Remington grabbed me, and pulled me close and I pressed my lips to his. The sound of clapping and cheering was tuned out by my focus on him. He had never kissed me like this before, I put my all into this kiss and I gripped him like I'd never let go, he put his hand under me and dipped me to kiss me further. The cheering grew louder and the only reason we stopped was to catch our breath. He helped me stand up right and we looked at eachother in awe. "We just did this." He said quietly like a realization, "yeah we fuckin did." I smiled and we laughed. throwing our intertwined hands up and running down the isle high fiving and cheering.


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