CH 6 - A tree nymph

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Hello everyone, hope you are all well. I'm still having trouble with Wattpad, I can't log in sometimes, and my pages are still randomly getting lost. Hope its working better for everyone. But I will keep trying!!!

On the plus side, I attempted a cover for this book, tell me what you think. <3

UPDATE: And for some reason, this chapter was removed? I have no idea whats happening with Wattpad at all >.<


"A tree nymph?" I snap. "What kind of cheesy line is that?"

I stand, brushing off leaves, giving my best glare to the stranger. I should probably help him up, he did catch me, well attempt.

"I was trying to help you." He says standing.

"It's more likely you passed by at the wrong time." I look him over. "Why are you here?"

"I was looking for a friend, we got separated..."

"That's all you better be doing." I look annoyed. "This forest doesn't like misbehaviours."

"Forest?" He looks around. "It's just a small wood."

"Idiot." I say.

If that's what he saw when he looked, then the forest didn't like him, indication, he shouldn't be here.

"Well good bye." I say and start moving.

"Wait." He says grabbing my arm. "I'm lost, I need..."

"Head north at the crossroads." I point. "It will take you out."

"In this small wood?" He chuckles.

"It's how the witch likes it." I tell him.

I had heard that from Yo, I have never seen her, but he was sure one lived here. Over the years I knew this place was magic, and of course, only a highly magical person could keep it that way.

"It's a small..."

When he starts again, I grab him by his collar and pull him close, we are practically nose to nose.

"Listen carefully, Idiot. I don't care what you think or believe, this forest is magic, it has crossroads and a witch, you're a stranger so you will not know, or see. Shut up, follow where I point, and stop bothering me, I need to find my brother."

I walk away leaving him stunned, what no one ever talked back to him before? Bet he was a stupid Lord from somewhere, only they had so little common sense.

I shiver as I walk, but I see a path appear, so the forest didn't hate me, or it just liked Yo and wanted him safe. Either way, I took it.

A cloak placed around me makes me stop and look, he's still here and following me it seems.

"You are shivering, use this." He smiles.

I glare at him but tug the cloak around me, fine I'll let him help me, he had a nice smile. When I see the path split I know which way to go, I head towards the crossroads.

"I saw the path appear, so there is magic." He says.

I ignore him and keep walking, he looks around for a while and frowns.

"What?" I ask.

"We came to hunt, no wonder we found nothing the last two days we have been here."

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