CH 16 - Curses, spells and dwarves

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"P'Sing." I scream.

"I'm here Yo." He says right next to me.

"He ate that apple p." I point with a shaking finger, to the bitten fruit still in his hand. But it changes and crumbles to dust.

P'Sing curses, his arm is bleeding, we watch his hand glow, and move slowly over Ming. Who's breathing is very shallow, he's gone so white, and his body is as cold as ice.

"What's wrong with him?" P'Kit whispers. "Why won't he wake up?"

P'Sing stands, then summoning his staff, he casts a spell.

"What's happening?" P'Kit looks near tears. "Please help him."

"I called for help Kit." He says looking at the forest. "He's been cursed with a powerful spell."

"What happened to you P'Sing?" Monty asks.

"Trap." He seethes. "They got me away so I couldn't stop this."

I feel a ripple, something is moving through the trees heading this way.

"Did anyone see where the woman went?" P'Sing asks. "We can't let her escape, she might have the antidote."

But no one saw her leave, the basket of apples is also gone, I look to the forest asking for help. Everyone gasps as a wave flows out over us and shields the village.

"Who the hell did that?" P'Sing looks around.

"I think...the forest." I say taking deep breaths.

The whisper is gone, and the heavy air is slowly leaving, but when I try and stand I feel dizzy, P'Pha catches me.

"Let go of my brother." P'Beam shouts.

"This isn't the time Beam." P'Sing watches the forest. "Explain to me later Wayo."

"Explain to me as well Yo". P'Beam looks at me and then the P'Pha.

"I will p." I take my brother's hand. "I'm sorry, I was bringing him to see P'Sing."

"He's also under a curse." Monty tells him.

It isn't long before shadows move and we hear footsteps, as people come from the forest towards the village. Two hooded figures walk into the square carrying bags slung over their shoulder.

"Is that your forest?" One hooded figure asks us. "It's cast a powerful holding spell."

"Did you call for help?" The other asks.

"I did." P'Sing steps forward. "Who are you?"

They both pull back their hoods, they greet P'Sing before walking over to Ming. They came from the forest, and nothing meaning harm can get through there, I know.

"Dwarves." One answers.

"You don't look like them." P'Beam snaps. "We have enough trouble, don't try and trick us."

"We get told that often." He sighs.

"We came to help." The taller one answers, summoning a staff.

He starts casting a spell then touches his staff to P'Sing's, they harmonise, its proof they came in answer to the call. And they have the expertise to help. They look young but confident, putting their bags down they both turn to Ming and use different coloured spells before turning too P'Sing.

"That's a powerful living sleep spell."

"Living sleep?" P'Sing asks. "Those are forbidden."

"We know our sleep spells." The first guy says. "I'm Din, this is my cousin Yut."

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