CH 60 - Trouble causer...

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Forth POV

"Why is Beam so mean?" Lam whispers.

"Oi!" I glare.

"What did he say this morning?" Phana asks. "Ming looked ready to cry."

I noticed it after Kit walked out Beam went to talk to Ming, and when he left smiling, Ming looked upset.

"You have to do something mayor!" The fishmonger yells.

"I'm going to fry that guys fish." Lam fumes. "He always has to get involved in everything."

An emergency meeting was called to deal with the new problem facing the village. P'Bright... he was getting worse then Gramps. Phana and Lam are here under orders from P'sing, in case it gets out of hand.

"We need a meeting about the chickens." Phana shudders.

"I agree!" Lam whispers. "It bit me in an unmentionable place."

"He's right!" The miller adds. "We have traditions and laws!"

"We demand you sort this." The fishmonger shouts too much agreement.

"Why are you all so serious?" P'Bright asks. "It was just a few kisses."

Phana, Lam and I shake our heads as the whole room gasps in union, I wonder if they do the old-fashioned hangings?

"If they try anything, are we going to save him?" Lam whispers to Phana.

"Depends." Phana answers. "I have to get home on time to see Yo."

"Are you refusing to do the right thing after you compromised my son?" Ryu stands and shouts.

"You don't want to marry my brother?"

Duckie stands and shouts, before doing a flying kick aimed at P'Bright. But he moves at the last minute and she hits Gramps instead. I cover my mouth to stop laughing, but Lams runs from the room.

"Duckie...I thought you liked me."

"Sorry Gramps, and I do, I do." Duckie hurries to help him up.

"Shouldn't you all worry about the dragon?"

P'Bright you have no idea the danger you're in, I search the room for the most dangerous duck of them all, P'Peach. I wonder where she is?

"Don't try and change the subject you.... you outsider." The fishmonger glared.

"The boys already dealt with that." Granny Tanner adds. "Yo is the forest witch, he was always a smart boy."

There is much agreement to this and even Phana is grinning next to me. We did manage to handle it, it was my first time seeing P'Arthit in action. He tackled the dragon and had him on his back in seconds, the rest of us jumped in to hold him down. He screamed like a girl, literally, apparently his allergy to humans is bad.

When Yo tried to give him the potion, the dragon Ken, breathed fire but Phana got him away quickly and wouldn't let him try again. P'Ahn made her brother drink it, with much protesting and he passed out immediately after. He was staying with Ming's parents for now.

"Now everyone let's stay calm...." Gramps stops when he's glared at.

"Three kisses are a serious matter, it's an official engagement."

The hall murmurs in agreement, I shake Phana and point at the door, P'Peach just walked into the hall. I wonder if the hall can stand up to her attack, I quickly find places to hide.

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