I clutch the small compass, hiding behind the tree. Why was I hiding you ask? Because I was stalking my husband who left me! Well not really left me, he went to help someone while I was don't need to say it, I know I'm a bad husband.
I peek around the large tree trunk and see him brush his horse as it drank from the stream. He sighs again as he watches the water. It was a hot day, why didn't he have a drink? You're not going to stay cute if you don't take care of yourself Ming Kwan!
I hide again when he looks in my direction, I can't let him see me. I was standing here in a blue summer dress, long curly hair, boots, a cape with a hood and carrying a basket...of apples...this is what happens when you listen to a witch...I'm going to get you for this Bee! I'll make sure Lam kisses you a third time!
Good thing I used the cloak after I left the village and Beam didn't see me. The boots helped me travel fast to catch up to him and the cape was spelled with the disguise. Yo had come to see me off before I left, he told me where Ming was headed but he used shortcuts often. He gave me the compass, it didn't point north but to Ming.
It didn't take too long to find him, I should just go over and talk to him but I wasn't sure what to say. It was always hard, Ming was the one who was good at talking to people, I found out as I followed him.
No matter who, passers-by, people he had met before or strangers they all greeted him. He stopped a few times to help someone in trouble, never accepting anything in return, just happy to assist. He really was a hero.
I gasp when I see Ming start to strip, what was he doing? I look around, good thing no one was here or I would have words with him. He swims fast into the water and grabs a hold of something, coming back to the shore carrying it. An old box?
He slowly opens it, pulling out a tiny little kitten that's soaked. He gets a dry cloth from his bag and uses it to dry the little thing. I see Ming wince when the kitten scratches him, how dare that little thing hurt my Ming!
But Ming just smiles and gently carries on, his voice calm and reassuring and slowly the kitten stops shivering as it dries and lets out a small meow. Ming puts on his clothes, gets on the horse and rides off still holding onto it securely. He didn't dry his hair, you're going to catch a cold Ming Kwan!
Come on magic boots, help me keep up with my husband! I keep a little distance and watch him, he doesn't stop most of the morning, only slowing as we reach a small village in the afternoon. He makes sure his horse is well and fed, the kitten gets milk before moving on again. He didn't stop to eat, just a small biscuit as he rode.
Its late afternoon when we reach a small village, he seems familiar with the people, many of them greeting him as he rides in. I walk slowly watching every eye turn and look at him as he smiles and greets them in return. Not just the girls, even the guys stop to look at him as he passes. Stop smiling Ming Kwan!
"He's so handsome!"
"Get a good look, you don't see many like him."
"So that's the hero, Ming Kwan."
Blush all you want girl, he's married! Is this what you do when you are out of my sight? You flirt and smile at everyone?
"Good to see you, Ming." A woman yells.
And the soon to be beaten up husband smiles back, radiantly. He gets off the horse and hugs her...he hugged someone, not me...he was cheating on me? He was...

2 Moons - Fairy tales Slashed
FanfictionSome of my best loved fairy tales retold, with 2 Moons characters. Prepare for, magic, mayhem, and our 6 favourite boys in the midst of all that. I may also add characters from other series, depends on my crazy mood swings, time ,and when I have str...