CH 43 - I must go...

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Wayo POV

How do I tell him? I look around at the gathering, people sitting under the large canopy eating and drinking as the children played in the garden. The King and Queen had invited us to the palace to spend time with them. The Royal family, cousins and close relations walked around talking.

P'Beam sat with P'Forth, P'Kit was talking to Ming's parents as he hovered close by asking if P'Kit wanted more drink. Uncle Tani and P'Kong sat close by talking about business. My parents were talking with the King and Gramps, while the Queen told her grandkids if they used magic on the croquet balls again and put a hole in the wall, they would be grounded.

"Yo..." P'Pha says gently from my right.

I haven't looked at him since we got here, trying to decide how to tell him. I finally look up at P'Pha and see his worried face. I didn't want to leave him, but I knew I had to go home. I was the forest witch and I was needed.

"I don't want to... P'Pha." I whisper. "But...I need to... they are calling me home."

He gently strokes my hair. "Yo..."

"Don't be mad okay." I say quietly.

"I'm not Yo." He smiles. "I knew you couldn't stay here."

"P'Pha what will we do?" I whisper near tears. "I don't want to be apart..."

"We won't be." He tells me. "I talked to P'Sing, I'm now working for him in the village."

"You are?" I ask surprised.

"I don't want to be away from you either Yo." He hugs me. "I know you belong there."

"You what?" P'Forth yells. "Pha you bastard when did you manage that?"

"I need to have a word with Sing." Father sounds annoyed.

"Forth!" The Queen shouts." Children are present."

"The playboy is smarter than the maid chaser, shocking."

"Beam, I didn't..." P'Forth whines.

"Good thing we don't have these problems P, we already live together." Ming ads.

"Quiet, Ming Kwan!"

I look at P'Pha's father, what will he say? Will he stop his son?

"Don't look so scared Yo." He smiles. "I knew he would follow you."

"Then try and stop him." My father tells him annoyed. "I'm not allowing anything for five years!"

Mother glares at my father as she tells him to let it go.

"You can't go yet Wayo." Gramps interrupts. "My birthday's next week, you have to stay for that."

"I'm sorry Gramps." I tell him. "But I can't stay that long."

When Gramps keeps asking and I decline to stay he becomes quiet. I feel bad, he really does look upset, but I have this strange sence, I can't be here that long. I sometimes got feelings when I was young but since I became the forest witch they are much stronger, and I know I should trust them.

"This is why I hate parties." Gramps says seriously. "Everyone leaves after."

He gets up and walks away, this is the first time I've seen him that serious. He ignores everyone and sits alone under his plum tree.

"Don't worry Yo, I know how to handle him." Nami says patting my shoulder.

She calls the children and together they start planning. After a while they know what to do, they ask him to teach them the old dances he knew as a boy. The children pestering him, it isn't long before he's laughing and has them forming lines as he shows them the steps.

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