CH 35 - It ends... only night one?

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Grand Palace Ballroom.

Wayo POV

"P'Kit please calm down." Ming tried stopping his fiancé.

"Calm down? That bastard ran off with that girl when he said he liked my brother." P'Kit snapped. "And I was going to help him."

"Where did Forth go?" Mother asked joining us. "Did you get a good look at that girl?"

"Aunty please, I'm sure Forth has an explanation." P'Pha said to my mother.

I stay silent and take a sip of my drink, it was nice but watered down, the tavern brew was much better. I should take P'Pha drinking there soon, he would like it.

"Get in line mother, I kill Forth first." P'Kit snaps.

"That girl, she was...I can't explain it." Mothers frowning. "Was so ... familiar.

"What? It wasn't the maid, right? I'm going to..."

"P'Kit please don't kill anyone, I just got you I don't want to lose you." Ming whines.

P'Kit counts to ten looking at Ming, I wonder if I...

"I was going to trust him with my son." Father says angrily. "I'm breaking relations with the royal family."

"Please, Sir." P'Pha tries calming my father. "We don't know what happened."

"We all saw what happened." P'Kit's angry again.

"I'll be right back Yo, I'm going to find my father." P'Pha whispers, before running off.

I look at mother, she looks back, I tilt my head, she frowns, I nod yes and she gasps.

"Can you two use words?" Father sighs. "We haven't learned your secret language."

"It was P'Beam." It's best to tell them before they did anything.

"Beam is here?" P'Kit looks around worried. "Emergency Plan B."

"The girl P'Forth went off with, was P'Beam."

Everyone turns to look at me shocked, but mother sighs.

"Are you sure?" Father asks me.

"He used magic boots. I saw them in his room."

"Our Beam, being this dramatic." She shakes her head. "I never would have thought."

"Let's not say anything until P'Beam does." I tell them.

"Oh, that's not happening Yo." Ming grins. "After all his interference, I have a few choice words. Actually, a lot of sentences..."

"Don't say anything to him Ming." P'Kit looks seriously at him.

"But P'Kit..."

"Let's go for a walk in the garden." He smiles.

Ming forgets the reply he had ready and runs off with P'Kit, whispering volume 5. I pray no one knows about the hidden books in the attic, he had quite a few of them that he brought back from his adventures. Mother and father walk away talking quietly, discussing what to do. I sigh as I finish my drink.

I look around for P'Pha but I don't see him, I look around when I get a strange feeling again and see that guy who asked me to dance heading my way. I refused politely but when he tried again, P'Pha made sure he understood all my dances were taken. I slip into the crowd and head for Spark, he nearly cried so I had to bring him. He's hiding under a table that's hidden behind a large pillar, he's trying to pull a bunch of grapes down. I fill up a plate and slide it under the table.

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