CH 66 - A husband to stop - Extra

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Thank you all for taking the time to read and answer my questions. I hope you managed to see the chapter, Smackdown Mother Style! If not try clearing your browser or using a different one.

This is an extra bit I had in mind for Forth/Beam, it would have made the chapter really long but I wanted to share so added as extra. The next chapter I will upload right after this one. Fingers crossed it works, wattpad is being weird again, I've been trying to upload this for hours T.T

Forth POV

I pull on a pair of pants when there is a knock on the door. I take the tray from the blushing girl who can't look at me and runs away after handing it to me with a fast bow. I chuckle as I lock the door and take the tray to the table near the fire, Beam really was loud last night.

We got a room at an Inn for the night, Beam refused to leave without the marriage certificates. I look at the leather braided bracelet he had made for us on my wrist and the matching one on my sleeping husband. I sit on the bed and watch him, if I tell him he looks cute he may hit me but he did.

I was upset about what he said but I was starting to understand him. He was the oldest and used to handling everything with his father, Kit was learning and helped but he wasn't used to anyone interfering.

I only wanted to help, I can't stop myself from doing so again in the future but I would do it in a better way, Beam was exceptionally smart and could handle things but I wanted him to know he had me too.

I take his hand with the matching bracelet and kiss it. Whatever made you think I would divorce you Beam? Being possessive run in every branch of the family, it was in our blood. My family had a legend too, we never let the ones we caught get away, and you fell right into my arms. I was never letting you go.

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