CH 13 - A new situation

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"MING KWAN!!!" P'Kit yelled.

"I didn't, I didn't, I didn't do it p." Ming's hugging P'Kit around the waist.

"This is what you were up to when you went off??" P'Kit yells.

"No P'Kit, I was helping people." Ming whines. "I only love you."

"Oh, I see." P'Ahn interrupts before P'Kit can get loose. "You're his KitKat."

P'Kit blushes, it's Ming's nickname for him, the family know, and the villagers... okay fine anyone he's likely to talk to he tells them about my brother. So if she knows...

"P'Ahn." I interrupt quickly before P'Kit kills my best friend. "Were you in dragon form that time?"

"Yes." She nods. "It would be inappropriate to be in human form with a man for the night unless we were engaged."

"Dragon?" P'Kit frowns.

"So, you can turn into a human P'Ahn?" Ming's finally out of shock. "You never mentioned it, when we had tea."

"It was our first meeting." She sighs. "And you had come to try and get rid of me."

"You met a dragon and told them about me?" P'Kit looks annoyed.

"Of course p." Ming smiles. "I tell everyone about you."

"Let's go inside, I need to sit down." P'Beam shakes his head.

When P'Sing wants a word with father, P'Beam thinks it's best to talk to everyone, its family and we should all know this. Everyone watches P'Ahn drink tea after they realise she is a dragon, she acts like a lady mostly, except she keeps holding P'Win's hand. But in her defence, I haven't seen P'Win try and stop her, he seems to be enjoying it.

Ming's putting sweets on P'Kit's plate, and pouring him tea, looking happy again now P'Kit isn't mad at him.

P'Sing turns to father, he's a little hesitant before asking him. "Did Yo's mother have magic?"

"No." He frowns looking at me. "She was a merchant's daughter, like me."

"Anyone in her family line?" He asks.

"It did come up in a conversation with her father once." He thinks back. "But there was no one."

"You think Wayo has magic?" Mother asks worriedly. "And it's hurting him?"

"He's sensitive to magic." P'Sing tells mother. "I'm trying to figure out why."

P'Ahn stays silent, but I see her looking at me randomly, as P'Sing explains the rest to my parents. I put my head on P'Beam's shoulder when I feel sick again, mother halts the conversation telling them I need to rest. She stays with me until I fall asleep.


I keep thinking about what P'Ahn had told me. The spell wasn't done, what did that mean? He couldn't willingly take me but I needed to see where he lived. So how could I manage that?

Ming and P'Win showed up early, P'Ahn walked happily to talk to P'Win while Ming ran too P'Kit and hugged him. P'Beam had breakfast in bed, Monty did sober him but that didn't stop the hangover. When I checked on him, he told me never to let him drink again...

When aunty and uncle showed up to talk to my parents about the upcoming marriage, and both aunty and mother immediately settled into a deep conversation with P'Ahn about outfits, I ran for my life.

I found the Angels waiting for me near the river, we sat on the bank, eating fresh jam tarts as we talked, and they wanted the full story again. Ming showed up a few minutes later, he sat and listened to what happened.

"You knew about the beast?" Monty glares at Ming.

"I'm his best friend!" Ming glares back. "I know everything!"

After talking, and the little the Angels knew about curses, they agreed. He couldn't allow anyone where he lived, usually, that place contained clues on the curse.

But, if a situation occurred in the forest, it could happen that I wound up at his house. And what they meant about situation was...

"We could push Yo off a hill."

"Broken leg, the beast has to take care of him." Monty nods along.

"Throw him over the falls in the forest?"

"Half drowning?"

"That might become full." I snap. "I can't swim."

"Why be so picky E'Yo." Monty snorts.

"Are you helping me or killing me." I yell.

"Killing you." Ming takes my last tart.

I push him down the bank, but the bastard manages to eat the tart before falling. It isn't long before we all follow, Chicken and Monty squeak holding each other tumbling. We knew this ground shaking, the troll seemed angry again. We follow the bend to the bridge, to find all the miller boys and the fishmongers sons attacking the troll.

Ming jumps in when one of the miller boys is going to hit him with a mace, an actual bloody mace! The Angels hold hands as they begin to cast spells, shit this will not end well. Before I can do anything, bully 1 sees me and punches me before I can duck.

As I go down, I kick his knee, he screams. Before he can lunge for me he's suspended in mid-air, Monty's eyes are focused, he gets thrown nearly 10 feet away, into the lake.

Ming and the troll are fighting well; they know how to throw punches. The Angels begin casting, focusing on one person at a time, more people fall off the bridge into the water. It isn't long before it's over, Ming warns them to stay away and he will tell the Mayor.

"What the hell were you bastards trying to do to my troll?" P'In yells, running over with a pie.

The ruffians are all getting up or swimming out of the water, while P'In threatens them. He gives the troll the pie as he checks him. When he sees the troll's arm bleeding; we see a fire in his eyes.

"You will pay for this." P'In seethes.

The troll try's to calm him, when he raises his arm towards the bridge.

Everyone's already run for cover, I'm about to hide by the tree, when I see bully 1 on the shore, take something from his pocket. It shimmers and sparkles as he gets ready to use it, a magic feather, he's looking at the troll.

When it turns into swirling sand, I know what the spell is, I run and tackle the troll out of the way. I thought I managed it but it caught my sleeve, the small tornado pulling me in, twisting and turning. I hear my name yelled before the funnel of wind moves fast, heading up and across the sky, making me realise I hate heights.

No sooner has it begun to move, I feel something warm wrap around me before I'm gently pulled away from the magic holding me and down towards the forest. But the spell isn't giving up, the tornado is back trying to catch me, but the forest magic is holding me firmly. The tornadoes trying to pull me towards the sky, while the forest magic is pulling me to safety and the ground.

When the spell unexpectedly seizes me in a vicious hold, I slam into a branch feeling a sharp pain in my back. The forest magic rages; it rips the spell apart before it can touch me again. I'm okay, I try and reassure the forest but I can still feel its anger.

The magic has always been there warm but never this active, I slowly get lowered towards the ground. Looking around I see nothing I recognise, but a large building nearby comes into view.


Its P'Pha, he rushes over to where the forest is lowering me, he takes my arm as my feet touch the floor.

"What happened?" He growls, touching my face.

"I was in a fight." I tell him.

He picks me up, walking towards the large house, cursing about wanting to hit who did this to me. I feel a familiar hum as we near the building, I never needed to plan anything, the forest had brought me where I wanted to go. To P'Pha.

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